
Combinations Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Unexpected combos can form the perfect food union."
"Combinations of treatments tend to give the best results."
"One of the best flavor combinations of the evening."
"There are literally billions upon billions of fashion combinations available."
"Dress shoes and jeans can look amazing if put together skillfully."
"Infinite diversity and infinite combinations."
"Friend's mom used to eat soy sauce with ice cream."
"They would make a beautiful combination for the two."
"Nothing says classy like French fries, cheese, and Martinis."
"The frequency of synergy supports our allowance and acceptance of not so obvious, never seen before combinations and unions that result in new ways of functioning, working, thinking, relating, loving, and being."
"Just six pieces of standard eight-studded Lego bricks can be combined in nearly a billion ways."
"There is a limitless amount of combinations you can make here to create your own magic system and do unique things with it."
"Combinations make things sound good, be aware of the right combinations."
"So it honestly feels like the combinations are endless."
"Nature uses combinations of smaller, simpler components to create tremendous variety."
"Unlikely combinations are so cool because they force you to put 2 and 57 together when you were just stuck trying to put two and two together."
"This might be the perfect color combo. Yellow and blue, these particular shades, go so well together."
"Aquatic animals: badger frog, clam, flying dolphin fish, iguana seal, manatee whale, turtle crab, turtle duck."
"It wasn't bad. I would say 8 out of 10. Definitely some of the better combinations that we had today."
"I think sausage and bacon, I think they belong together."
"She's not just throwing one or two punches, four or five, six strike combinations which is a sign of a very experienced and comfortable striker."
"These combinations are just too fire to just keep to myself."
"These combinations right here are so freaking fire."
"I think it’s always getting these combinations right."
"It's cool to see the combinations of magic systems used together."
"...create over 1000 combinations."
"Think about the combinations of duck and coffee you can."
"You've got combinations of gear way more than you've ever had in real life."
"So all these different kinds of combinations arise through the way you could play around and combine your four genes."
"Every combination has its goods and bads."
"I invented a system by which you could try all the combinations."
"Does pizza belong with milk? No, no, no, it doesn't."
"Choosing our possible outcomes from a set of trials is referred to as 'n choose k'."
"There's always ways to customize, to adjust, and to marry combinations together that you may not have thought of before."
"It is incredible how, even though they're all exactly the same flowers, when I combine these with different things, they look completely different."
"For any one unordered combination, there's three factorial ways that you can mix it up."
"The maximum number of ways I can pick two people out of 16 is a combination."
"When calculating combinations, the order is not going to matter."
"First, we have to find the total number of combinations, known as the binomial coefficient."
"He's able to put complicated combinations together so well."
"There's loads of differing opinions on what goes best with strawberries, but I think it's mint."
"It opens up a huge variety of combinations."
"Permutations: order matters; combinations: order does not matter."
"How many ways are there to choose two where the order is not important?"
"Have you ever seen a combination better than that? Honestly, I struggle to think of a better combination."
"You can explore millions of champion combinations and master countless tactics."
"Your imagination is the limit, you can come up with all sorts of fun little combinations."
"The craziest, weirdest lightsaber combinations are possible thanks to Blade Builders."
"How many three number combinations are there if no repetition is allowed? That would be 720 different or unique combinations."
"The difference between permutations and combinations is that in permutations the order of the k objects matters, in combinations the order does not matter."
"I've always had a knack for combining the most unlikely foods together."
"He's been putting out a lot of punches, moves, some good combinations."
"Look at these crazy combinations and tell me this is not fantastic."
"Combinations... when the order is not important."
"Because there's 20 items and there's two choices for each item, it's going to be 2 to the 20th power."
"Even the experts in most cases can't tell the difference from one gene to the other until you start mixing it into other combinations."
"I am riveted when I see improbable combinations."
"There are exactly 11 million 238,000 513 ways combinations that the first 5 numbers can be drawn."
"I'm a Power Rangers fan who wants combinations because combinations will often turn an okay Megazord line into a great one."
"This is what to me diners are all about; you put weird combinations that aren't necessarily traditional."
"If you have chocolate and vanilla, you can make a cone with any composition of part chocolate, part vanilla, and its outcome is unique and expressed within an infinite amount of ways."
"Usually, combinations that you don't think go good together, do look good together."
"Best subsets regression examines all possible combinations of feature variables."
"With combinations, position doesn't matter."
"The formula for combinations with no repetition is n factorial over r factorial multiplied by (n minus r) factorial."
"A combination is a collection of items where the order among those items does not matter."
"Counting is not just counting numbers; it's to do with counting the number of different combinations of something."
"That is a nice start, straight in with some combinations."
"It's all about the combinations right in India."
"The 20 amino acids can combine in a zillion ways."
"It gives us all the different ways that we could arrange these numbers in groups of four."
"If an action can be performed in M ways and for each way a second action can be done in N ways, then the two actions can be done in M * N ways."
"Give me your favorite salad combinations that make salad less boring."
"Sometimes there's other things you wouldn't think would be a good combination, end up turning out to be like a perfect combination."
"These are really really nice if you want to find the number of combinations, or since that calculation is pretty simple ultimately, this is really good if you want to find the probability of a sequence of events."
"That is the difference between a permutation and a combination."
"The number of Combinations. Again, no item can be used more than once. The order of arrangements of r items, from n, does not matter in a combination."
"Let's test this fully, and we'll test the different combinations."
"A trie is a way of visualizing all of the possible combinations of those words."
"What I love about her is that she's so creative and always comes up with these amazing combos of things you would have never thought you could pair with."
"This combo is really good, I think this is one of my favorite ones so far."
"I feel like the stuff that I have been buying lately are things that I can kind of intertwine together, create outfits together with."
"Sometimes, the most unexpected combinations create the most stunning results."