
Academic Interest Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"I am going to demand that you come back... I'm legitimately demanding that you come back because next time I want to do all history."
"The controversies that followed Professor Moynihan in and out of government did not diminish student interest in Professor Moynihan's courses..."
"It's fair to say that it truly is one of the most interesting and nested subjects in the history of video games."
"Geology, paleontology, oceanography, meteorology, and others—the earth sciences are fascinating."
"Straffan's case has intrigued criminologists, historians, and authors."
"Every time I took a philosophy class, I loved it more and more, no matter what the subject matter was."
"These are the kinds of scientific analyzes and studies that I like to see when it comes to cryptozoology."
"Launched a thousand academic ships but got a shrug of the shoulders from professional sports."
"There is always a way, Dr. Tobel is interested in my scientific volumes."
"Psychology was never about the study of the mind or the brain, but really what drew me into it was that to me it felt like something as close to spiritual spirituality within a secular academic world."
"I don't know about you, but I really enjoy studying about different cultures, and in many of them, there are depictions of mythological creatures."
"I think I'm leaning a little bit more towards that psychology field and neuroscience studies."
"Bowen is so keen on studying, he's gone to bed with the book."
"The corrupted blood incident got so infamous that apparently it's become a subject of study by actual epidemiologists."
"If the subject doesn't grab you, pick another."
"It's a highly influential one, it's one that people will study for years to come."
"This gauge theory applied to economic transactions...is deserving of attention in its own right."
"That should be something that should be reported on worldwide and should be, you know, the Academia should be looking at this."
"I was good at algebra but my I was also introduced to differential geometry and I loved it."
"The gem that is the Dueling Dinosaurs will quite literally spawn thousands of studies and years and years of interest and debate."
"What I find really fascinating is how recently some of these works were discovered."
"If you find it interesting, the examiner will too."
"My favorite course right now is a course on understanding statistics."
"We're just starting to get into some of the more interesting and touchier subjects that occupy the minds of paleoanthropologists."
"And for me, you know, having done all this work on, uh, on early Greek poetry which is always for me, that was always like the coolest group."
"...it makes it much easier to always link those achievements always link that sort of wider evidence if you like back into why you want to study your subject."
"Evidence of interest is the bulk of your statement."
"...where you prove that you're interested in your subject..."
"Studying Cryptids and zoology... I absolutely love."
"You look for persons who in their background and in their direct interests wish to teach and have a concern for the life of the scholar."
"The Sumerians, one of the earliest civilizations on Earth, are often mentioned in these discussions; they were known for their advances in astronomy, mathematics, and law, among other fields."
"The landscapes of everyday life, in particular the distinctive marks of culture and the visible features of inhabited spaces, has been a subject of interest in academic fields for some time."
"I really enjoyed the modules that were more animal behavior and cognition based."
"For grad school, I think they really like it, not too much maybe one project maybe, but it just really shows the diversity in your interest that I think is definitely a good thing."
"I love this subject. I think this is going to be really interesting, fun, hopefully not too scary."
"My favorite class was magic, witchcraft, and religion."
"Our main interest is in intellectual potential, potential for leadership."
"I'm interested in this from an academic perspective... I want my children and my grandchildren's grandchildren to be able to see wildlife."
"Physics is one of my favorite classes."
"I work on early Chinese thoughts of pre-Buddhist Chinese thought, particularly interested in Confucianism and what's called Taoism."
"It's a paper I would like to read this."
"He is really strong in science because he finds it really, really fascinating."
"She enjoyed watching soap operas, she babysat local kids to earn money, and joined the math club."
"I got really interested in areas like differential geometry, functional analysis, and the mathematical foundations of general relativity."
"This semester I get to take classes that I'm really interested in and that are directly applicable to my line of research."
"The early history of Rome is a fascinating subject that doesn't get nearly enough of the attention it deserves."
"I love the research and all of that."
"This is one of my favorite weeks of the course because this is my research specialty, is drug delivery."