
Cultural Stories Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Humanity now believed tyr himself brought them to their new Homeland he had become their Patron god with Tales of sacrificing his hand fighting evil transforming into stories of self-sacrifice leading to Justice."
"Skinwalkers is kind of a generalized mythological creature."
"I'm a strong believer that... there's a lot of truth to their stories and I think that a lot of their experiences are things that we should take seriously."
"Tlingits have stories of creatures similar to the wendigo or the skinwalker."
"Nothing is more significant in the received wisdom than the story of the Garden of Eden."
"Urban legends, folklore runs deep within all traditions."
"Once in a great while, a domovoi appeared as the head of the household, while the real person was in bed snoozing away."
"The stories of Bigfoot or Sasquatch as he has been called have been around for centuries."
"Almost every culture around the world has a great flood in the pages of their mythology."
"Thus, the Mesopotamian, Hebrew, and Greek deluge stories resolve themselves into an early legend."
"The parallels among those stories are fascinating stories of beings coming and nurturing the society of our ancestors."
"If you take a look at old Jewish stories as well, there's a recurring archetype of a person in an unjust system who is not strong but is very clever and very quick-witted."
"The world can be a strange place, and Kaori's story is just an example of this."
"The popularity of the Nahanni legends seems to wax and wane over time, and to change with every generation."
"From Polybius to Lavender Town, myths and legends about video games have continued to crop up for decades."
"I really love the animal myths and legends, like the bestiaries. The idea that you can tame a unicorn by taking a virgin into the woods and a unicorn will put its head in her lap."
"In a modern society, having stories with meaning and values are extremely important."
"I had always thought these were jokes, just some old wives' tales that our moms passed down to make us listen, but that all changed a few years ago."
"Creation stories form a powerful part of each nation's identity."
"Alternative forms of the human genome little people I've heard about them from almost every tribe of Native Americans in North America."
"A takeaway from this story is that Wizard Island is the place on the lake where many weird things are said to happen."
"The death of Baldur is one of the most important stories from Norse mythology." - Tragedy
"The aesir-vanir war is another important story." - Conflict
"Stories passed from generation to generation, given enough time, become folklore, they become part of the culture."
"Giants are one of those things that are basically universal. Almost every culture on the planet has some kind of stories involving giants."
"Throughout time, people across the world told each other tales of how they came to be, of heroes and monsters, romance and tragedy, death and rebirth."
"Myths in Roblox's history, just like in any other culture, are just stories specifically about figures or events that may or may not have occurred."
"Legends from the indigenous Māori people of New Zealand detail huge birds, swooping down and plucking up a small child, who was never to be seen again."
"Tales of God's Gold hidden in a vault deep in the Vatican have circulated for centuries."
"A myth serves as an orienting and mobilizing story for a people. The focus is not on the story's relation to reality, but on its function."
"Local folklore stuff really is... every single town has that one scary story or place."
"In myth and legend, they've existed for centuries."
"One of the earliest Tales of a mermaid comes from Assyrian Legends."
"Given the rugged nature of the state and its seemingly abundant natural resources, it should come as no surprise that Alaska has more than its fair share of Sasquatch stories."
"It's quite interesting how many of the founding myths have this abandonment story in them."
"Every area in all parts of the world has those areas specific urban legends just refused to die."
"Japan's traditional stories have often assigned magical powers and otherworldly capabilities to the Animal Kingdom."
"Every town, every city has its hotspots or hidden gems. Join us as we travel the back roads and the main highways, unearthing the untold stories behind the food, drink, culture, and notable people."
"Mythology, whichever shape or form it may take, has had a pretty remarkable habit of conjuring some of the most vile and vicious creatures."
"Flood myths are common across many cultures, not just the Abrahamic faiths."
"If every culture around Mother Earth talks about a great flood, guess what, there was a great flood at some time in our history."
"Every folktale, every wives' tale has a shred of truth to it."
"Xiayi stories are important because it is a story about staying true to one's code and ideals."
"With all myths, no matter what culture you're looking at, there is always some truth behind them."
"My Native American grandmother told me stories about them when I was little."
"Many of them have interesting stories attached to them, all coming from languages that we don't find anywhere else."
"I am like a big fan of mythology."