
Time Passing Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"It's not time that's ticking away, it's life that's ticking away."
"How about I just put my head down on the desk and wait for the clock to run down?"
"You can't. They go by fast. It goes by quick, and then it's gone."
"If you ever want to pass three days of your life, get involved."
"It feels like every season that goes by, it's another opportunity at getting better that's wasted."
"We're all just killing time until the sun eats us."
"It's amazing how fast they grow and it is so true, the more you have, the quicker it goes."
"I hope it gets you into the fall spirit, I can't believe it's October already."
"We are thankful to God as this year is moving along very quickly."
"Christmas will be here before we know it."
"It's 2015, time is passing so quickly, isn't it? What a year we just saw, 2014. We lost so many, so many people."
"I smile at myself changing as time goes by."
"It's actually crazy to me that I've been watching you since secondary school and you now have a daughter."
"It's amazing how time just kind of goes."
"20 years since I graduated high school yeah 15 years for college awesome yeah"
"If you don't feel old yet just remember this movie came out seven years ago."
"It just feels like it is, it's hard for me to believe that we started this thing out 33 years ago."
"The whole ending sequence of time passing, the rest of the crew's life going by as their futures are all being watched on a VHS tape by Pops in the afterlife, it's beautiful."
"So we made it back from camping alive. It's actually been quite a few days now since camping."
"Since we made that video a lot has happened... TikTok has been invented, Kim Kardashian has become a billionaire, and then there was also something called COVID-19."
"The case that everybody in the family thought that would be solved very soon only went cold, and years went by."
"I was 17 turning 18. I'm now 30 turning 31. So, a little perspective for you guys. It's been a while."
"'Spring break's over. Now if I could just make it to summer vacation.'"
"Believe it or not it's been over five years now and damn time flies."
"Wow February so that's like yeah we're only two months away almost a year of Tak that's kind of scary."
"See you another 10 years. Yes, please. No sooner, sooner, sooner."
"I cannot believe that we're like almost in November, like what is actually happening? This year has gone so quick."
"It's been over a year now, I can't believe it's been over a year since I got my license in hand."
"Once summer is started, it just ends so quick so before we know it, it'll be fall, especially if you ask Hobby Lobby, right? Don't they have fall stuff out already?"
"...I blinked my eyes a couple of time silently praying that the date would change."
"Three centuries had flowed past the old manor house."
"See you guys in 2024. How about that, man? Time is flying. It's a Kobe year for everybody. So loud. Peace."
"Wow, we're really getting to the tail end of this year."
"A new month is upon us, this year is already off to a speedy start."
"This is crazy, almost one year, actually a little bit longer."
"I feel very lucky... but it is bizarre that a year has passed."
"I look back and think, what would I've been doing in those 20 years? I can't imagine."
"It's crazy. We're almost halfway through the year."
"29 years can you believe it's been that long"
"The time that you have with people that you love is a melting Ice Cube."
"The time that you have with the people that you love, it's like a melting Ice Cube."
"By the time your kids are 12, the Ice Cube is 75% melted."
"You only got 10% of it left after you turn 18 and you leave home."
"You don't realize that three hours just passed you by."
"Cheers! These past couple years have been a [ __ ] blur."
"Happy birthday, Teddy! Can y'all believe Teddy is already one?"
"I hope you guys have a very merry Christmas and I cannot believe it's already the end of the year and we're going into 2024 which is absolutely insane."
"Since Serena's Mana began to dissipate and was replaced by holy power, two months had already passed."
"Next time you see me, I will be 31."
"I blinked and it was December. Now I'm dead tired."
"What better way to pass the time while you are sheltering in place?"
"I started hibernating as best I could in mid-June of 2000. I was 24 years old."
"The magic cube is also a good way to kill time on boring days, and plus it's useful."
"I hope these ideas help you and give you something to pass the day during this time."
"We trade our time for little boxes to sleep in, little boxes to drive in, little boxes to work in, only for bigger boxes to sleep in, bigger boxes to drive in, bigger boxes to work in, and a little box to rest in while time goes on without us."
"It seems as though I've blinked, and now here we are."
"Holy cow, the sand is passing through the hourglass."
"Minutes turned into hours, longing to hear the throb of an approaching helicopter."
"Come with me into the trees, we'll lay on the grass and let the hours pass."
"Tick tock, what is ticking off here is not the clock, it's your life."
"I've been on a date where we went in when the sun was up, and it got dark when we were outside."
"Clock strikes upon the hour and the sun begins to fade."
"When you travel as much as we do, you have to kind of play little games and have fun things to pass the time."
"You only get so many Summers... you only get so many autumns."