
Moral Perspective Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"We ended slavery, okay, that's the important thing to consider here."
"Trump is a symptom of a deeper moral malady."
"Extremism is only extremism if you take the position of having a moral compass and of being a moderate person." - Anthony
"Sometimes privilege is disguised as moral superiority."
"Masturbation based on research and science can provide us with a positive benefit and is also a morally neutral thing to do."
"I've said many times I'm much more of a moral person as an atheist than I was as a Christian."
"Money lending for profit was known as usury and considered a crime against God."
"Evil goes beyond one's point of view as it spreads indiscriminately."
"People are not as bad as they could be by the grace of God."
"The kids are okay with it sounds less like a rallying cry for the masses and more like the rationalizations of a predator."
"The technocrats and the politicians despised the boomers."
"The left has a moral Vision... the right does not have that."
"The only mark of success is money. How you got it doesn't matter."
"The pro-abortion left sees it as a necessary good."
"The perversion in this nation is accelerating."
"Just look around, the world is in absolute chaos. How in the world can we expect things to get better when you turn your back on the true and living God?"
"But have some perspective on how horrible sin is."
"By his own lights, what he's doing is pursuing a conflict which he believes he has to win."
"That's what flows me away all the time when you study these people and how much they censor and why they censor. They're always a hundred percent convinced that they're the good guy in the story."
"Man is not bad, man is good in his heart. There is no evil in man."
"In the biblical worldview, God is seen as eternally good, impossible for him to do evil or be unjust."
"Lust is the thing that takes what God called natural and distorts it, contorts it, manipulates it."
"This entire show seems more like a vehicle, a vessel in order to try and get their themes, their virtues, their morality across to everyone else despite the fact that to everyone else from the outside it just comes across Pure Evil."
"Morality doesn't save us. Salvation is through Christ and what he did, not what we do."
"That it's not intrinsically bad. Instead, it's all about the choices you make."
"I almost feel like the hangover is God's punishment for people doing stupid things. I almost feel like we shouldn't make a hangover pill to make people have to pay for their mistakes. Word."
"The womb of the mother should be a sanctuary of hope, not a death chamber."
"Mercy is for those incapable of knowing or sorry for their actions."
"Being good always pays out in the end. But those with oily morals tend to shoot up the ladders of success far quicker than the rest of us."
"99% of people are fundamentally good people. They're just trying to do what they think is right."
"They think they are doing god's work of course you know this but the right correct moral people have finished."
"I think if we want to bring people onto this platform and debate them, I think that's a cool thing. I think we should absolutely do that. I think it is a morally righteous thing."
"The Phantom Thieves are strong because they defeat strong enemies, right? Beating up on weak opponents, that's bullying. That's what bad guys do."
"The moment we start to equate both sides in the story is the moment we lose our humanity."
"Art is not just morally neutral; it's not just anything goes. You actually are depicting the world with a moral language, as if there were such things as moral truths. Because there are."
"Because love is not evil, love is only good."
"Never think that war, no matter how necessary nor how justified, is not a crime."
"History will look back on you as the bad guy, no differently than they do the Confederates during the slavery days."
"War is never good; innocent people are killed on both sides."
"Laziness is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit; it's a fruit of a demon."
"Demons are not evil, and if someone has a problem with a person with 666 and the username saying that they have a demonic pact going on, that's perfectly fine."
"Being on the right side is not at all the same thing as thinking about what it takes to win a war."
"The problem isn't with your pornography you don't have a porn problem you have a lack of the fear of God problem."
"Black women are the moral compass of this nation."
"Sexual immorality doesn't begin in the heart; rather, the heart is involved in a later phase."
"Technology is neither good nor evil; it's how it's used."
"Hate is not always a bad thing; it's often a good thing. Necessary hate is a necessary part of love."
"It's not about good or bad, it's about doing better."
"That's right, your wealth don't matter to the devil, your wealth don't matter to the devil."
"The greatest contributing factor to depression is sin."
"Most of the evil in this world is not done by people who think they do evil."
"The pirates are better than the world government themselves."
"We've got to wise up; the wealth of this earth is not stored up to bless the wicked, it is stored up to bless the righteous."
"It challenges the way that we view things through our own moral filters."
"You care deeply about the environment, you view society through a morally conscious lens, and you hope to leave this world a better place than you found it."
"It's not about being right and wrong, it's about love."
"Sometimes spirits, they don't want vengeance, they want justice."