
Opportunity Seizing Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"If you don't grab it, you're gonna stay stuck."
"Hey, you gotta do this now. This is a window of opportunity."
"In the great wind of progress, tradition cannot stand. Grasp fortune by the forelocks when you see your chances, seize them."
"House Hlaalu: seizing opportunities, even if it means bending tradition."
"This is how to get started, how to get better, and how to front run the opportunity."
"Don't miss this chance to do what you want to do."
"Life's not fair, but if you have the opportunity to do well and get somewhere and better yourself, then you take it."
"A lot of these groundbreaking ideas... they just take off what they can get."
"Opportunities are quick... chase after those opportunities like it's the last bus at night."
"Now is the day of salvation. Seize the day now."
"When opportunities come in, you're proactive, you're taking action, you're doing what you need to do to maintain that."
"It's not about your ability or your inability... it's about your availability."
"Somebody's gonna pick it up, might as well be you."
"You gotta take the advantage and run with them."
"Take the leap of faith. Waiting for the perfect moment when there never will be one."
"Took advantage of the situation and turned it into a positive."
"It's unbelievable how many people see opportunities and don't grab them. Instead, you today have said, 'I want this, I'm going for it.' That's the first step."
"That's how a lot of big game tries are scored, seizing upon an opportunity."
"These are free wins for anyone, these are free wins for fucking... you know what I mean."
"Always looking for those gaps because you've got to take advantage of them."
"You have to parlay these 15 minutes of fame into your bag, you have to do that."
"As the cat is away, the mice come out to play."
"It was nothing short of a no-brainer for me to take this opportunity."
"You've got to play offense, invest in yourself, identify new opportunities."
"If we have opportunities to help somebody we have to take it."
"You're being given an opportunity to do something that aligns yourself with the vision that you had or have of your destiny."
"Lessons are being offered to you, and I feel like you're going to grab it with both hands."
"I was working as a waiter at the time, had a quite a nice restaurant. I was enjoying myself, but this was an opportunity I had to take."
"I have a feeling today is the perfect time to commence this."
"If you give me a real opportunity to compete, I'm gonna go attack it."
"Destiny is forged by your actions, and now more than ever we must fight to seize the opportunity that we have created for ourselves."
"There are some great opportunities, but you're going to have to take some sort of action."
"You have to work with urgency or you miss incredible opportunities."
"The best time to do anything was 20 years ago; the next best time is often now."
"I do not want to spend the rest of my life wondering if I would have missed out on the biggest opportunity I ever had."
"We will not stop. We really have to. And we'll stay focused because maybe we see the opportunity, but we're not stopping."
"This is the new moon to kick-start your New Year, to get something off the ground, to take advantage of the momentum that's coming up."
"You have to take it with both hands, that's exactly what the sorry has done."
"Being stuck is BS. I am abundant, I am flowing, and I'm going to take the opportunities that bring positive change."
"You can be your own bailout, take advantage of those opportunities."
"I mean how could I pass that up I I could never you guys know me I love me some low-hanging fruit."
"Wow, for two years I'm not fighting, you know, and I have a great opportunity for back to fight in this great car."
"It's so nice when you find something even if you haven't got it and you've got to go for it."
"Alrighty guys, now I'm gonna break it for y'all. Look look guys, if you had one shot for one opportunity..."
"You're only going to live once, and we're all in such a position to put some chips on the table and go gambling on some pretty big wins."
"We got an opportunity here to do some really amazing things, now we just gotta go do them."
"Whatever you want to create in your life, whatever you want to birth, whatever you sort of see out there, you have a chance this month once you release the fear, the doubt, the frustration, the obligation."
"Why would you wait, gonna jump on the opportunity and take advantage now?"
"The worst thing that can happen to you is them saying no, but the best thing is you getting your dreams coming true, so like, pretty good trade-off in my opinion."
"Sometimes we get lucky, sometimes we get unlucky, and when our opportunity comes, sometimes you have to go for it."
"I've made a lot of bank by just opening my mouth and asking for what I want."
"The alchemy of life is right there for us, we just gotta step and grab it."
"Conditions in your life are ripe for you to make something big out of them."
"Step out, stand out - make a splash and seize opportunities."
"This is a golden opportunity. You are very capable. You just have to believe in yourself. You have to have faith."
"It's about being in the moment right now and taking advantage of every day and every opportunity."
"I'm here for a reason, I can make those plays too."
"You only get one chance to W the Nile. Yeah, you got to seize it."
"Now is the time... things will come together for you... taking action."
"I promised that at the right time we would pounce."
"Sometimes you have to get in on the ground floor early."
"Change is key. You have the key to make the necessary shift, change, or movement in your life."
"Seize the day, secure that deal, 'cause one day you're awake and see the end for what it truly is."
"Seizing opportunities, it's time to put an end to some sort of stagnant situation."
"It's the best chance we've ever had. Let's not waste it."
"You either have a chance if you try to predict the future, or if you wait for the opportunity to present itself."
"Jump at opportunities and benefit from them."
"Confidence is key, pick your moment to shine."
"You have luck on your side, make your next move your best move."
"You've got to be bold or you don't go to the doors that are open. These are doors that have to be like, I gotta show up and I gotta actually know who I am and I gotta do it."
"This is your opportunity, Sunday is your day."
"Finally, in the second half, we had our chance."
"Be able to have the conviction to often step up to the plate when you see that pattern."
"G points out Demon's underestimation of human tenacity, seizing the moment."
"While the opportunity exists you have to seize it."
"They saw their chance and they seized it."
"It's a mix, it's luck, but you had the skills and the goods to deliver and capitalize on the luck."
"I love that idea of taking risks; you're in a spot like this, you're facing the champ, take your at bat."
"This is about taking a leap of faith, taking a chance."
"It's time for the underdogs to come out to play."
"Let this be a lesson to myself and all the ladies out there to shoot your shot because someone else will shoot it if you don't."
"Now that I'm able to do things better, I'm taking every opportunity that I can take."
"Train to be a great actor, so when you get an opportunity, do your thing, people go 'wow'."
"We got to capture this lightning in the bottle in the next two years."