
Public Display Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"The internal divisions were now on public display."
"Can I kiss you? I smiled and we kissed right there in front of everyone."
"It's intended as a pageant, it's a way of showing off."
"The overall energy from May for you guys is the energy of celebration. Something you've been working on is finally able to get put out there."
"I think it should be done on as big a stage as possible."
"No one will deny you a peck on the cheek at the airport when you say goodbye to your lover."
"They're clearly besotted with each other, you know when you watch them on engagements they can't keep their hands off each other."
"Most of the people that are supporting it, most of the people that are putting their black Square on their profile or whatever aren't that committed. They're confused."
"Blatant in-your-face racism and xenophobia on display for the entire world to see."
"It's like she's making love to the President in front of forty million Americans."
"Here he was publicly shedding tears while he was holding this little baby."
"The hypocrisy of the conservative movement is in full display."
"Her faith is rising and it will be on display for all to see."
"And Mordecai came again to the Kings gate but Haman hasted to his house mourning and having his head covered."
"Hey look they're showing video games, isn't that nice?"
"I'm not gonna force myself to have sex with somebody I don't wanna."
"That was a messy, messy, messy performance at home on prime time."
"The tears are flowing, the rivers are out, you could see it."
"We need to make them all the best presentation and get it out where people can see it."
"One of the weirdest things I've seen was a guy protesting in a Santa hat and a barrel."
"Hug your friends cuddle with your friends lay your head on your friend's shoulder hold hands with each other when you walk down the street."
"It looked like it grew like a plant or an animal no were there were there guys running around this thing no no it's just sitting on a stage all by itself up on the platform by itself there's nobody around it."
"So he walks past us with the chunk, dark skin, [__], with black titties, lifts his shirt up, and rocks his titties like that right in front of you."
"The symbol continues to be prominently displayed on public buildings, flags, and crests around the world."
"Look at all those Canadian flags on vehicles now, it's patriotic."
"Hosting a pool as well, fitting right there in front of these nice beautiful display structures."
"Elijah wasn't born in a day for sure, he had years of quietness and then out of that, he had to come and publicly display that faith and courage."
"When people buy art, it's because they see it in public or at a gallery and they go 'wow, that's a really beautiful thing, I want that in my house.'"
"The nuke detonates on the big stage in Belfast with that Exquisite 125."
"They play this grandiose movie for everybody."
"I can't have a vagina on my background. If it's done tastefully."
"Don't be afraid to express yourself, whether in private or publicly."
"And turning away, she took three steps and she stopped, and she started unwrapping it. So she unwrapped it in front of the crowd, and what happened was the beginning of where I am today."
"Jesus died publicly. The least we can do is acknowledge him publicly."
"Get you a partner in your life who'll be complimenting your genitalia publicly, proudly, okay, that's what you need, you need a love like that."
"He openly expressed his feelings for hawan, including his affectionate confession in front of many people."
"She publicly invests, sacrifices, accepts, and is ecstatic in public."
"They really want to show you off to everyone and let everyone in town know you guys are together."
"Essentially me printing cheap prints and putting them up in public with tape so that um you know it's not damaging any property but people are able to see your work."
"They're going to want to show this affection publicly to the world."
"Revenge is a dish best served on the wall for everyone to see."
"He openly shows affection to his wife in front of everyone."
"If you can't go more than 15 seconds without touching each other in public where there's a group setting, if you're at the grocery store, whatever, hold hands. Who the f*ck cares? But if you're around other people, people don't like it."
"I don't really think about it like that, you know what I'm saying? She's gotten push gifts too, it just wasn't in front of everybody."
"Seeing a man that celebrates his wife publicly and loves his wife publicly, if I come around you and I've been around you a year you've never mentioned your wife, I ain't judging you but I'm kind of judging you."
"If you can't love me publicly, just don't love me at all."
"Faith is a public matter, Jesus died publicly for me, the least I can do is live publicly for him."
"Would you publicly not hold his hand when he reached for it?"
"They would give you a kiss on your forehead, on your cheek in public. They're going to hold your hand in public. They're going to tell you that they love you in public."
"'Publicly hanging like that, man, that's horrifying just to watch.'"
"Their anguish is public and heartfelt."
"You guys are gonna show millions of people what it's like to truly be in love with each other."
"I can't cry in front of all these people, oh my god."
"Hey, get a room guys! Get a room! Jesus!! GET A ROOM! GET A ROOM GUYYS!"
"I did the Ric Flair 'Woo' in public, absolutely."
"Nobody never in a million years did we imagine it would be exhibited at all, let alone in Central Park."
"We're going to have a big wedding, and we're going to show everybody in this town that we love each other, and we don't care who knows it."
"They began to appear everywhere together, holding hands and openly demonstrating their tender feelings for each other."
"It's been an absolute honor and a pleasure to display here today."
"PDA is very strong in Chile. You'll see it everywhere and it's not just unique to young people."
"It's a fair price for the dino, I hope it's going to be shown to the public."
"You say we just [__], but you grab my hand whenever we're walking in public."
"Nearly all Concordes built are now on public display around the world."
"Don't be embarrassed. If I want to kiss the man I love, I will."
"The right to display the copyrighted work publicly."
"If you're walking down the street holding someone's hands, it says you're together."
"Lewis plans to fly Bataan to events around the U.S and maybe Europe and Beyond so Bataan will be seen and appreciated by thousands."
"What's wrong with seeing a couple in love and kissing each other and acting romantic?"
"Love is in the air, like you said, we all saw Taylor and Travis share such a wholesome kiss."
"The artist is just happy to share, and it's such a relief when you actually finish a piece and you can just put it in front of the public."
"We kissed passionately on the street while bar patrons looked on."
"When it rains, we do our lovemaking in the tithe barn or the church porch or under the steps at the back of the women's institute, and we don't care who sees us."
"Deliverance must be public and displayed so the most people possible can be freed and encounter God's power."
"Why are you holding hands? Why are you making a scene? We're having breakfast."
"That is commitment, ladies and gentlemen, that is commitment on national TV."
"Most women feel so affirmed when their husband grabs their hand in public."
"Keeping the painting on public display has been the wish of every custodian of this portrait."
"Being able to hold hands in public, it's kind of like coming out to each person that's walking by us every single time."
"The layout is in a good enough state to display to the public."
"Over 600 hand-decorated butterflies fluttered above our heads."
"I respect the man that holds a hand in public."
"When God gives a gift, it's your responsibility to develop it privately before it's put on display publicly."
"To rejoice means to advertise, don't tell me you're in love when you cannot advertise it."
"Their love story filled with grand gestures and public declarations captivated the world."
"Love, kindness, genuine sense of affection in public... you can tell that it's intimate behind the person."
"In this way, two of us were able to show to the rest of the world the unshakable Japan-U.S. alliance."