
Kubernetes Quotes

There are 395 quotes

"Kubernetes can deploy 100 Docker containers with one command!"
"Kubernetes is amazing because it solves a huge problem we have with Docker containers."
"Kubernetes simplifies scaling and load balancing effortlessly."
"Kubernetes is the de facto standard in the industry in container orchestration."
"Now pretty much the first thing you're going to want to do when working with Kubernetes is take that application and put it in a container."
"There's a lot of different ways you can run things on Kubernetes, like using Helm charts."
"We're going to learn one of the most killer skills, most sought after skills in the IT industry right now: Kubernetes."
"Not only is doing this just freaking cool, you're also gonna learn a ton about Kubernetes along the way."
"Kubernetes is the magic, he's the orchestration."
"To install Kubernetes k3s, it's gonna be one simple command, that's really all it is."
"Here we go cube ctl get nodes. Boom, look at all those in a matter of moments."
"Kubernetes will auto magically load balance between all the nodes that have that app installed."
"Kubernetes: The Hard Way... so that everyone can learn how to do Kubernetes."
"Hello, learn Kubernetes, keep it up, you're learning awesome Kubernetes."
"After startup probe, only readiness and liveness will keep on running."
"Deployment is a Kubernetes object that creates the replica set internally."
"Stateful set also gives you some capabilities that can help you in running your stateful workloads."
"Volumes are the basic storage unit in Kubernetes that decouples the storage from the container and tie it to the pod."
"Knowing Kubernetes is a must when working in any cloud environment."
"Now let's actually verify the status of this Kubernetes cluster."
"Kubernetes control plane is running."
"Kubernetes has really become the de facto standard."
"Kubernetes isn't going anywhere; in fact, it's gaining more and more adoption in the industry."
"We need orchestration and Kubernetes has become the standard."
"Kubernetes is our winning service."
"Probably you want to manage all your services using a single IP address. Ingress can solve that problem."
"You can do multiple ingress controllers in the same Kubernetes cluster."
"Kubernetes has answers to all of these questions: auto healing, auto scaling."
"Even if your application is running on Kubernetes, to test it locally you can use Docker compose."
"I learned a ton about Kubernetes networking."
"Knative provides the building blocks for running serverless workloads on Kubernetes."
"This is required so that I can give a cluster name for my Kubernetes cluster."
"For example, you want to store a Kubernetes secret, okay, a TLS based Kubernetes secret, then you can use Kubernetes secret engine."
"Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager simplifies governance and compliance of your AKS workloads."
"Knowing containers and how to work with containers is an absolute must-have skill."
"Kubernetes essentially takes a declared state of how you'd like to configure your server, your micro-services, your containers, and it makes it happen."
"So now that we have done that, let's deploy this container on Kubernetes, right?"
"Kubernetes offers a really cool thing called the dashboard. It essentially is a GUI application for interacting with your cluster if you are command-line averse or you just would like a visualization."
"Metadata is really important because basically, the way Kubernetes is able to filter out through different deployments, different pods, different systems is through metadata."
"There are no shortages of examples of clusters or custom controllers that were written to support some of the use cases for which Kubernetes just isn't well suited out of the box."
"Paving a path to production on Kubernetes."
"Understanding basic networking concepts is crucial for Kubernetes administrators and developers."
"Helm is a package manager for kubernetes which basically means you can write files in the form of what are called templates."
"Kind is a really useful product for allowing you to run lightweight Kubernetes clusters inside of docker containers. It's useful for testing purposes and has most of the Kubernetes features."
"Set up CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins for deploying applications onto Kubernetes."
"Argo CD provides declarative continuous delivery for Kubernetes clusters."
"Argo CD monitors and manages application state within Kubernetes."
"By CI/CD, we could build an image, push it to container registry, and then deploy our application on Kubernetes cluster."
"Kubernetes has a feature called Auto healing."
"Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform."
"Kubernetes is the future of DevOps."
"What is Kubernetes? Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform."
"Cert Manager is an open source cloud native certificate management system for Kubernetes. It can obtain certificates from a variety of issuers, both public and private."
"Istio uses admission control to communicate with the API server and manage traffic."
"Admission controllers in Kubernetes intercept requests to etcd and can mutate or validate objects."
"Dynamic admission control is used by Istio to connect with the API server and manage traffic."
"What Kubernetes already gives you out-of-the-box is a rolling blue-green cutover."
"So what's the value of doing this granular percentage-based routing that Istio lets you do? You can scale and you can release new versions and rollback quickly just through the magic of Kubernetes delete YAML. So that's pretty neat."
"Keep your Kubernetes configuration as code."
"Kubernetes actually... doesn't enforce any opinions."
"It can be really easy to get up and running with containers and Kubernetes engine."
"Scaffold is perfect for standardizing and enabling iterative development with containers and Kubernetes."
"Kubernetes only runs containers, so you do need to get your software kind of wrapped up in a container."
"So once you have the cluster up, Kubernetes you tell Kubernetes what state you want the world to be in, and it's a job to keep it that way."
"This means now that our Kubernetes workloads can now take advantage of this video card."
"Podman and this is a bit of a bonus and it relates to the tooling that comes with podman notably in the podman desktop application whereby you can generate kubernetes manifest files from your pod deployments."
"We use gitops, where git acts as a single source of truth for deploying kubernetes manifests."
"Ensure proper tagging of Docker image for dynamic replacement in Kubernetes manifest file."
"It's the second most active project in the CNCF today, in fact, it's the second most active after Kubernetes itself."
"Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes, helping you install applications with default values from the package maintainers."
"For Grafana, we're going to use an existing secret for secure sign-in."
"Calico is a container networking solution that allows Kubernetes workloads to communicate seamlessly and securely."
"In the real world, HashiCorp Vault has become the de facto standard for secret management in Kubernetes."
"Kubernetes is constantly evolving."
"Kubernetes allows you to easily scale your applications by running multiple containers and having requests load balance between them automatically."
"One of the glaring challenges of deploying microservices to Kubernetes is figuring out network communication from the outside world into your clusters."
"Kubernetes is well-suited for a small footprint edge cloud."
"Instead of writing all that giant Kubernetes YAML, you can now define your Kubernetes services in HCL."
"Kubernetes is declarative, right? So what you're looking at here is me declaring that I want this particular application running. So this is nginx, and here's the contract that we have between you, the developer, and Kubernetes: this container."
"And now you'll see that already Kubernetes added some services that it uses and they're already part of this, so it's a good sign that it's using IPVS."
"The new image automatically gets deployed to the Kubernetes cluster using GitOps."
"Our job in Kubernetes is to make sure it automatically just works fingers crossed, and that your applications can talk to each other. They can talk in and out of the cluster, and they can only talk when you want them to talk and not more nor less."
"The point of Kubernetes is to run clusters, right? A cluster is natively a network. You can't comprehend Kubernetes without really understanding the network."
"It's really easy to get overwhelmed when we talk about Kubernetes. There's a lot of new terms. We are going to demystify that today for you, I hope so."
"Kubernetes does not orchestrate, it choreographs."
"In this video, I'm gonna show you how you can set up an ingress controller in your Kubernetes cluster using Traefik."
"Now that we have a Kubernetes cluster with an Ingress controller that can take traffic, and we also have Cert Manager, let's go ahead and deploy a Let's Encrypt issuer to our cluster."
"Hopefully this video helps set the foundation of understanding Kubernetes admission controllers and how to write your own first mutating web hook."
"Now, the first thing we're going to need is a Kubernetes cluster."
"Now, for this, I like to use a utility called kind, which allows me to create a Kubernetes cluster in a lightweight Docker container that I can use for testing."
"So, once this is finished, we now have a Kubernetes cluster."
"If you have Docker Desktop installed on your computer, you can also install Kind and you can use Kubernetes locally without incurring any charges. So, this is a great tool."
"The replica sets control how many instances of your pods are running."
"To deploy Cert Manager, I'm going to create a Kubernetes cluster using a utility called kind."
"For stateful applications like MySQL, we explored moving them onto kubernetes clusters using operators."
"Finally, we will create a persistent volume claim with the read write many attribute and mount it to separate applications to test shared access to that volume."
"We were able to successfully mount the same volume to two different applications by using read write many policy."
"In order to actually deploy this application in a Kubernetes environment on AWS, we're going to use a package manager for Kubernetes called Helm."
"The great thing about our helm installation is that Helm allows us to install the same project in any Kubernetes cluster."
"I hope this video helped you understand how infrastructure as code and Terraform can help you manage Kubernetes infrastructure in Amazon on EKS."
"Kubernetes Engine: it lets you talk to a whole cluster as if it's one big machine."
"If you're starting with Kubernetes, this is a really great place to start."
"You can use network load balancer to expose your Kubernetes service."
"So every time someone applies a deployment and a pod gets created or updated, Kubernetes API will make a call to this webhook that'll be able to inject a secret into our pod."
"Deployments configure replica sets that allow pod scaling as well as manage seamless updates to pods through rollouts and rollbacks."
"The first advantage that Kubernetes service offers you is load balancing."
"The second advantage is service discovery."
"The third advantage is exposing applications to the world."
"Welcome back to my channel! Today, we're diving into Kubernetes interview questions, a great way to test your understanding of the concepts we've covered."
"What is the difference between Docker and Kubernetes? Docker is a container platform, while Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform."
"What are the main components of Kubernetes architecture? You have control plane components like API server, scheduler, etcd, controller manager, and cloud control manager, as well as data plane components like kubelet, kube-proxy, and container runtime."
"What is the difference between a Docker container and a Kubernetes pod? A pod is a runtime specification for a container, allowing multiple containers to run together with shared resources and network."
"What is a namespace in Kubernetes? It's a logical isolation of resources, networks, and everything else within a Kubernetes cluster, allowing for multiple projects to share the same cluster without interference."
"So, what is the responsibility of scheduler? So, scheduler is basically responsible for scheduling your pods or scheduling your resources on Kubernetes."
"Cube CTL is nothing but like for Docker whenever you are trying to run any commands you have the docker CLI right, in kubernetes you have something called as Cube CTL, so Cube CTL is command line for kubernetes."
"The installation is done, so your Cube CTL is up and running."
"Your first ever kubernetes application is created and you were able to execute as well using Cube CTL get pods -o wide."
"So things are fine I have just installed my first pod my pod is running everything looks good I was even able to access the Pod once I SSH into the cluster."
"In Kubernetes, if you have sensitive information, store it in Secrets; if not, use Config Maps."
"The differentiation between Config Maps and Secrets lies in their handling of sensitive data and access control."
"Assume you are an interview you are in an interview and see if you can answer the difference between Docker and Kubernetes."
"Your users can create and extend Kubernetes by deploying a few resources."
"Custom Resource Definition (CRD) is used to introduce a new type of API to Kubernetes."
"Someone has to watch this custom resource so that something happens."
"So here instead of kind pod we are just modifying it and we are just saying it as kind deployment."
"Kubernetes offers an enterprise model by allowing users to define specifications in a YAML manifest instead of command-line options."
"Deployments in Kubernetes enable auto-healing and auto-scaling, essential for zero downtime and efficient resource management."
"Kubernetes says if you have non-sensitive data, store it in Config Maps; if you have sensitive data, store it in Secrets."
"Kubernetes recommends using RBAC to restrict access to Secrets, following the principle of least privilege."
"Config Maps and Secrets are both used to store data that can be later used by applications in pods."
"Kubernetes controllers, like replica sets, enforce the desired state defined in YAML manifests, ensuring consistency."
"In Kubernetes, creating a deployment automatically creates a replica set and, subsequently, pods, simplifying management."
"Kubernetes deployments abstract complexity, providing robust auto-healing and scaling capabilities for applications."
"Service is a very critical component of Kubernetes."
"Why do we need a service in Kubernetes and what happens if there is no service in Kubernetes?"
"Understanding Kubernetes architecture is crucial for leveraging its capabilities."
"Kubernetes aims to make complex concepts easy to understand."
"Kubernetes provides Auto-scaling, Auto-healing, and cluster-like behavior."
"Kubernetes provides a concept like custom resources, extending it to any level."
"Kubernetes is advancing every day, improving and nearing 100%."
"Let's start with a lighter note: Why is Kubernetes called k8s?"
"This will only use private IP addresses from our private subnet for the Kubernetes nodes."
"Kubernetes really simplifies DevOps."
"Kubernetes is multi-cloud inherently. It is designed to be multi-cloud and that is why you get portability."
"But at the same time, the control plane would be what you're connecting to with Kubernetes command line, kubectl or cube CTL, whatever you prefer, to apply the changes that you require."
"To implement all these deployment strategies, you can use native Kubernetes objects such as deployments, services, and pods."
"Update your Kubernetes cluster early and often."
"Persistent volumes ensure data persistence in Kubernetes."
"As a cluster administrator, instead of creating PV objects, what I can do is create a storage class."
"One of the unique things about Kubernetes is we have the ability to dynamically create volumes on-demand when the user requests them."
"Local persistent volumes allow local storage to be used as a persistent volume."
"Kubernetes is aware that local storage volumes are special."
"One of the most important principles of Kubernetes is the idea that we want to make workloads portable across clusters."
"We have to go back to the core principle of Kubernetes which is workload portability."
"If I move this pod YAML to any other cluster, it'll work in exactly the same way."
"Everything you need to know about Kubernetes, well everything you need to know to get started to get off on the right foot."
"Pods are the smallest thing that you can deploy in Kubernetes."
"Customize was so awesome that back in version 1.14 they baked it into kubectl."
"Kubernetes sole purpose in life is to reconcile the desired state and the actual state."
"Deployments give you a really nice interface for managing the version, the container image, and the scale, and a bunch of other stuff."
"The best use case for a deployment is when you have a version of an application running and you want to upgrade it."
"When you need to know how Kubernetes sees a resource, instead of 'kubectl get', use 'kubectl describe'."
"K3S is a lightweight certified Kubernetes distribution, built for production operations."
"It's designed to be used in production and was validated by the CNCF as a true Kubernetes distribution."
"What makes K3S unique is that it's a single package that does all of the container orchestration that you get from Kubernetes."
"It's definitely not Kubernetes the hard way."
"We now have a cluster management container orchestration Kubernetes that was installed with a single binary very quickly."
"Deployments in K3S, you can do the standard Kubernetes approach."
"Let Kubernetes just do its thing."
"If you really want to do multi-master K3s, follow the project."
"K3d is really cool when it comes to local development in Kubernetes."
"K3 OS is the K3s container operating system."
"It models infrastructure as code and makes it really easy to do everything you want to do with installing Kubernetes clusters through version control systems."
"You can have your master or your server be in x86 architecture and then have your agent be an ARM architecture."
"Kubernetes will deploy the correct architecture."
"There are two key pillars of a successful Kubernetes strategy."
"EKS is our managed Kubernetes service at AWS, and it provides the flexibility of Kubernetes with the security and resiliency of being an AWS managed service."
"It's the declarative, self-healing nature of Kubernetes that provides those benefits and allow operations teams to sleep more soundly at night."
"This is one of the major benefits of Kubernetes: being able to make the best possible trade-off of cost versus performance."
"The newer Kubernetes versions have security patches applied, old ones are much harder to patch."
"If you just know how containers work, you don't need to know very much about Kubernetes to deploy really powerful stuff."
"Kubernetes is one of those technologies that seems to be coming increasingly pervasive."
"The Kubernetes resource model is one good example of seeing the infrastructure world realize we should be designing our infrastructure tools, not just scripting them."
"Graal has been a great catalyst for innovation in the space of Kube native Java."
"Kubernetes imposes some networking rules."
"Kubernetes pod networking overview and Container Networking Interface or CNI."
"Hello everyone, welcome to Rancher's Kubernetes Masterclass."
"We've got a great topic today: envisioning Kubernetes in vSphere with Rancher."
"When you're prototyping how to build your app in Kubernetes, you want as short a feedback loop as possible."
"If you watch the video till the end, you will get a very good knowledge of how to write Kubernetes operators."
"Kubernetes operators are used to bundle, package, and manage your Kubernetes controllers."
"Operators perform the auto healing of your Kubernetes controllers when someone modifies it."
"Using one single operator, you can install the Istio controller even in 100 namespaces or thousand namespaces, whatever you would like to."
"Cubesphere is an open-source Enterprise Kubernetes platform."
"It's a distributed operating system for cloud-native application management using Kubernetes as its kernel."
"You just download Qkey and then point it to the Kubernetes version that you like, and it will deploy or provision the cluster for you."
"Reconciling our observed and desired states is the core concept when we talk about Kubernetes and controllers."
"Server-side apply lets you declare the object in YAML or JSON form, and you just set the fields that you care about."
"My mission is to make writing Kubernetes extensions less arcane."
"The ingress acts like a load balancer in front of Kubernetes."