
Drama-free Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"Dion being gay wasn't a huge coming out moment or a point of drama, it was just a fact about him."
"I don't need drama to stand out. I don't need to start something with anyone to get my name out there. It's not me."
"Fred and Daphne are dating. They're an extremely loving and supporting couple. There's no drama about it. It's not a will they, won't they. They just are."
"We wanted a drama-free, peaceful place, and that's what our gardens are."
"The best thing is going together, right? We are the VIP Pets, no drama."
"What a buttery run, no drama, just fast, wow, I'm impressed."
"He was such a friendly guy, such a low-key dude, and really never caused drama or issues with people."
"Being agenda-free, living a stress-free life, no drama, oh yeah, it's well worth it."
"I think her ability to come back like this and for it to actually work has a lot to do with the fact that she grew her following by being this drama-free YouTuber who only focused on makeup."
"I don't really have drama with anyone. Everyone talks about like who are like the mean YouTubers you've met in LA and I'm like I don't know even one honestly. I met so many cool creative people."
"Keep your spirit as pure as free from drama."
"When I come home, I want to be anchored by someone. I don't get off on drama or fighting."
"It's a lot easier to have your life as a drama-free zone when people don't treat you the way you want to be treated; they can get out."
"I'm a very positive person and I never get involved in any kind of drama."
"This is someone that is cutting out unnecessary drama."
"Let's clear away the drama and just be positive today."
"Do yourself a favor and do what I did a long time ago: decide ahead of time that your life is going to be a drama-free Zone and the women that are going to be in it are going to be easy going easy to get along with."
"I'm a makeup-focused content creator with over a million followers. If you think the beauty community is all fighting and dramatics, you're following the wrong people."
"Dating is trash and I hate men, I do feel free going home at night and sleeping in my bed and not having to worry about any drama, so yes."
"I appreciate the lack of High School drama or fantasy."
"This is the kind of relationship that is drama-free."
"I don't see drama at all. I really feel like you guys are gonna focus on yourselves and you're only gonna invite good people into your space."
"There's only one restaurant where you ain't never seen them online with no drama, and that restaurant is Chick-fil-A."
"This person wants to go smoothly with you, no drama."
"Brianna and Roger are handling it like a team for the first time. So, they're not without drama but in terms of the relationship, it's pretty drama-free."
"You're Carefree like you're not with the drama."
"I'm at the point in my life where everything is peaceful. I have no drama."
"They value their energy and avoid drama or fights in relationships."
"They don't want any drama, they just want to live their own life."
"Living a soft life leads to better treatment, more respect, and a drama-free existence."
"Marco C freed has done it relatively quickly and without the drama."
"Bring your family, bring the vibes, no drama."
"I feel like you'll be drama free with me."
"I thought it was just really refreshing that we actually saw a male friendship that wasn't about the drama."
"Stay polite, stay kind, stay out of the drama."
"Setting and enforcing healthy boundaries is essential to keep your life a drama-free zone."
"And now it's not like I don't think it's important it's it's incredibly important to me yet family will always take precedence and I think with that it makes my desire to have the workplace drama-free and stress-free it makes that a fundamental part of what I do"
"Friendships change. Embrace new friendships and encourage meeting new people. Stay out of drama."
"You're over the drama, over the games. This third party is mad because they see you moving towards success."
"I came to chill with my girls and have a good time with no drama."
"There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and the people who create it and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good."
"No drama now, like, I live a really peaceful life."
"If she's trying to focus on herself, she needs no outside drama."
"Finally in a great relationship without the crazy BS."
"I love the advice you give to people. It's so calming and rational and sort of like how to extract the drama out of things."
"none of the BS no drama that you have in your life"
"Five drama free years. It really is astounding."
"Here's to you for saying no drama allowed."
"You're drama-free, no gossiping, just focused on self-improvement."
"I'm hoping this time we can be drama-free and show L.A. that we can compete out here. And win."
"Back to Basics, simplify your life, you overcomplicate things, all drama, too picky, too high standards."
"At the end of the day, that's what's made our season so much fun: there wasn't the drama, there was just let's win."
"It's usually 100% drama free so it's a good one."
"There's no drama over here we don't do drama over here okay it's very peaceful it's very quiet it's very happiness over here there's okay we we don't play that."
"He made it look so easy, and I think that was the point. You know with you haru, you know, nothing was a drama."
"You've got someone here that really likes you and they're trying their best to show you that they're not trying to add drama to your life."
"...hopefully you stay drama-free love you bye."
"It's probably nice to have no drama on a show that's truly funny and lighthearted and fun."
"Cheers to a drama-free and supportive friendship."
"Everything has turned out pretty amazing, I do love my job now I can actually get on with it without the office drama."
"I didn't have to deal with any of that drama when I had friends who cared about their beauty, who cared about their appearance."
"I wish you many more success and stay out of all that drama."
"I'm ready to move forward and leave the drama behind."
"It's officially summer, and I just want to have a great summer, no more drama."
"We celebrate no more drama in our life."
"Dolores is a peacemaker, she doesn't like drama, and she's got a good head on her shoulders."
"Accept everything, don't worry about any drama."
"We're not actually problematic people, we're quite easy people to get along with and we hate drama."
"I'm all about the positivity and not the drama."
"I love that we can come together, and it's not no drama, it's not no nothing."
"I'm drama-free, supportive, loyal, honest, and I have a big heart."
"It was a very pure, relatively mature, drama-free love between two characters."
"You're not messy, you don't have a lot of drama in your life, it's what they find super attractive and sexy."
"Love is the key, guys, drama free."
"They're just not trying to find drama, and I think as a result of that, people really like them."
"She just shows up, punches her time clock, does her thing, goes home, no drama."
"Their relationship is completely drama-free... so non-toxic, and I just love it."
"We did all really hung out like friends; there was no drama on the set."
"This was proof that we do not need drama to be entertained."
"I don't want to deal with anger and rage and drama anymore."
"I want to be happy, I want to be drama-free, I want to do positive things, I want to be a positive light in the world."
"They both deserved a pat on the back for being able to continue successfully playing their on-screen characters without any drama."
"I want this to be a chill AF place with as little to no drama."
"She's a gymnast; she got damn routines named after her. She's unproblematic; you don't see her involved in no drama."
"What a relaxing night, isn't it? There is no drama whatsoever."
"It's empty of you, it's empty of drama, and it is full of bliss."
"I don't come with no drama; my peace of mind is locked in."
"You try to keep it very positive, you don't create drama."
"I don't have problems with anybody, I don't have drama with anybody."
"I just wanted to kind of get back into making my own content, no drama."
"No hate, no hate, there's no reason, there's no drama."
"Make her life easy, don't bring drama to her doorstep."
"It's better to be alone and be peaceful than to be accompanied and full of drama and mess."
"I want somebody that's just really about to be like just me and him in our own little world doing our own little thing with no drama."
"Friendship was never created to have drama or upset or anything like that."
"If you can go there and you can be focused... really take advantage of that and not really dabble in the drama, I feel like you'll be good."
"I'm the [__], I come with my own everything, period. No kids, no baby daddy drama."
"She's my baby, she's a princess, she's no drama at all, and this is what I wanted with a sewing machine."
"You did a cute thing, you did a kind thing, you so, so not the drama."
"Not the drama, you did something kind and generous."
"Trust me, I got this. I won't stir drama."
"You're not about drama, you're about business, but this is very attractive."
"I don't need no more drama in my life."
"I enjoyed having a break from all the drama."
"They just seemed like a good couple; they got vulnerable, they had no drama between them."
"The Las Vegas YouTube Community has very little to no drama; we all work together."
"You deserve to be happy and you deserve to live a drama-free life."
"I do think it's better because you don't have any drama."
"She's just like so freaking sweet, she's no drama, she's just, dude, I love that bird so much."
"Work hard, hit your deadlines, do good work, and don't create drama."
"I actually like things to be boring... not too boring where I feel bored, but I actually like boring where there's no drama."
"I love it here so much, I've always loved being here, it's zero drama, it's so much fun."
"We're not gonna get a click bait, we're not going to get no drama in terms of a bunch of Madness, we're going to bring out the information that you need."
"I want that fairy tale Junior High, High School like, 'Oh yeah, like everything's going good and there's no drama.'"
"Positive doesn't have to be boring; we can still be funny and whatever without drama and hate."
"I'm just trying to plan a trip with all the girls and I just want everybody to come together, no more drama."
"There's no drama here, there's nothing but glitter and giggling and hopefully some inspiration."
"I'm staying away from drama, I want nothing to do with it."
"I'm not in the business of being around anybody who makes me miserable, unhappy, and just have drama in my life."
"They loved the fact about you that you were drama-free."
"Third time is the charm, no more drama."
"No more pain, no more drama; this is healing, baby."
"It's always a good time when we're together, and never any drama."
"I am glad I don't have any ex-wife drama in my life."
"Focused on your money, you're single, avoiding drama."
"Every time someone does some sort of change in their life, it doesn't automatically equal drama."
"It's such a great pen for taking quick notes, it has no drama, it's almost 100% butter smooth, it just makes writing so enjoyable and so easy."
"You separated yourself from the drama."
"Can we just get the damn news without the drama?"
"You're going towards drama-free stuff... you're deserving of a lot more than what you've had."
"We're trying to start a new, no more drama."
"You're moving into a new direction, you're moving away from drama."
"Minimize drama and take personal responsibility to act with integrity."
"Thankfully, there's no major drama that we can get into right now, which is really cool."
"Leave the drama outside of your universe."
"Life is just too beautiful to leave it full of drama."
"This is the life that you deserve, you don't deserve any drama."
"Staying away from drama is an act of rebellion."
"You really are done with the drama, you can't take anymore."
"You're better off without the drama."
"You're in that Queen of Swords energy, no more drama."