
Server-side Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Blazor server-side: fast, efficient, but not offline capable."
"Blazer Server apps allow direct access to server resources, simplifying architecture."
"Enhanced nav is a way of getting the kind of fluidity that you have with a client-side router even though you're doing server-side page loading."
"The beauty of the new model is a component by default only runs on the server."
"Node.js is able to run the JavaScript code onto the server."
"There's also a version of JavaScript, server-side JavaScript, or SSJS."
"If you're fetching data on the server side and passing data around in your server component, they don't need to be serialized. But anytime that you're passing it to a client component or crossing the boundary from the server to the client, they need to be serialized."
"The main benefit of going through the game server is that the authentication and validation is handled by your application."
"You can pass server action functions as props down to client components and invoke them from the client side."
"You can use cookies and headers inside your server actions."
"So now we have this in place, in the next lesson, we'll see how to add server-side validation to our API."
"Adding server-side validation to your project is a very simple way to ensure valid values for all properties."
"Page caching refers to caching the content of a whole page on the server side."
"Business logic resides on the server in a client-server application."
"This route I'm going to create, I'm going to render it and do all the hydration related things on the server and ship it directly."
"Commands are just methods that are called from clients but run on the server."
"An open source project called Wasmer is one of the most popular ways to run WebAssembly on the server today."
"These components can only run and will only actually run on the server without impacting the client."
"This is how Next.js 13 replaces the whole functions of get server side props or get static site props."
"A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, reliable, and scalable server-side applications."
"This is our server component, so it's going to request this as it builds the website."
"Go is popular for cloud-based or server-side applications."
"Server render and server pre-render both refer to your C-sharp code being executed on a server."
"The server is basically where all of the security checks should be made."
"How would I actually fix this, right? If the player can just lie, if the player can just manipulate the server... how can the server actually keep up doing all the security check?"
"Whenever a player joins, we can just attach on the server a part inside of them... and then now that part will let us know when the player is touching something."
"If front-end development is everything the user touches and interacts with, back-end development is everything the user does not see."
"We're getting both client-side validation and server-side validation."
"It also shows you how to do field level validation on the server, which is super cool."
"Node.js allows you to run JavaScript on the server, and it's free and runs on various platforms."
"For server-side Blazor, we'll have the global availability soon."
"The server side is primarily for processing data."
"With Blazor and .NET 8, you can handle all of your server-side rendering needs."
"I'm extremely looking forward to the future of server-side JavaScript in APEX."
"React server components allow you to write the UI that can be rendered and optionally cached on the server."
"Server side rendering is basically what SvelteKit needs to turn these components into a string."
"When it comes to server components, we can do pretty much all of the stuff we can do in a Node.js file."
"Let's go down that long list of server components benefits."
"Before the HTML leaves the server, it's modified, and they actually change the markup to adopt many of these performance best practices."
"Java kind of went into the server land and that's where it took off."
"Now our first goal today is maybe to prepare ourselves a build to be run on the server side."
"The language is not a client language, it's also a server language."
"It's great for SEO as everything is server driven."
"Everything should be on the server, you don't trust anything coming out of the client."
"We get to keep all our template rendering on the server, which means writing more of our application in our favorite programming languages."
"When you have a database and you learn server-side programming, you can actually store that securely somewhere in a server."
"Pre-rendering does this on the server and it can result in not only better performance but better search engine optimization."
"It's an engine via which you can execute JavaScript code server-side."
"Node.js is essentially a runtime, a program with which you can execute JavaScript code server-side."
"Angular Universal... it'll actually render your templates on the server for you."
"Node is server-side JavaScript finally done right."