
Daily Cycle Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Hong Kong almost looks a little boring during the day, but when the sun sets, it's like Hong Kong really comes to life."
"The Sun rises, then it sets. We take that for granted, but it's precious."
"The most important time for humans... is when the sunrises and sunsets."
"So, whether or not your world has a day-night cycle — good morning, good afternoon, and get yourself home already!"
"Sun exposure and vitamin D during the day... turn off melatonin so it can recharge."
"That's a major clue right there. If a.m. to noon was reckoned as the sixth hour, when did the count begin? That's right, at first light, in the morning, when the day truly began."
"Circadian rhythm essentially relates to almost a daily timetable of things that has to happen in our body."
"The sun sets, The Moon Rises, and you realize the end of one perfect summer day is the beginning of another."
"Imagine that. Imagine we don't live for what time it is, what number. We just live for when the Sun is up and the Sun is down."
"From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same, the Lord's name is to be praised."
"It's beautiful," said Mort softly. "What is it?" "The sun is under the disc," said Death. "Is it like this every night?" "Every night," said Death. "Nature's like that."
"That's what it's all about, that's something to cherish, sunsets here and sunrises."
"At the rising of the sun, hope; at the going down thereof, peace."
"From the rising of the sun until the going down of the same, the name of the Lord is to be praised."
"Every morning, everywhere, the sun wakes up the world."
"To put on body fat or to lose body fat, the clock is going to give us a 24-hour window."
"During the day our bodies should be in what's called a catabolic state."
"From the rising of the sun to its going down, the Lord's name is to be praised."
"My Lord is the sun who comes forth over all lands day by day."
"Every morning, everywhere, the sun wakes up."
"The circadian oscillator keeps track of the daily cycle and is entrained by the daily cycle."
"And every evening the sun's fire drowns in the bay, and all the creatures that live here, they have their own special way."
"The sun rises in the mornings or the sun sets in the evenings, they are both spectacularly amazing."
"The world does not stop. The sun still has to shine in the morning, the moon comes out at night."
"The Sun God was Helios, who mounted his flaming chariot, rode across the heavens once every day."
"General rule of thumb around thermals are in the mornings as the air temperature starts to heat up, thermals will rise, and in the evening time as that air cools, it will want to fall or sink."
"The circadian rhythm is our daily biological rhythm which is controlled by a specific part of the brain."
"We have sunset and sunrise for our unit."
"We get a lot of great sunlight here; it hits around 9:30 and sets right over there."
"Life goes on, sun goes up, sun goes down, you have to get on with it."
"I've got my auto Dark theme currently set up to go into dark mode when the sun sets and come back into light mode when the sun comes up."
"That's a whole thing when you watch the sun go down at night and then watch it come up again in the morning, it feels like you've made it."
"Just like I know the sun's going to come up in the morning."
"It is nature's way, a lullaby finishes the day so we can all have a peaceful sleep."
"Every day always begins with Darkness or evening and it ends with morning."
"The celestial body's journey in the celestial sphere is from the point it rises in the east and sets in the west."
"Since we live on the Equator, the sun rises at 6:30 am all year round and sets at 6:30 pm."
"I always love that part of the day when the moon just starts peeking out."
"The Sun rises to begin a brand-new day."
"Everything seems so still, as if the day's holding its breath."
"The Lord's name is to be praised from the rising of the sun to its going down."
"The Lord's name is to be praised from the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same."
"This is the time that all the birds start going to bed, so a lot of them are climbing up onto high points, shouting and screaming about, announcing their territories for one last time before the sun disappears and they have to start the day again."
"Time of the day when everybody kind of starts to feel a sense of peace of the world and the troubles of the day are forgotten, troubles of tomorrow are forgotten too."
"Every morning the sun is born, so are we."
"Hippos are both nocturnal and diurnal; they feed at night and spend the day in the water."
"I love the way the flowers close up at night and reopen in the morning."
"From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised."