
Time Limit Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Five years. That's all we have. Five years until he escapes and causes destruction of our world."
"What do they actually win? Whatever they put in their shopping cart in the next 10 minutes."
"We have six weeks here to change our family's futures."
"48 hours, here we go. Let's see if I can do it."
"Time is running out for these taxpayers; just only a three-year window to claim these refunds."
"You have an entire week to try to win these items."
"But here's the deal guys, check holders only have 12 months to deposit or cash their stimulus check payments after that time the checks actually become voided."
"This is my journey, so here's my new timer. It's actually going to count down this time and boom, I officially have less than seven days to finish every Mario Kart game. Let's do this!"
"I think the line is perfectly set, 60 seconds or under gets it in the shorts feed."
"Signed URLs are time-limited read/write access URLs that can be created by you to give access to the object in question for the duration that you specify."
"You have 13 hours in which to solve the Labyrinth, before your baby brother becomes one of us... forever."
"You have one year to accomplish the goal I just gave you."
"This challenge is basically four pounds of beef eight mass of patties 16 mass a piece of cheese buns all the toppings a giant pile of fries 40 should you fail in free if you complete it in a 30-minute time limit."
"2 years is a statute limitation if I want to take any action."
"Where's the statue of limitations on that like doesn't it run out or something after a while?"
"You guys will have 40 minutes total."
"You've got two and a half minutes for this round. Let's play The Weakest Link."
"This present will self-destruct if you don't take it."
"Save 60% off your first order within 72 hours."
"If that fight didn't have a time limit we would have killed the man."
"You have 10 minutes to find the cookies. If you don't, you're stuck in Grandma's house forever. 10 cookies in 10 minutes. Good luck."
"I really like the Edgars, sorry that he had to go over the time limit. He didn't get the win."
"Artists, you have 10 minutes left."
"...so let's head over to my laptop and start the timer 15 minutes to make this website."
"If I could go back in time, I would just say to myself, 'Don't put a time limit on this.'"
"You've got ten minutes... it's posted on Aaron's story so you got ten minutes."
"That is the end of our 24-hour challenge."
"She finished with a time of 59 hours, 58 minutes, 21 seconds, just 99 seconds before the 60-hour time limit elapsed."
"I highly recommend you leave now because you've used up your 10 seconds."
"Oh my God, I'm so stressed, I know there may be some lightning rounds later for bonus points we will see but for now we're going to pick a few we're going to do one minute we're going to see how we go, are you ready, round one, okay let's go."
"That's right, the Fusion Dance has a time limit of 30 minutes."
"The exam will end after 24 hours so try your best."
"...if you don't return the bike within 24 hours, you get charged 300 pounds per bike."
"Three minutes, that's as long as we've got."
"Let this insane 48-hour adventure begin!"
"It's about 45 minutes for a tank, obviously if you go deeper it's less, if you're shallower you can stay longer. On average, I'd say 45 minutes to an hour."
"Remember, you only have 24 hours."
"You've only got 30 minutes to say goodbye."
"They can't help but think that it's fate, but the only thing is they've only got 24 hours to be together."
"The Omnitrix as Ben used to say 'timed out'."
"Can you imagine if GARP goes into his prime only for like 10 minutes or one hour? That means that he'd have to go absolutely crazy since he only has a limited time to peak."
"Answer correctly within the time limit or you will receive an F."
"We've got 20 minutes to create some 1940s grub."
"We actually have a lot less than 5 billion years before there's going to be problems for life on Earth."
"It's a great rule set. The game is over at two hours, come hell or high water."
"You can feel sorry for yourself for 15 minutes."
"Don't forget, you need to be back at midnight, or else the magic will be gone."
"It had been 24 hours since Tyron had become a necromancer, and he had only four more until he would be forced into a final decision."
"It was so effective but so intense that more than 30 minutes wasn't even beneficial."
"I never lost the game, I only ran out of time."
"The rules were simple: keep the rituals under 2 minutes and never go into that hole in the wall."
"...she has offered a deal in which she can return to Earth and reconnect with the mysterious stranger but she only has 10 days."
"With only 60 minutes to escape the room, the lead investigators rushed to find any clues."
"You have 60 minutes to get out of here and find the killer."
"You only have 20 seconds from the time that you begin to draw your bow back."
"We've probably got about 10 years at best to turn this thing around before there's literally nothing else we can do."
"Everyone has 17 hours to finish an Ironman; their individual time starts as soon as they come under the starting arch and step over the timing mat."
"The Neonatal Resuscitation Program recommends that intubation attempts should be limited to 30 seconds."
"You better take me to the ball before midnight because then I'm gonna turn into a pumpkin."
"Come ahead, Spade. Come and get me, but hurry, you have only 20 seconds more."
"The water was nine degrees... so today she was like nine minutes is the maximum."
"You need to be home by the stroke of midnight, because that's when all this magic is going to wear off."
"You have only five days to get into the tower with both scrolls to pass the test."
"When the clock strikes midnight, the magic breaks."