
Action Scene Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"The fist fight with the big guy - it's just awesome to watch Indy's super outmatched."
"Like she leans over with the dual magnums and fires like throw promethean at Halsey, I always thought that shot was kind of cool."
"In the scene in which Indy and his father tried to escape in a Zeppelin, Indy throws Vogel out of a window."
"The shootout scene from 'Parabellum' was a touch of class mixed with an overdose of bullets."
"Dumping the lead onto the Alien as it lets out a screech."
"That's a lot of bows the Rangers unload all of their arrows into the incoming Orcs And manage to pick up four of them brutal."
"The female cop rescue scene is the ultimate perfect scene of this movie."
"When facing the elite vampire Thomas, Fett struggled a bit. His teammate Dutch secretly assisted him, hitting Thomas's shoulder twice but not aiming for his head."
"They hurled themselves inside the helicopter using the plastic gun to force the pilot to take off despite her henchman's pathetic struggles all officer officer could do was stare upwards in awe as her master plan went up in smoke."
"Holy [ __ ] in a scene out of a movie you pop Kirilenko mid-free fall and get thrown a parachute to land safely alongside the rest of your squad in Texas."
"That's like the end of John wick isn't it where he has that amazing shootout in the nightclub."
"As a film, Captain Marvel really starts gaining momentum when Carol Danvers crashes through the roof of a Blockbuster on Earth."
"She smashes her way out of the cage and with a combination of Earthbending and her newfound metal bending easily turns the tables on her captors."
"The money shot of this trailer: a green goblin punking grenade is tossed up from the collapsed edge of the overpass."
"He twirls his blasters back up to Mikko dead or alive."
"After he reunites with Harley, their helicopter gets shot down and he blows up. Oh my god."
"down in the street three blocks over in the parking lot we need to kill the gaijin assassin first few movie fans were pining for an"
"Jake struggles to aim correctly. The hollow throws Enoch around the room using its long tentacles."
"I loved the whole climactic ending they're in this you know it's this super epic Classic Hollywood Blockbuster style ending uh with all this liquid magma flying around everywhere."
"Maki decimates her father in one swipe of the sword."
"One of the pirates was on the shuttle, punching Freya!"
"The chase scene, the parkour, all that animation work was just incredible."
"The result of the fight is Mandarin gets blown out of a window with no one giving chase."
"He drew his sword, striking anyone in a red tunic."
"The mall setting also gives the fight a genuine '80s vibe, which is always welcome."
"In a film with an invisible car and James Bond surfing on a glacier-induced tidal wave, the fight is, for the most part, free of complete ludicrousness."
"That Zoro moment is great, Zoro's just standing there and he's just like, okay, slash. That's it, the end, moving on."
"The bus fight scene is one of the greatest MCU fights to date."
"how can you not Marvel at Tom Cruise in a high-speed car chase with only one hand free I'm intrigued to see where the AI storyline goes in part two and it remains to be seen if this will indeed be the final mission."
"The huge dragon suddenly opened its yellow eyes and began to move."
"Wow, look at the guy on the front of this helicopter, he's like falling off!"
"It's a really good fight as Ratchet leaves Vox to die in an explosion of his own making."
"I would rate this a nine out of 10 because they do a really good job at the rooftop battle scene."
"It's a beautiful scene because they use it not only to show off how badass Tony's new suit and weaponry is but also to show you how unstoppable Thanos is."
"Thor kicks ass for a little while and proves he's worth it."
"Before his death, he witnesses Eleven take down a chopper in the most epic way possible."
"Tony Stark in his Iron Man suit outruns these F-22s initially, at least by his acceleration to supersonic."
"Finally, he disposes of two vampires in a stylish shower of blood."
"Luke Skywalker shows up in what could best be described as an ass-kicking scene."
"Probably the absolute highlight of the whole thing though is when the DB5 is forced to a stop in the middle of a square and is promptly blasted from all sides."
"Alucard himself reappearing completely unfazed by The Barrage of bullets."
"The t1000 could form additional limbs when necessary, like in the helicopter scene where it grew two extra arms and reloaded a machine gun."
"The forest fight is definitely something to write home about. Optimus Prime does what he does best, kicking Decepticon butt despite being completely outnumbered."
"That fight scene showed Batman every aspect."
"That fight scene in the prison was the most exciting."
"Here we see Moon Knight kick some serious butt."
"Nicholas Cage literally fights Willie our main and antagonist."
"There's a fight on the top of the train, and I think it looks good and I'm sure they did a lot of it for real."
"That is one of the coolest opening action scenes I think I've ever seen in a movie."
"Seriously, did they film an entire action scene and then just decide not to show it to us?"
"A good action scene has emotional weight behind it, affecting the participants in a significant way, driving from the characters' personalities, temperaments, and relationships."
"The woman goes onto the creature and tries to cut into it's back, but Tong jumps towards her and pushes her off the monster."
"The chandelier dropped bits of table and crockery smashed into the walls."
"He just jumps out of the window and starts running down the side of the building which is awesome."
"Flash is oozing with happiness as Superman jumps from one plane to another, destroying the whole air fleet within minutes."
"She had to rehearse quite a bit and time out her movements so that he could be replaced with a CG character I think the coolest move that I've done I'm on top of this like 6'8 man's shoulder just punching down and then flipping so it's all pretty cool."
"The creature quickly turns the tide, as he begins shooting lasers towards the man, while pushing the hunter backwards and crashing into the buildings."
"Yami passes his Katana to Asta who grabs it and uses it with anti-magic Asta manages to land a slash on Dante Who falls to the ground."
"...when choso tries to kill Kaku with a point blank piercing blood the top of his head spins and deflects it this is called Fallen Samurai..."
"Doctor Strange and Peter fight in the mirror dimension was that was cold."
"And in John Wick 3 when he fights that like eight-foot-tall guy in the library, like he could have just killed that guy, he decided to like rip his jaw off and then line his head up on the spine of a book and snap his neck, like he could have killed him quick."
"Ratchet pulls out so many guns from literally nowhere and Jax fights them all off with Eco, his own gun's versatile output, and by standing there."
"...there's examples of it that have worked I think well there's a truck flip it's not really the same but in the dark night where they really flip a truck... take a real slip yeah take that any day of the way"
"The duel is quick and relentless, and though it ends a tad too soon, it's still a great showcase for the little green Jedi's skills and the compassion he has for his allies."
"The warehouse fight scene is the thing that sold me. It's the first time I felt this way for a Marvel film in five years."
"The unique action scene of this movie, the big flying pirate ships, felt Uncharted. It felt like it belonged to the games, and that's a compliment to the movie."
"Uri fires one off at miuri and miri manages to dodge it, but the moment he does, uri is above him and he shoots another one."
"You just witnessed the biggest action scene at a mangaka."
"That fight scene was a nice fight scene."
"The fight with the dragon is basically a giant Jaws reference. I'm not joking you can look this up."
"Hold on tight," Haley screamed as she veered off the road.
"Incoming!" Lee screamed as the plane torpedoed into the helicopter.
"The bathroom fight scene is amazing. It's Henry Cavill and Tom Cruise versus a guy that they're after. And they all kind of fight differently."
"That Yoda fight was badass, I don't care what nobody said."
"The final fight scene in this is just great."
"This epic car chase couldn't be more visually entertaining to watch."
"Seriously watch the scene again and just try to imagine the courage and skill you'd need to pull off the scene."
"We got to see Striga fight and go all out against a bunch of people, but then it had an emotional impact afterwards that meant something to her."
"That Gurney chase out of the back of the ambulance was like one of the cooler action sequences I've seen in an anime."
"It was one of the best action scenes of that season."
"Gohan launching towards him with a massive blast coming his way, completely eradicating Raditz."
"Seeing Iron Man mow down drones, that's fun to watch."
"The racecar sequence where Whiplash shows up, very cool special effects."
"The moment when Lord Boros punched Saitama to the moon... to the moon!"
"This drone being knifed by the ODST, I love that Alpha 9 is assaulting up against this Hunter."
"It's that moment, music playing in the background, running down the hall, laser bolts flying, bouncing against the wall."
"I love the scene where he's at the end with the machine gun, just phenomenal movie and it's violent and it's just like I can watch this right now."
"I think the best we could hope for there is like a scene where we have Batman in like the BvS warehouse fight scene."
"I could watch that scene of him killing all those people in a church with Free Bird playing forever."
"That fight in midair bliss was everything a little kid could ever imagine because we never seen anything like that before."