
Prince Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Prince wrote every word, sang every lyric, and played every single instrument on his debut album."
"Purple Rain sent Prince from respected musician to stratospheric superstar."
"Prince's Super Bowl halftime performance had the majority of the world in his hand."
"Prince was very big on ownership as a Black man."
"It was just one of those tracks that, you know, it was a great Prince dance track."
"Prince knew that you could use pauses and silence for suspense, for building, for impact, and 'Kiss' is a perfect example of that."
"Say what you want about Prince; he was an amazing, amazing musician, amazing talent."
"It may come as a pretty big surprise... but music legend Prince was a devout Jehovah’s Witness."
"In a long list of divinely inspired Prince compositions, When Doves Cry hovers above with everlasting grace and artistic achievement."
"Prince was something else, one of the greatest musicians of all time."
"From being at the Oscars, reading the reviews, being at his house that day, there have been too many moments, there are always magical moments with Prince."
"I was always a huge Prince fan. Love his music, forever and ever, amen."
"I think Prince is probably the best artist that's ever existed."
"Legolas is the son of Thranduil and the grandson of Oropher which of course makes him a prince and heir to the throne of the Woodland Realm."
"She never wanted to be linked to the royal family, so she put a line between them, but in the end, she fell for the second Prince."
"The prince will return to the Palace as a war hero, and a banquet will be held to honor him."
"Even though it's not hard to prove his innocence of the Hideous crimes of Jack the Ripper, the fact remains that a prince of the realm somehow got himself linked to five vicious murders."
"He is more driven to win than any other prince and for genuinely good reasons as well."
"That's why I'm breaking off my engagement."
"Can you believe the prince is single now?"
"Prince transcended music from song to song. He transformed and innovated; he was more than just an artist, he was an icon."
"Prince's success is a testament to nothing but sheer dedication and hard work."
"Prince was an actual artist though."
"The game-changer for me was seeing Prince in Purple Rain at 13 or 14."
"Let’s Go Crazy’ knocked me over my head, but then when I heard ‘The Beautiful Ones’ it was all over."
"Since Prince's death worldwide press have rhapsodized about Prince's otherworldly talents and profound impact on pop music"
"To sum up Prince's Legacy would be about his sheer raw talent a guy who could play every single instrument on every single track on every album who released 39 albums in his career and left thousands of songs in a vault in his home on his death"
"It's like one word he said, the word Prince."
"He was enjoying life as a spoiled prince, and knew the throne would be his one day anyway, so why kill his father just so he could do the same things he was already doing, except now doing it as King, and making his dynasty look worse."
"If there's one thing we can agree on, it's that Prince was cool."
"Machiavelli wished to show how careful a people should be before entrusting its welfare to a single prince."
"A prince giving a hand job? Jesus!"
"Prince was a very caring man that wanted to lay down some groundwork based on what he's been through in this industry for the next generation."
"Fairytales aren't just about finding handsome princes."
"You're just saying that because you're a prince," she said, crossing her arms.
"She steals the prince at the ball, and he just goes with her because he loves her."
"I have no idea if they want me to settle a Prince and Michael Jackson debate."
"Prince is something that I've got a massive passion for. If I could, I'd just give everybody them for free."
"This is the chorus sound used by Metallica Prince Crowded House and many many more artists."
"Don't let the showmanship fool you. Prince is arguably the baddest man that ever walked the planet, just saying."
"It's like dude, it's like seeing Prince live, you can't explain it to people."
"I'm not scared of you because my prince will come for me."
"You're my prince from the dreams? Huh, you dreamed of me?"
"Prince Andrew, the worst part is he was hanging out. That's my thing - he's a prince, that's what princes do, whatever they want."
"What a pretty flower," said the prince. "I must have it."
"That Prince is so handsome whoa I look good I gotta get back to the castle before everyone wakes up."
"She served it to me in the beginning of the performance in the lip sync, and I was like, 'Okay, Prince is really feeling this.'"
"It's the prince of all Saiyans, I'm ready"
"Prince recorded the biggest song of 1984."
"Prince knows how to make people dance. He's funky."
"People began to clink glasses for the life of Prince Layman, the prince of the slums."
"You're a princess, you're a prince."
"Prince was hilarious. It was weird to see him actually be comedic and silly because so much of his Persona in movies and on television was so serious and cool."
"Prince had this dichotomy between sin and salvation."
"...that's the brilliance of Prince, man, the legality."
"Who needs a magic scepter when you've got a real Prince to protect you?"
"Those around Edward couldn't help but remark that the prince treated everybody with dignity and respect."
"Party prince, Heimdall will be watching."
"So, you think that was the same thing with Prince? Oh yeah, definitely, with Prince, because he... he was so firm in just what he wanted to do. Which, I don't know, if he genuinely wanted to wear dresses, I don't really get it."
"Prince made dance music that rocked and rock music that had a bristling funky backbone."
"Purple Rain elevated Prince from cult hero to superstar."
"Prince hit an artistic peak with 'Sign of the Times' in 1987."
"Peter is very much our concern now that it is clear that he is our crown prince."
"Yeah, we had Sunset Sound, and little did I know that was Prince studio where he did Purple Rain at, so I was like I'm a Prince baby, I'm like a Prince head."
"Prince is the best all-around musician of my lifetime."
"Prince was playing like Michael Jordan in heels."
"Aegon is all that could be wanted in a prince."
"Prince was a cosmic force of the universe."
"He was the most honest of writers; if you want to know who Prince is, listen to his music."
"But as with everything Prince plays, it just comes out funky."
"There was a melancholy to Prince Rhaegar, a sense of doom."
"I dreamed of you," said the prince.
"I am Theseus, The Prince, and the son of Queen Pasiphae."
"I think Prince was pretty amazing."
"The prince was happy to see the girl off but a drop of regret could be seen on his face."
"It was time for the prince to endure the next difficult chapter of his life in a foreign land."
"Prince plays music because he loves to play music. It's for the love."
"Every time I go to First Avenue, I think of Prince whipping the bike around the front."
"That was Prince's favorite place ever."
"A handsome prince came riding into the kingdom."
"She said, 'My prince, I've been waiting for you.'"
"I spent most of 2016 listening to Prince, trying to sound like this funky black dude from Minneapolis."
"I like to think that was Prince at his best, and that was the heart of who he was."
"The best publicity for Prince is Prince."
"Prince plays every instrument on it, you know, drums and everything, and it's a mind blower."
"In 1982, what pop star declared his musical intention to 'Party Like It's 1999'? Prince."
"It is saying worthy of the majesty of the prince to recognize oneself as subject to the law."
"I like her, I saw a prince today, he was so handsome."
"It mentions the leader of this expedition as a prince Mooksis."
"Rosalind is intent on staying close to the prince to guard him."
"The prince dreams of Rosalind while he sleeps, and she comforts him."
"It became the first Prince album in many years to hit the number one spot immediately on the Billboard album chart."
"Prince much like he had done before on albums like Sign o' the Times, proving again to the world that he was a master of many different styles."
"Prince was on top of the charts, performing incredible shows and releasing incredible music backed by the might of a major label and at that time all seemed right in the purple world."
"Prince was an extraordinary genius."
"Prince was extremely professional."
"I'm personally glad he didn't do it because what we actually did... that's one of the amazing things about Prince."
"I really respect the fact that people could come in in one capacity and Prince would give them the opportunities to do different things."
"I knew Prince was a superstar... one of the most explosive entertainers you've ever seen in your life on stage."
"Prince is obviously the best musician of all time."
"The failure of 'Graffiti Bridge' at the box office proved to be a turning point for Prince."
"This revelatory book is a deeply personal and candid discussion of who Prince really was."
"12th prince is born a filial son. Quite extraordinary."
"Me and you do the kind of stuff that only Prince would sing about."
"Prince is one of the most dynamic performers you will ever see."
"And so concludes the ballad of the prince and the low-class warrior."
"The little prince seems to have calmed down slightly."
"When we played at the Superdome and Prince had them turn the house lights on because he wanted to see the crowd, it was like 90,000 people."
"Thank you for all the great music you've given us and for continuing to keep that legacy alive of Prince and the Revolution."
"Nothing beats Prince, that's just... yeah."
"It's one of a kind like Prince brings his unique vibe and the instrumentation and he just... it's so catchy, it's unbelievably catchy as well."
"Quinland was not a cursed monster, a prince born of the forest of Darkness."
"Born mutant, deaf, Boji is relatively seen by most of the public as a dumb and useless prince."
"He respected Prince as an artist the moment he heard Purple Rain."
"Prince knew how to deliver stage presence better than anyone."