
Promise-keeping Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"We have to show that what we say we will do, we do."
"Make your promises and keep them no matter what."
"Under-promise over-deliver. Your life will be a lot better."
"Johnson's clearly learned from this mistake and he's realized just how important it is to keep your promises."
"This is a man who makes good on his promises."
"We have this basic conviction that he is who he says he is and he will keep his every single promise."
"Promises made, promises kept. We've kept more promises than we've even made."
"He's never let us down. He keeps his promises. He is our Muhammad Ali."
"Everything he said he was going to do, he did it."
"He's kept every promise he can make to the American people, and he's got my full support."
"What promises am I making and can I deliver on them?"
"We made a promise to the Ukrainians that we would support them and we would defend the UN Charter."
"The best branding you can do in your business is to make a promise and to keep a promise."
"Imagine your family member being made a promise that they relied on by the government. That promise is supposed to stand."
"You're only as good as your word. I always keep mine."
"My word is solid. It is. I promise to shower you in gifts, so I will."
"He kept his word, so for me, you know, I hope that makes everybody happy."
"If you promise something, complete that promise."
"Keeping a promise is about more than just saying the words and then following through."
"Child promised he would find someone to break the stalemate, and the Harbingers do not break their promises lightly."
"Our word is our bond, but you broke your word, Kang."
"If I promise to do something, I deliver on it."
"I'm not making any promises to anyone that I don't believe are overwhelmingly likely to be kept."
"If the government can't be trusted to keep its promises, how can we demand others do the same?"
"President Donald Trump fights to keep the promises that he made to the people of this country."
"A king who doesn't keep his promises is a usurper."
"Unlike those who came before me, I kept my promises and today we celebrate an extraordinary milestone: the completion of the promised 450 miles of border wall."
"I've kept many promises, people always forget the promises that I do keep."
"If you can make the promises and keep the promises, you will find... confidence begins to soar."
"President Biden keeps his promise to increase social security... approve a stimulus check for seniors."
"I never made a promise that I didn't keep." - Elrond
"We don't often make promises. But when we do, we like to keep them."
"You have made a lot of promises to us and you have kept every one of them."
"Lobo usually lives up to his promises and agreements but doesn't give anything more just the bare minimum of his deal."
"Marriage is a commitment, you say you're gonna do something, that means you're gonna do it..."
"If you are really great and powerful, you'll keep your promises."
"An elf always keeps their promise."
"Commitment, commitment, commitment. Being a woman or man of your word. When you say you're gonna do something, do it."
"This guy may be a communist, but at least he keeps his promises."
"Do the things that you say you're gonna do in all situations."
"It's really important that we keep our word."
"Hey, you know when I make a promise, I keep it."
"A promise is a promise and we must keep it."
"I'm a man of my word, Bob. If we don't have our word, what do we have?"
"A promise is a promise, and I'm going to keep it."
"If you make a deal with somebody, you keep your word."
"Do you deliver on your promises? Can your word be banked?"
"He always is there to fulfill His promise."
"I made a promise and I always keep my promise."
"It's good to keep your promises in general."
"To me, keeping your word leads to trust."
"Be a person that keeps your word to the best of your ability."
"Queen conscious women maintain their happiness frequency and flow because they keep their promises to themselves."
"Queens keep their promises to themselves."
"I'm a man of my word, it's all here."
"I always know what God's going to do; he's going to keep his word."
"I'm going to keep my promises and make sure that others keep theirs, regardless."
"Fulfill your promises and keep your words."
"If you're honest and you do what you say you're gonna do, you guys are gonna be just fine."
"I have a promise to keep to an old friend."
"I'm a man of my word, I'm gonna keep my word."
"I recognize it's morally right to keep promises; therefore, I should keep promises."
"They're going to have integrity with their word. If they say they're gonna call, they call."
"If you can't keep a promise, don't make a promise. But once you've given your word, be bound by it, keep it no matter what."
"He tell you what he was going to do, when he was going to do it, how he was going to do it, and he did it."
"If you give a promise to someone... die, but keep your promise! You give word, you keep it. You promise, you do it."
"God remembers and he keeps his promises."
"I made you a promise, and it's time to deliver on that promise."
"It's a promise, and I don't break my promises."
"She won't ever break her promise."
"It's not about changing plans, it's about delivering on the promises that we've already made."
"A promise made is a debt to be paid."
"I will not lie, I will keep my promises, and I will be trustworthy."
"If you made a promise, you got to keep your word, even if it is not beneficial to you."
"When we keep promises to ourselves, we trust ourselves to keep keeping those promises, and it's just a great cycle."
"I keep my word, you understand me."
"Be truthful when you speak, and fulfill your promises when you make them."
"Promises aren't made to be broken."
"I'm trying to be a man of my word."
"I will not eat my word. Now thou art mine, thy faith my fancy to thee doth combine."
"I made a promise and I'm gonna keep that."
"He was always true to his promise."
"Kiddo can't break a promise to the dead."
"I'm a man of my word; I stick to my word."
"A gentleman doesn't go back on his words."
"Since he made you a promise, then he will uphold it. He won't lie to you. Don't worry."
"Every promise He makes, He still keeps."
"Your word is your bond, you do what you say you're going to do."