
Action Movie Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"John Wick is basically hunted down by the most skilled killers on planet earth and he keeps winning."
"Linda Hamilton's role of Sarah Connor was a hit especially in Terminator 2 where she set the standard for female badassery."
"I was glued the entire time. Loved the action, loved the combat, loved the car chases."
"Get to the chopper you know that it's so intense."
"It's a decent pg-13 action movie but it's got some great sequences, some decent fighting, an intriguing storyline that's supposedly based on a true story."
"For what it's trying to do, tapping into that old school Bruce Willis grit, giving us an old school violent Revenge Thriller, having pretty gory kills... I really dig this one."
"The world is embedded with toxic DNA, but seek truth and knowledge like a Brahmin."
"John Wick 4 is incredible, a decade after birth it keeps finding ways to do familiar action things while also feeling fresh and exciting."
"It's like what a 200 million dollar Michael Bay movie. I love that movie so much I can't even."
"John Wick doesn't just kill hundreds of people in the course of three movies, he does it in style rivaling James Bond any day."
"Simon Pegg as Siri navigation with Tom Cruise running real fast."
"The Beekeeper is the greatest action movie ever made."
"You're watching a movie about Comanches fighting an alien hunter."
"Henry cavill's villainous John Locke that steals the show from the moment he reloads his arms for the best single fist fight in the entire franchise."
"I really can't get enough of Ethan Hunt's Antics the gadgets the car chases the shootouts the IMF teams the scrupulous villains the double crossing and of course the masks lots of masks."
"Mad Max Fury Road is one of the best action movies of all time."
"We actually had fun with Monster Hunter and we recommend that you see it."
"How hard is it to kill one of these motherfuckers?"
"Margot does 97% of her stunts in this movie... does it better than we could have ever assumed it was going to be."
"To have the actor capable of doing 99% of their action is a godsend for the movie."
"Blind Fury is my pick. It's a great frickin' movie."
"It was the most like John Wick, just the cool stab moments."
"This is a movie about aerial military equipment being harnessed to fight a 30-foot wolf and it is not called Wolf Blitzer, that is a huge missed opportunity."
"Top Gun Maverick is absolutely terrific in every conceivable way... the action and flying is crazy intense and continually changes and evolves, you're on the edge of your seat."
"If you're looking for something you've never seen and you want to watch some just really top-notch action, 'The Legend of Drunken Master' would be really hard to beat."
"From the moment you see that beautiful shot of the assassins brandishing their swords in unison, hunting Wick, you know you're in for a treat."
"it's a must-see action flick with Kick-Ass fight sequences"
"Salt pulls up with punches, parkour, and a little pizazz."
"The best part of any action movie is the car chase."
"This could have been another generic action movie, but they raise it above with good actors and balanced direction."
"It's easily the best action movie of the last decade."
"There's a legitimate art to action movie screenwriting, and you can just see all of that in action here in this opening sequence."
"Just a straight-up action movie which you just don't get anymore, I think they were still doing them in the '90s like they hadn't gotten to that post-modernist, like oh isn't everything [ __ ] ironic and pointless like mindset anymore."
"It feels like the quintessential modern day action movie."
"It's the greatest action movie of all time while still having an emotional core at its center."
"This is pretty much just like a full throttle action movie."
"Predator... It's just a movie that there's so much muscles in this [ __ ] thing that I don't know if The Expendables or any other big macho franchise could ever come close to matching the level of testosterone that's on screen during Predator."
"This movie takes itself so seriously that I don't think it is ironic. I think they genuinely tried to make a good action movie, and that makes it so much better."
"What an amazing job, one of the greatest action movies ever made."
"It's just a movie that just never ever hits the brakes and it's, it's still just one of the more fun action movies to watch."
"That's got a really good car chase. They flip stuff and blow stuff up. Oh, it's a movie for real."
"This isn't supposed to be just another action movie that an aging star phones in for some quick profit. It's Rambo. It's his last ever outing, his swan song, the spectacular last stand in his epic career."
"a film where some bad people take over a tourist attraction so they can fire gas missiles at a city if their demands aren't met sounds like a great 90s action classic"
"It's a good throwback, like a revenge action movie."
"What do you need? Guns. Lots of guns."
"Blade will apparently kill a total of 88 vampires over the course of this movie, so for the love of God, give that man a good Yelp review."
"I mean, I think it's one of the best action movies ever made honestly and easily probably the best action film made in the modern day."
"Something high up in the air and stuff is blowing up. And I told you early in this review, that is exactly where they go."
"This might be my favorite action movie of all time."
"John Wick 4, especially when Keanu Reeves is punching the boxing bag and the whole house is shaking."
"Mad Max: Fury Road, goes without saying, always in the best of."
"I just saw the best action movie I've ever seen. I'm freaking out, I can't go to sleep, I can't sleep."
"...John Wick set in the Manila slums and it lives up to that..."
"If you're doing an ill killer assassin movie, don't let the love of his life get almost killed and now he got to go visit in the hospital. Them [ __ ] is in Spain!"
"It's an absolute classic, it's an absolute classic, it's practically faultless, so yeah, one of the best action movies ever made."
"There's plenty of the usual action movie tropes and cliches, but you're going into it for the fast-paced action."
"It's so boring in comparison to On Deadly Ground like it's not because it's not really an action movie like it's it's more of a like a like a virus outbreak movie this feels more like a TV film yeah it may super feels like a made-for-tv film."
"It's so hard to watch. Nothing looks human shield, he turns, we're adding a shot that way and then throws him on all the bad guys. That guy was just like going to the airport. It was first of all amazing that none of the bullets went all the way through, but also like amazing."
"I think this is one of the best action movies of all time."
"We need an 80s early 90s type action Revenge movie like Commando where Paul goes after Dr. Hoover. It's super crazy."
"Canon believed he could make an action movie for a reasonable budget."
"I'm remember like a '90s action movie star, like I'm ready for running, like running ready for some action."
"Vin Diesel crashes his car into the center of the highway and lands on the hood of a car like it's a bed of pillows."
"I could see myself acting in an action movie."
"To me, it's the perfect action movie, a perfect way to do a sequel, it's so rewatchable, so thrilling and exciting."
"Pass a chef and a stripper taking down terrorists on a boat, it's like all right pass."
"This is one of the most gloriously gory action movies I've ever seen."
"You can put Taken on there because Taken started the whole older actor action movie hero can do anything thing."
"Honestly, yeah, like it's such a good contrast because we just watched 'Demolition Man' and then you watch this, you go like brainless amazing good action to like something where it's more like thriller, more thinking."
"Sometimes with action movies, I feel like they just oversaturate it with just constant explosions and just all this stuff that feels like a distraction, this felt clever."
"I went into this completely expecting to watch yet another kind of fun yet forgettable action movie and, well, I came out a Die-Hard fan. Freaking nine out of ten. I love this movie. I can't believe it."
"And then I just watched this movie, this Vince Vaughn movie called Brawl in Cell Block 99."
"...the top performing movie for 2021-2022 was top gun Maverick."
"Steroid ridden roller coaster of a film."
"It's essentially Guy Ritchie and Jason Statham teaming up to do like a riff on a Bond movie."
"It's a thrilling movie with action and dynamic."
"I was a Braveheart guy. Nonstop action."
"It's the holidays; it's Die Hard, my favorite Christmas movie."
"I'm gonna take you to the bank, Senator Trent—to the blood bank."
"Lethal Weapon 2 is the best badass action movie sequel ever."
"It wasn't a bad movie, that one where he was the cook on the ship, Under Siege."
"The scene is one of the greatest of the classic '90s action movies."
"I watched John Wick for the first time on the plane yesterday. It was amazing."
"They turned him into Jason Bourne, and goddamn I'm happy he got it because this movie is just awesome."
"The Mummy was an absolute thrill ride filled with intricate action set pieces and a ton of good old 90s CGI."
"I just watched The Bourne Legacy... great movie."
"It's the greatest trailer we've seen for an action movie since 2003's Bad Boys 2."
"Captain America the First Avenger, love the action and Sebastian Stan as Bucky."
"Favorite Christmas movie? Well, there's only one choice, isn't there? It's got to be Die Hard."
"The movie is insanely well directed with some of the most inventive shots I've seen in an action movie in a long time."
"It's like the definition of a perfect action movie."
"Mission Impossible Fallout now the highest-grossing Tom Cruise movie ever."
"Die Hard is probably the best Christmas movie of all time."