
System Management Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"The master tells the worker nodes what to do, keeping everything in line."
"Kubernetes simplifies scaling and load balancing effortlessly."
"Mini Metro’s UI needs to be simple so things don’t become too overwhelming as it gets more hectic as you gain new train lines and stations."
"Make sure we don't waste our time and bombard the system with a bunch of random things."
"Terraform is very intelligent, it can figure out what needs to get created."
"We're now adding data, we are deleting data. This is looking awesome."
"As with any system, I think it's really important to keep tabs on how it's going and be willing to modify that system as you learn what's working and what isn't."
"You've now successfully edited all of the registry edits inside of here and we're then good to go ahead and exit out."
"You can make mistakes here that will definitely mess up your system, so be wary of running as root."
"Every file on the system is owned by somebody and other people may or may not have permission to look at that file or do things with it."
"Activating AUR and selecting a long-term support kernel are crucial for Arch Linux."
"Pac-man is the tool you need in Arch for system updates and package management."
"I want my water system to be predictable and easy to understand for me in the future."
"It just works and you have so much control literally over every aspect of those components."
"It's such the core of the thing I want to have access in case my the way I split it off from there gets weird."
"Just like that, we have five Kubernetes pods running."
"Always ensure your cPanel is up to date for security."
"KillBackground8 closes background apps with one click."
"This is what allows you to mount the entire thing in your UNIX file system and now you can write applications that are running in the regular standard Process Model that are actually part of the web."
"That's the best way to troubleshoot. You saw the first thing I did was I went and I checked my endpoint manager settings just to see if the file was created or not and it wasn't."
"With Ansible, I make the change on my control station, I say control station commander, 'I will have to change all my servers, do it now!'"
"It's pipe throughput issues, a lot in general."
"When the system senses a threat, it shuts down and reboots."
"Using bus bars keeps the system clean and it's just easy to manage."
"You can only do sysprep on one machine, on one image, eight times."
"In terms of getting Proxmox back up and running, it was honestly super easy."
"One of the ways is defunding it... then it won't work. People will be angry... that's a standard technique for privatizing some system."
"I've literally run stuff that I shouldn't have run if this was an emergency outage. I really think I could push this system to maybe 18 to 24 hours."
"You really have to ask what are the goals that your system is trying to achieve, and are you better off rewriting those goals or motivating the system than micromanaging it."
"The one that really gives us exactly what we were looking for in a Consolidated View and provides us with details of our system is the IP Command."
"It's important to understand both sys5 and system d, but you should know that all systems going forward are going to be system d."
"And by the end of the video, you'll definitely know why you shouldn't mess around too much in the system directory where the drivers are."
"A great thing about Synaptic is that it checks that you have everything you need on your system to make the program work. This is referred to as resolving dependencies."
"That's the thing we want to make sure, that someone can take the system for the van, and say yes, we can do this."
"As you're kind of doing your spring cleaning, um, you know, maybe the system has changed hands a lot of times, really nice way to just be able to quickly go in and remove things that are not being used in system."
"System information is what we just looked at, and that I find a really handy area of being in NetSuite when you want to track what's going on with the record or transaction."
"Managing packages on your system is a very important skill to master."
"The zone board's kind of the brains of the operation."
"You can monitor the whole system externally all the time."
"This makes it really easy to upgrade and also importantly to rollback."
"Top management is accountable for the health and safety management system."
"The /etc directory holds the host-specific system configuration files, which are vital for the system's operation."
"Now it was his job to weld together the two parts of the system: the men and the machines."
"Giving your people the best ability to have a reliable system is paramount."
"I think what we want out of our platforms is to take care of the local system and let all networking concerns really should be handled at the application level."
"Htop is an interactive process viewer."
"We're going to be covering the general design and graphical interface, storage, user accounts, security, alerts, and basically walking our way through the entire dashboard."
"Kubernetes is being used by a lot of companies and they're really using it to help manage complex existing systems."
"When you use ANDU, it uses a wizard in System Manager and most of the process is done automatically for you."
"What I think is new is that this makes an emphasis on bringing all these things together in an engineered system that represents something in the real world and allows us to manage that something."
"If you operate DNS without an API in front of it, it's pure misery."
"The logger command... lets you just write things into your system log."
"It's a very flexible and powerful UI management system."
"Managing the system is much more important than what material my drum is made out of."
"You get this spiffy dashboard that tells you memory usage, CPU usage, local disk usage."
"For recording the internal system activities of SAP, you can use System Trace."
"We have taken some important steps here to make the operations of these components much easier."
"Let the system do the work for you."
"It's not about managing a bunch of abstract component models; it's actually about being able to take a real system that's been assembled and bring it to life."
"We have to adapt to these systems and actually act as if we were smarter than we think we actually are."
"Observability is an umbrella term that describes things like monitoring, logging, alerting, tracing, dashboards, and much more."
"It's making systems behave the way that we want, not the way that they want."
"User should not care how something got started if it's running in the background and so on; the system should take care of that."
"In order to optimize a system, you have to subordinate the subsystems."
"Git is a single source of truth for your whole system."