
Carefree Quotes

There are 854 quotes

"In the end, it doesn't matter as long as you're happy. Let the good times roll, karaoke anyone?"
"Wouldn't it be nice to not care or not focus on the negative?"
"It's like fuck it, I'm just gonna have fun and sell some weird shit for a dollar."
"Never mind coloring inside the lines, we are still trying to keep Michael from eating the crayons."
"Come have fun. Fuck shit up. Don't worry about making a mistake -- we won't give you a hard time about it."
"Welcome to the hood. Trenton is a tough town."
"Worrying won't get you anywhere, you know. It's better just to be carefree, I guess."
"Your summer will be lit because you literally don't have to worry about a thing."
"Let the vibe move you. You know, happiness, childhood, we all had moments in our lives where we don't care about what people said and we just have fun."
"She lived for today and it didn't matter for tomorrow."
"That summer was so good... no worries back then."
"Old enough to know better, but young enough not to care."
"I kind of love it, I think the just like Devil May Care attitude, yes, that's it, good one."
"Hey, I'm on vacation every single day because I love my occupation."
"Who wouldn't want to be Snoop Dogg? You just get to smoke weed all day and say the randomest [__]."
"Life is too short to worry about what is, follow your heart."
"I'm just happy life is good you know I'm in love just happy I don't really have any worries today today I don't have any cares I'm a carefree black girl today."
"The child is the purest form, and that's why they don't care."
"We didn't care about the money, we just wanted to have a good time."
"The carefreeness of summer... that's a word, right?"
"You're never lost if you don't care where you're going or when you get there."
"Call me irresponsible, yes I am unreliable, but it's undeniably true, I'm irresponsibly mad for you."
"Boat hair, don't care, we are on the boat because I did what I needed to do."
"What he needs is Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase!"
"Why should I worry, why should I care?"
"I love a pool party, no makeup, your hair is up."
"Like a child where they're completely carefree in life when they are loved well by their parents."
"We can all remember the old days as a child where everything seemed carefree and the world around us was like a dreamy fog."
"Kids should be kids for as long as they can. Adulting is hard. They need to live as carefree as possible and enjoy their childhood before it is gone."
"Whatever, it won't matter, so just have fun. Let's have a blast."
"Remember hopping in the car or boarding the plane WorryFree not a care in the world excited for a new adventure."
"It literally felt like summer... we're house hopping and we went to a fair like there were just no worries in the world and it was so much fun."
"Forget about your worries and your strife."
"It feels so good to have zero responsibilities."
"It means no worries, no worries for the rest of your days."
"The leisure suit was a revolution in men's fashion, symbolizing relaxed elegance and a bold, carefree look."
"Because it's so much better in your 30s. Like, literally, 30s, you literally don't care anymore."
"I just want to be light and airy today."
"This is again one of those paintings that is just fun and carefree."
"Take me back to when we were kids and didn't care if we were acting stupid."
"...I love the carefree nature of this planter it just has a very kind of natural look to it and I think it's because the centerpiece plant isn't very stiff or structured it's got just more of a natural habit to the growth..."
"...but it didn't matter, I was having such a good time."
"Molly embodies a sort of careless fun youthfulness."
"That's me, not a care in the world sick."
"Harry Styles is definitely like 'yes, I will take care of the swamp balls.'"
"In heaven, you have no cares. All the weight that you feel right down here on Earth, all of the concerns, all of the cares, all of the worries, all the pressures... disappear. You are completely weightless."
"There's something about that whole part where you're very carefree and yet you also take care of your [ __ ]."
"It's like that perfect oversized where like it doesn't drown you it's that slouchy oversized Carefree but you look cool kind of fit."
"They want you to enjoy your life and tap into that energy because that way you're more carefree, full of gratitude, and a lot of things will come towards you a lot quicker."
"Forget about your cares, it is time to relax at the junction."
"I chose to live stress-free, Hakuna Matata."
"Old enough to know better, young enough not to care."
"We are gonna dance like children."
"She's laughing at what she got to the night before, they ordered room service and they did not give a hoot about how much it would cost."
"Hakuna Matata. Ain't no passing grace."
"I'm such a free-spirited like whatever happens happens I don't care if it goes right or wrong like I'm just gonna wing it."
"The only upside of being old, you know, is that you don't care, and that's the only upside."
"You're Carefree like you're not with the drama."
"We used to have no worries in life."
"Fun, carefree, passion: those are your 300 buttons."
"Your date is going to feel like such a Carefree time."
"I'm a guy who's old enough to know better and still young enough not to care."
"The only thing that happened when I hit 50 is my don't give a damn button broke."
"He's like vibing on his own, he doesn't give a [__], he's just living his best life."
"Texas is always a good time because they don't give a [ __ ] dude."
"When you're on vacation, you don't always have to give an F about your hair."
"Who would have thought I'd be out here? I'm soaking wet, I don't care. I actually don't care."
"When you're a kid, you had like no worries in the world. Oh, I wish those days."
"I don't give a [ __ ]; I'm putting it out, and I'm having fun."
"...gay, genial, happy-go-lucky, and devil may care, if you know what I mean."
"I just did a cringy dance for everyone to stare and watch at me and I didn't even care."
"I am the most peaceful thing walking. Literally, nothing bothers me ever. I'm such an unbothered, unproblematic ball of, like, pot."
"Sun's out, tongues out, you know? I get it."
"Laugh like a child and sing like nobody cares and nobody's watching, like just truly just be people without the pressures of life."
"Like you're feeling good all the time, yeah, it's just, you know, we show up, maybe it's a good set, maybe it's not, but we don't care, we're just chilling, man, you know, who cares, that's part of the fun, yeah."
"Honestly, if it's a vibe, I don't even care."
"We don't give a [__] that there's two million people watching live, as long as we're laughing, we don't care."
"She loves the free, fresh wind in her hair, life without care."
"I got a thousand dollars, kids can go to Disneyland, it's great, there's no problems here."
"Forget your troubles, come on get happy, you better chase all your cares away."
"Enjoying yourself without a care in the world. Anyone can see that."
"Finally, they could have a carefree life and lived together happily ever after."
"He's coming just to go and ride his bike he's not got a care in the world he's got no hassles off anyone he's literally cruising around riding his motor bike and full of the joy of Springs you know what I mean."
"He's just having the time of his life, seriously for him, you know, it's just another day."
"Think of yourself as a first-grade kitty wink, just having fun and not worrying at all about what comes out of it."
"Stick his tongue out like a child."
"There's no worries. You don't worry about your children. They could run around anywhere."
"My only goal in life is to be as happy and carefree as this little bird."
"Let's just do this in a nice carefree way."
"Having lived such a carefree life he had no regrets."
"You can certainly make any kind of flower that you want, just be carefree and have fun with it."
"I'm a breathing pink hodgepodge. I have a carefree personality, I give zero fucks."
"Kylie was just like, 'Yeah whatever, I'm just gonna be crazy, let loose and not care what other people think.'"
"Oh, my God, her mom doesn't care, she has literally zero cares in the world. That's okay though, that's... um, I think it's perfect weather for gardening, by the way. Girls literally dying."
"Give fewer cares. The less you give a [__], the happier you will be."
"Wow, are you supposed to be doing this? I don't know, she doesn't care."
"This is the life, not a care in the world."
"We are who we are, why don't I be me and you'll be you, we're spreading color around us, we're lighting up the sky, it's what we do, we shouldn't care."
"Just being able to sway and swing and just not have a care in the world."
"Well there’s so little worry about it and that’s how I quilt."
"They don't like to belong to society, happy-go-lucky, adventurous."
"I don't care what any of you [ __ ] have to say about it, I'm having fun."
"Just relax, just be carefree, just do what you want to do in the moment and just be very relaxed."
"He's just smiling out there, doesn't have a care in the world."
"You may not have a dollar, but you don't seem to care. Oh, Winnie the Pooh, you're a bluesy kind of bear."
"Nothing beats being 18 without a care in the world."
"I started having fun. At first, I laughed openly at the old man who tripped, not worrying about the non-existent consequences."
"You know I love people have been losing the show and they've been saying guys you seem so happy and carefree and light I love the vibe as of late how do you feel the things you're gonna feel like do you feel now."
"I just wonder, like, I looked at him and I was like, what does it feel like to be that happy, like just not give a crap? Whatever. Thanks."
"I'm eating all the turkey, I don't care."
"Jen Shin cherishes her carefree adolescence."
"You can go out, you can just have fun with no consequences, no concerns."
"Sensibility goes out the window when I'm out with good friends."
"She's just free as a bird... she's just doing her thing without a care in the world, honey."
"Be free and have fun, that's how I feel."
"I remember being a kid and being just so carefree, man, just saying hello to everything and singing and dancing."
"I was just chilling, not giving a [__]."
"I wish I could go back and just like be a child with no worries, and this is not care, like just not care."
"I cannot wait but I'm like living for what's happening right now like right now I'm 16 I'm just having fun like no care in the world like I'm literally 16 years old like what do I have to worry about."
"He stops to shake hands with various people in the crowd, smiles at everyone, doesn't seem like he has a care in the world."
"You can be carefree because He is careful with you."
"It's absolutely a beautiful and marvelous thing to be a child and have absolutely no care in the world."
"I'm at peace. This is a sweet, sweet spot when you kind of don't have a care in the world."
"Forget about your cares; it's time to relax at the junction."
"They just want to go and they want to rage and have a good time with their friends like they don't care."
"Who cares, who's counting? Not me."
"What were we doing at 25? Pretty much we didn't have a care in the world."
"...I'm nostalgic for being a child with no worries..."
"Children have a carefree disposition. They're not bothered about what people think."
"Never grow up. Oh, never will buddy. Don't have the time or the want."
"You know what, if it gives me a little bit of protection from being burnt today, then why the hell not?"
"There's like no worry in the world when you're with your best friend."
"Urahara is relaxed and carefree and he does not take himself too seriously."
"Not caring is my favorite feeling."
"I don't think twice when I'm wearing this, especially living in Florida."
"No one cares, but I mean, I'm having a good time."
"My definition of retirement is carefree."
"These adventures provide a level of carefree, exciting escapism for the viewer."
"I don't even care, I'm having a ball."
"I love how she's just like openly wiping it off truly no cares."
"She had no worry, she was there to whoop it up."
"In those moments, we had no cares in the world. We were just us being us, and it was absolutely magical."
"You would think they were just out for a joyride, best friends without a care in the world."
"Children playing in the park without a care in the world."
"I'm staying down here, I don't even care if the water comes in."
"Hakuna matata. Let's begin. It means no worries."
"This is supposed to be a fun thing, something that you can do and just not worry about it too much."
"Just one month where it's like all right, we're just [__] posting on Instagram, [__] it, who cares?"
"Hey, you only live once, so [ __ ] it."
"You need to just stop caring so much."
"Run through the car wash and you're good to go. Hell yeah!"
"I don't really care. I just want to like go and have fun and like I just love to dance."
"I was just a bit of a lad, didn't mind a drink and had a good time."
"Can't blame a guy for wanting to have a good time."
"They just want to have greater experiences because of that they're always looking for someone to have a good time with they don't necessarily want to think about consequences they just want to enjoy and have a good time and experience the world with other people."
"I flipped it a little harder than I anticipated, but honestly I don't even care."
"I'm a real like up in the air type of person."
"I'm not afraid to get this scratched up."
"Reminds you that it is fine, you can just enjoy life and have fun."
"I just do stuff that I like and I don't care."
"Take it easy. Enjoy the sunshine. Don't worry about those who are always looking for the rain."
"Don't have an opinion, just enjoy life."
"It's nice to know that I don't have to worry about that and I can just add my fertilizer."
"You can't get much more carefree than that."
"His dark eyes were still laughing and carefree and reckless."
"Each mile was a plaything that she threw away."
"It's all about being carefree and rebellious."
"I'm just having fun, man. Whatever. I'm [expletive] having a blast."
"Mind your biscuits and life will be gravy."
"I ain't worried about a thing, I just got a fresh cut, you know?"
"I was basically just a typical kid, you know? Playing baseball, carefree, didn't really stress about anything."
"You don't have to worry about us. You want some candy?"
"Every time it's even remotely nice, still went, didn't care, just had so much fun."
"I like to have a lot of fun. I'm just always joking around."
"He loves to take our hands and dance with us; He has no worries about anything and just smiles and dances."
"It's the holidays, who's counting calories?"
"We don't care about being cool, we just want to have fun."
"I shoot an arrow into the air; where it lands, I do not care."
"Forget the troubles and just get happy, you better chase all your cares away."
"She lives life as she sees it, she takes every day as it comes."
"We're doing it anyway, might as well have a good time."
"It's our problem-free philosophy."
"What's really cool is looking carefree in normal situations but overwhelming everyone with unimaginable power in their hour of need."
"Dance your cares away, worry's for another day."
"Rollerbladers, that's the happiest person because they look ridiculous and they don't care."
"I want you to smile all the time, I don't care what you're doing."
"Nobody can worry if they're laughing."
"Just easy breezy, no specials on the books, not a care in the world over there."
"I'll be floating for a while man, I don't care what happens tomorrow, next day, this is too good."
"For a second, for a minute, can we go back when we were young and didn't care if we messed up?"
"He's got attitude and personality and is kind of carefree."
"She began galloping into the waves and you could tell she didn't care where she was going."
"Don't think about it, just go ahead and enjoy your life and have a good time."
"Why ask questions? Why not just have fun?"
"She was fun, carefree, playful, she had joined the Air Force because she wanted to go and travel, see new places, see where life took her."
"She didn't take life or herself too seriously."
"Waking up on Christmas, children dreaming without a care."
"With a gnome at home, you won't have the slightest worry about your greenery."
"I'm just like a 13-year-old kid that doesn't want to grow up, really."
"Let's worry about today; tomorrow can worry about itself. Let's get out there."