
Werewolves Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"The two large-scale human reactions to werewolves from the teen wolf franchise are admiration and anger, not fear."
"Despite the werewolf’s widespread appearance in folklore, I’ll admit I haven’t really given the werewolf the attention it deserves—until now."
"The oldest piece of surviving literature we know about—The Epic of Gilgamesh—portrays a 'victim' werewolf in what is widely considered the oldest werewolf story on record."
"Lupin was never forgotten by anyone that knew him, a brave, kind man who did the best he could in very difficult circumstances."
"The example of his life and death did much to lift the stigma on werewolves."
"DTF is Softwa Tales of Werewolves" - Totalbiscuit
"But it was not always so; in fact, in Eastern European legends of yore, vampires were actually dead werewolves that rose from the grave."
"Because who doesn't want werewolves in Call of Duty zombies?"
"The werewolf myth has come down to us through the ages as a myth about our inner nature."
"So everyone will get the lunar cycle, but of course we made sure that for our werewolves specific lunar phases will affect them more."
"I think it really enriches the gameplay for werewolves."
"Werewolves are underused, underutilized, and misrepresented in films like van Helsing and underworld. They're not the type of werewolves that's a werewolf."
"The intervening years since the hexam head saga have revealed similar mysterious artifacts connected to werewolves."
"Beyond Big and Bad: Rethinking Harmful Werewolf Stereotypes."
"I love werewolves, they are the coolest [ __ ] badass creatures ever."
"Werewolves are notorious for their inhuman strength and speed and have deadly claws and teeth that can easily tear flesh into shreds."
"A werewolf is described in European folklore as a man who, due to a curse or affliction, turns into a wolf at night and devours animals, humans, and even corpses."
"Werewolves who transform by will are genetic werewolves, born with a curse or a gene passed down by one or both parents, and can transform any time of the day or month."
"Werewolves who transform involuntarily, usually triggered by the full moon, are theorized to have been bitten or in some other way had the curse or disease passed on through their blood."
"This is called 'Werewolves.' Let's go back to the dining room."
"The stronger the werewolf, the worse they are with women."
"Werewolves aren't real, they're just cool myths made up by movie makers."
"What state has the highest concentration of werewolf sightings?"
"There's more than werewolves in those trees, bro."
"Werewolves in horror movies just look comical and I cannot take these horror movies seriously at all."
"I've always been intrigued by werewolves ever since I saw the film 'The Wolfman' 1941. That was about 6 years old. I enjoyed the whole myth behind the beast and always believed in them."
"Werewolves can die from eating chocolate."
"I'd rather be a werewolf, yeah you can have... just the one day that you get 29 days out of like the month out of the month I mean yeah once a month you have a really bad night."
"I know what you're all wondering: how do werewolves eat lunch? We wolf it down."
"Who knows, maybe we'll see werewolves this Halloween."
"We're still very starved on unique werewolf characters because vampires are inherently more interesting and easier to do on a budget, but this is definitely something Lucian is made to be entertaining, and in that he succeeds."
"What would you do if I was like chilling and then some werewolves showed up? I'd freak out."
"Ava still hadn't quite come to grips with the idea that not only were vampires and werewolves and other assorted shape shifters real but also one of them had married her best friend."
"What is October and Halloween month without some werewolves?"
"Slomo the werewolf in lieu of Slo-Mo."
"Generally, there aren't many movies that feature hunters against werewolves, and this, in itself, is an exciting mix."
"The ancient world didn't have an exclusive word for werewolf, the Greeks discussed exclusively men who turn into wolves as lycos."
"Since the werewolves transform every night, I'm assuming it's the moon in general."
"Maybe werewolves are real and even living among us, so be careful and definitely don't go to the forest at night, especially when it's a full moon."
"Werewolves are killing machines; they are supernatural soldiers fighting a war we barely understand."
"The movie is set in the Scottish Highlands and features a squad of soldiers who fight and make a stand against some of the best representations of werewolves in film."
"Almost all of them believed in the existence of werewolves, otherwise known as loup-garou in French."
"In the 1700s, many people's lives were taken because they were accused of being werewolves."
"Being skeptical about werewolves is one thing, but seeing something like that in real life, that would be thrilling."
"She had an absolute fear of werewolves growing up, and I don't think it ever left."
"I'm a huge fan of werewolves, so I am so excited, like over the moon, to see this movie."
"Guys, we're doing werewolves again, but this one is a new and improved one."
"There's werewolves. I freaking love werewolves."
"I really really like werewolves in any sort of fantasy."
"What dark fantasy setting wouldn't be complete without werewolves?"
"Werewolves can only change into wolves three days out of the year."
"I always liked werewolves more than vampires."
"We call ourselves werewolves because 'were' translates to man in Latin, so you end up with something like man wolf."
"In Silver, you are trying to reduce your village's werewolf population using special abilities."
"Werewolves have mates, as in soul mates."
"The whole werewolves versus vampires thing is actually so cool but also hilarious."
"Vampires cannot procreate, but werewolves can."
"Vampires are not better than werewolves; we're way better than you!"
"We don't care about stupid vampires; werewolves are way cooler."
"Physical regeneration, a skill exclusive to werewolves, but his regeneration is too fast."
"Werewolves are so cool. Werewolves are so hot."
"Werewolves are super duper awesome."
"Well, as you might've guessed, we're half human, half wolves."
"We don't become wild, violent, we can have a normal conversation."
"Thank you for watching a documentary about us, werewolves. I hope you liked it."