
Edginess Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"This is an edgy Sonic, this is a Sonic for a new generation, a Sonic who runs away from demons on a motorcycle."
"If you're edgy, you're entertaining us, and you're giving a message, you'll win every [ __ ] time."
"Holy [__], he really doesn't miss an opportunity... that's real edgy comedy."
"You're just too fast like Sonic the Hedgehog but edgier."
"Being truly edgy and being controversial it's just not cool and everybody's all afraid to offend people."
"A leather jacket instantly makes anything look edgier."
"He's like a radio DJ that is. He's pretty edgy. That's pretty edgy. You can't say that on the radio, yeah, but he say it anyway."
"The film's blatant attempt to be edgy is honestly one of its charms."
"ECW was renowned for its edgy mature themed storylines and cutting-edge promos that pushed the boundaries of what was acceptable when pro wrestling."
"It's too dark, it's too edgy, it's too aggressive, too borderline political, too good."
"It just feels like it has a lot more edge to it than ever before."
"It's cool to be edgy again. It's coming back in a big way."
"She's a little edgier and lives in more of a moral gray area within this group."
"It's also someone who appreciates a bit of an edgy look."
"...something genuinely edgy and I think a lot of young people are starting to reconnect with that so I think it's really positive."
"Valentino's work... just feels dangerous, you know? It feels underground."
"It's sexy, it's dirty, it's badass."
"He gets a bonus point for being a bad boy."
"You've got a lot of cuts for a fairly sentient toaster. I've had praise bites back before but your edgy spirit is just snow. Okay, oh yeah."
"I think these Converse sneakers add just a really nice cool sort of Punky Edge to an outfit."
"It's as close as the Disney channel will get to rated R."
"He knows exactly where to be edgy where he can make it seem like he has no filter to excite his audience."
"Yeah this is one of the edgiest anime I’ve ever seen, but I think the cringe is intentional because it’s limited to the main character, who’s a kid."
"I've been real edgy lately, my emotions are like in a bag and my heart's like shaking them up."
"'That sounded edgy as hell and he did not say it in a goofy way, so I'm excited.'"
"Intellectually it's not edgy, but when you think of taking down the archetypal religious institution, you think of a rock star, a comedian, just against the system."
"It's getting to that twitchy stage."
"I love an edgy little bastard who fell into the abyss."
"The impact of Hell of a Boss is through all of these really dark storylines, through all these really depraved characters doing hilariously edgy things."
"He's got a bit of an edge to him, you know?"
"I love that humor where it feels a little dangerous... you don't know how far they're going to take it."
"If you have an edgy teen near you, go ahead and send this to them, their edginess is gonna be like over 9000."
"...most of the people who make those types of jokes are trying a little too hard to be edgy and not trying hard enough to be funny..."
"...you trying to say how you're not like the other Comedians and you're not like the other boys the farther they lean into being edgy often the farther they lean away from trying to be funny..."
"I am living for these bangs. They gave a great look to the length of this hair and they add some Edge to the cut."
"Comedy turned edgier and more political."
"It's exactly the type of edgy I like seeing, it's edgy done in a comedic fashion."
"I think it's really feminine and pretty, but it has a bit of an edge to it, which I really like."
"It's an interesting mix and has a vintage feel, but at the same time, there's an edge to it."
"If you want to be edgy, you have to be on the edge of something."
"When you get a show with an edge like Breaking Bad, House of Cards... they get such huge ratings."
"I love that this is a neutral but it has this edgy twist."
"Oh, that's so cool because that was edgy, you know, 12 years old, that was really edgy."
"Sheep are not known for being super edgy or cool or anything, so the fact that she is a sheep character but she's trying to be super edgy, kind of cool."
"It's such a freaking cool perfume, like edginess and spunk in a bottle."
"Making something really beautiful but also giving it the intrigue, of course, but giving it a bit of edge."
"It's a cool girl name, it's an edgy cool girl name."
"This to me really feels like that edgy, cool like model off-duty creamy glossy looking eye palette."
"It's the whole point of Comedy to sort of say something that it's a little like jarring and off the edge and it gets some people uncomfortable but makes some people laugh."
"It's a picture of human existence that has an edge to it."
"It's edgy, it's a little dark, a little mysterious, but it has that really sharpness to it."
"It means Trio, but I find that it's just this sort of simplicity, this edginess, and this beauty."
"You know, mix that hip-hop with that R&B, it's gonna be a little more edgy, and it's gonna be a little more street."
"Bold, a little bit edgier, a little bit unexpected, still neat and elegant and expensive, but perhaps striking."
"I love the nonsense, I love the stuff that toes the line."
"They're very interesting to me just because they're very a little bit more edgy."
"It's still challenging, it's not just easy to digest boxed up pop music, it's got some edginess to it, it's got attitude."
"Yes, New Who is a show for all the family, but I just think it needs to show a bit more teeth than it usually does."
"Sonic was this edgy, sarcastic, totally hip radical dude who had a big mouth and a big attitude."
"And one of the edgiest designs I think Bratz has ever done is pretty unfunk Jade."
"I don't think any singer who is engaging on stage goes on stage feeling completely confident because that takes away that edginess that is so important to live performance."
"He looks at contemporary life through a different lens, he introduces an edge into his pictures."
"More nudity? Well, we don't want to get in trouble now, but we'll ride the line."
"Most of the things in the Sugar Thrills range are really cute, pastel, pretty, feminine, with kind of like a badass kind of edge to them."
"I love street magic, it was edgy because we're on the Edge and I thought that was awesome."
"I would love to do something really edgy."
"I've always wanted to see Superman with an edge, and you gave edge where it needed to be given."
"It's a classic brand, but I like the little bit of hardware, the edginess."
"Comedy has to be a little bit mean."
"Pointed toe shoes... instantly make your outfit look so much more cool and edgy and polished."
"I wanted it to sort of have a sort of a warmth but an edge."
"It's okay, no harm done. You're just awful edgy," Applejack said, hugging back.
"She has an edgy look to her, and I think she's really, really well polished."
"She's the perfect combination of like edgy but also so elegant and classy."
"It's really a great shape, even though it's edgy, it's still pretty."
"I feel like it's a little edgy and a little sexy, and I love the color."
"They're so edgy, they give me like this chic fashion-forward vibe."
"There is nothing more cool, nothing more edgy, and also nothing more chic and sophisticated than wearing an all black look."
"I wanted to buy like a florally sort of dress for summer, mainly because I wanted to buy one and wear it like with Doc Martens or trainers and kind of like make it like a bit more edgy."
"It's really relevant right now, really pretty and more edgy."
"I am in love with this whole entire look. It's giving me edge, it's giving me like a little hood, a little classy."
"The colors are really different, very edgy."
"I love the way they incorporate edge and femininity into their pieces."
"The 90s matrix style... kind of futuristic and edgy and a little bit like street style, kind of mysterious."
"This whole look is very effortless; it has that edge that I like."
"I like stuff that looks simple but has a little touch of edginess to it."
"It gives me a little bit of masculinity that I like, okay, sexy feminine masculine type of look that I love, very edgy."
"I love how slouchy it is; it has a very motorcycle-esque vibe."