
Intense Gameplay Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"It's sucking me in, it's sucking me in, no, we're gonna die, we're all gonna die!"
"What would the stream be without necromorphs isn't that what we are really here for when we say cut off their limbs you know we want you to experience every gory detail of dismembering iconic necromorphs."
"What a finish, the average destruction could not be closer."
"A good 90% of why I like Cagney Carnation is the music that bounces away in the background and frequently acts as a very solid earthly foundation for you to slowly lose your mind as you die millimeters from the finish line."
"It's the unmatched intensity of our multiplayer sandbox."
"Gabriel has an entire second phase where he delivers God's judgment through the barrel of the gun."
"Mastering combat in this game is just an awe-inspiring and spiritual experience to yourself. You will crap your pants at what you can do."
"Bayonetta is an absolute assault on the senses."
"The entire lead-up, where you're running up to its gigantic arms or tentacles or whatever, while it is trying to kill you, is wild."
"He's a goddamn Savage, rest in peace to that man."
"Hotline Miami 2 is the chaotic hyper violent fever dream I can't get enough of."
"Doom is an assault on the player's senses and sensibilities."
"If Reinhardt actually manages to hit a few people with his alt those people might still be a little too far away from him giving them time to shake it off and run the hell away from the screaming German embodiment of raw power."
"This might be overkill, but I spent one command point for excruciating frequencies, gaining them plus one strength and giving them damage to the Blast Master."
"It's lit! Remember Giga Bowser from Melee? Yeah, that boss was intense. Well, guess what? Now you can play as him with Bowser's final smash."
"Teleport Interference was absolutely nuts, that was batshit insane."
"He has to play some of the best ones he's ever played in his life but kyle is sending him another message there equalizing once more."
"Bayonetta 3 feels utterly relentless - relentless action, relentless spectacle, relentless imagination. It just never ever stops."
"Stats moves up 2-0, what a hectic chaotic game."
"The enemy is faster than you. It is stronger. It is eternal. It will tear you to shreds."
"Celeste's main attraction is its intense platforming."
"Perma dead, oh my god that's what that's what makes this game terrifying."
"Doom feels like a crazy hellish [__] storm because it knows how to perfectly throttle the balls to the wall shittery."
"Playing hardcore has been like playing the game for the first time all over again."
"This entire segment has been completely transformed into a giant battle of you and your Marines storming the canyon, neutralizing enemy defenses, and ascending the ziggurat in a challenging gauntlet."
"You can't go 'tomorrow I'm gonna eat better,' you can only do it right now."
"The chase segments especially, these moments are always blood-pumping."
"Let's do a stutter step. Oh God, point-blank artery! Pull back, retreat, retreat, this is insane!"
"Martinez was an absolute warrior against Liverpool. Just every tackle was full tilt, every tackle was 100 committed and the timing was right."
"We got it guys or Oktay has it a maxed mega night congratulations Oktay."
"This league is like boss rush; wait, you're fighting multiple bosses and what the [ __ ]."
"Packin was packing heat, moving in hot with those lava hounds and of course the balloons are always clear correct those defenses."
"It's high action, it's high APM, and it's very, very aggressive."
"You knew something was gonna happen, something had to give. Down goes the fusion core."
"This man is pulling out all the stops, he ain't messing around no more, bro. It ain't even over yet, fam."
"My favorite kind of 40K is the Dawn of War kind, where everyone is screaming Non-Stop."
"It is asinine to me that they want to give this guy the nuclear codes."
"These massive scale boss battles are entirely seamless and I can promise you heart stopping controller gripping excitement."
"One of the best ways to get better at World of Warcraft is to play other games. Hard, intense games that teach you principles."
"We're battling as much as we can inside showers and it's jerry with two kills in the back of the site though comes up huge it's a three through the u-haul and shazam closes it down and settles they take the lead in this series and win it you."
"Make sure you're eating. You're probably about to play an ungodly amount of Starfield over the next couple of weeks."
"You end up in these giant firefights and you feel like every fight has a reason."
"Stick through it till the end; this was probably the craziest loot journey I've ever had."
"This is the craziest Roblox Obby we've ever played."
"Fishing in Minecraft, the most intense thing ever."
"A joyously [ __ ] up game that I don't think it would be that much of a stretch to say."
"It takes the core identity of Tetris but then ramps up the intensity by adding 98 other players."
"We're just trying to get there...double cat oven, double cat oven, yep, smash flex."
"As you ramp the difficulty up, this game goes from a fun, casual game to play with bros while hanging out on the weekend to a sweaty, terrifying mess of screaming over Discord."
"We've never beaten this game before in our lives come on these are some really big rocks oh no oh that is a lot of damage."
"You'll flip-flop from one sort of disgusting and dangerous situation to another at a wonderfully fast-paced clip from frying pan to fire and beyond."
"Holy [__], that was a good game. Yeah, I don't know how we survived that storm when I got knocked. That was crazy."
"Katana Zero: cyberpunk, synthwave soundtrack, and brutal, fast-paced combat."
"I channeled everything I had into a whirl of rapid attacks."
"They're bringing that [ __ ] with the gameplay."
"This game is balls to the wall pretty much all the time... and that's frankly kind of impressive."
"Ultimate Custom Night is very, very complicated."
"Yoru just goes full beast mode, putting on his mask and absolutely smacking these fools around."
"The angle down dragon bro, that's just so scary and plus you could let the fire go too, he got that immediate like soon as he got that powered up arm it was like it's time."
"Discover high octane gigs and quests...with stakes like never before."
"Cataclysm: a mind-boggling game where crafting is key, and every moment is a fight for survival."
"These are the craziest three hours of my FIFA journey, bro. It's mental."
"Oh my god that was insane that was actually insanity."
"Imposter, do not take me out, I am begging you now."
"This might be like one of the craziest games of Fortnite I think we've ever seen."