
Expectations Management Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"93 percent of participants were dissatisfied or very satisfied... game either delivered on their expectations or had exceeded them."
"Under-promise and over-deliver. It's one of the biggest problems in this field."
"Under-promise over-deliver. Your life will be a lot better."
"You can't be let down if you don't have any expectations."
"It just, they didn't. They set the PlayStation Showcase up until now, had a set of expectations. This one did not meet it."
"We have to start being realistic and have realistic expectations of people."
"If we set our expectations low in terms of Elden Ring expectations, we won't be disappointed."
"You've missed the point if you feel disappointed on the 22nd of December. This is a multi-dimensional event horizon."
"It's much better to under promise and over perform than the vice versa."
"It's the epitome of having kind of low expectations and then seeing a trailer and be like oh wow that really works."
"I mean, I hope you weren't expecting a very good picture because not only is this thing going to be dirty and nasty, but it also might be missing a wheel by the end of this."
"The mental model is how the player perceives everything the game is constructed of, their expectations made based on what they gather from mechanics and the narrative of the game."
"Self-aware humor can be brilliant when expectations are twisted, and you do something creative and unexpected."
"One of the keys to politics is lowering your own expectations and heightening expectations for the other side."
"Have zero expectations and they will always exceed your expectations."
"Even the pros sitting here would understand that everything we also smashed expectations on the unemployment rate."
"Lower your expectations, ladies. You would think that I said lower your standards."
"We can't keep doing the exact same things and expecting new results."
"They under promise and over deliver. That's the Rockstar way."
"Learn how to communicate up front to ensure that you know your client's expectations and they know yours."
"It is going to be chaos... either way, the bar is set super super high."
"I guess in my own head I was like well this is gonna all interconnect and it didn't need to."
"It's about managing your expectations really."
"My music is for everyone out of everyone in the industry I have the most organic come up I was never all over the radio I was never in mainstream media I was never any of that it's like I'm almost still an underdog."
"You're moving into the New Age of Aquarius with high expectations, but you're not afraid to meet the challenges."
"It's crazy how if you make expectations, you could pay attention to see how things are changing."
"Be careful what you wish for, people have been pushing this idea that it needs to be this big IP."
"People just want to assume that everyone has some evil intent."
"Managing your expectations so that way you're not going to be experiencing so much disappointment."
"If you're looking for this amazing piece of cinema, no, it's not the best story that's ever been told."
"My expectations are just really, really low."
"That's what I'm saying, don't get too far out ahead of yourselves everybody."
"Untamed it's certainly exceeded expectations for me."
"Manchester United are not a big club anymore, and it hurts me. I will not let expectations drop, but Manchester United are not a big club anymore."
"We could have a really good positive momentum summer or a really fake pretend positive summer that's actually not as good as we think it is."
"Clarity about expectations helps avoid surprises, which often lead to complaints."
"This ammo shortage is going to keep going it's going to last a long time don't get your hopes up and stop listening to people saying it's going to just last till January or it's going to end in the summer."
"Setting the right levels of expectations is crucial."
"If you have unrealistic expectations, you're not going to be a good fit."
"You've got to manage expectations, you know, and it is a real farm balance."
"Don't overestimate your own strength. You need rest just like everybody else."
"It's better to start with low expectations, that way you have nowhere to go but up."
"Ultimately, no matter what you do this month, you want to focus on opening up to receiving blessings and abundance in all forms and put out to the universe that you have certain expectations but you're willing to be surprised with something better."
"Passengers are never satisfied these days. You give them one thing, the appetite actually increases."
"There was a lot of pressure to get it right."
"Stop expecting things, tell people what you want so you don't have to expect."
"Expect that there's gonna be highs and there's gonna be lows."
"If you hype the promise, if you over promise, one day the public will get back."
"Honestly confused as to what people even expect from it."
"The number one cause of a relationship ending? Uncommunicated expectations."
"I think if you lower your expectations at the beginning, it's better because at least at that point you don't get hurt."
"I think it's terribly dangerous for an artist to fulfill other people's expectations."
"I guess what bums me out is that they had 45 minutes to show something new and cool and they kind of did."
"Don't let anyone else's expectations dictate how you show up."
"You can't just cold message someone and expect them to be all in right off the bat."
"It will take longer than you think just be prepared for it."
"I figured the clean needs to be a clear understanding of what we expect from Trey Young. This, you getting upset with the coach and not coming to the game is unacceptable. That will not be tolerated."
"We're all very concerned because it's not been the transfer window we wanted it to be."
"That's on the audience...you can't get mad at Marvel and Sony."
"Second in the league to the best team in the world, favorites for the Europa League, still in the cup, young team - of course it's progress. People stop expecting the quadruple."
"We set the bar really low when we got married so that even just the smallest gesture just puts you over that bar."
"Keep things in perspective... Shoot for the moon, but reframe expectations."
"Two weeks ago they said it was imminent, very, very close. Now we thought, you know, all together, it's going to be four or five weeks from that point. Mugged off."
"Let go of that expectation and just deal with what you've got in front of you in the present."
"Because of this, it makes it a lot easier when your client understands exactly what they can expect and goes into it pretty prepared."
"Making promises you can't keep, even Superman doesn't promise to keep Metropolis from being vulnerable."
"If you're gonna date rich, you cannot be easily impressed by that."
"Either USC's legitimate National Championship contender in which case they get hyped up and it's all legit or USC maybe is not quite at that level but they still get hyped up because their schedule is backloaded."
"It's better just to put it out there so that people understand what you expect."
"You can't get any more than you expect of a person, and you can't get mad at getting less than you expected if you didn't expect much."
"Just try not to put your expectations up too high, you know what I mean?"
"Drop your expectations. That's a big yes it is."
"Stop being attached to what happy means, what your perfect life means, but whatever expectations you created for yourself."
"They absolutely did what they were supposed to do in the regular season, never ever going under expectations."
"When you expect a 9 and it turns out to be a 7, that 7 will be disliked much more than a 5 that turned out to be a seven."
"It wasn't as egregious as I thought it was going to be."
"Under promising and over delivering is always better."
"We shouldn't be getting ahead of ourselves...sometimes in these campaigns things get a little bit out of hand."
"Set agreements, not expectations."