
Endurance Sports Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"The reason I started looking into a low carb approach is because I had a lot of issues with my stomach going south in the middle of a race."
"There is no athlete endurance sport athlete that I know that goes to deeper darker places than he goes."
"Josh Quigley broke the world record for distance ridden in one week."
"Resistance training has carryover for endurance athletes as well."
"It's actually very normal for marathon runners to use the bathroom while running."
"You're telling yourself, like, bro, your mind is telling you to like stop, like literally stop, like you, like give up, yeah, but like you don't want to, you know."
"So your biggest worry on ultra-endurance riding is not being fast enough, it's being robust enough. It's being not injuring." - Mark Beaumont
"I run events, ultramarathons, I run for Charities, I run for PTSD."
"Now I understand why people get addicted to running."
"Mind over man, if you guys are wondering why people don't stop these runs..."
"This is the hardest part of the run absolutely."
"You want to push the run because it's the longest part of this event you can't waste energy you got to get going but you need to make sure that on that last run you're flexible enough."
"Increasing Zone 2 training proportionally may require adequate time for adaptation, especially for high-intensity sports like cyclocross."
"When mitochondria max out, you hit the wall, like in a marathon."
"It was in the back of my mind like man I've really become an expert at running 100 mile races."
"When you started off with the assault bike you didn't want to go above your threshold because then you had to go into the swim and still do those other movements at a nice fast pace."
"You need to have that mental state of robustness. Even if it's the last 200 meters, mentally, you've got to go until you physically cross up that white line."
"Welcome to the start of the first long duration Hill Climb... climbing this hill."
"Ironman: more than a race, a global movement of perseverance."
"The last 10ks of a marathon is where the marathon starts."
"The English Channel takes grit, determination, and the willingness to put your body through some of the most intense elements."
"The last dish is my absolute favorite, it's also Mitch's favorite so make sure you stick around right to the end to check that one out."
"Ross is the real deal. He pushes the limits of endurance and strength."
"When you run a hundred miles or 200 miles, then you have that knowledge and that experience of doing something completely impossible."
"Take something in every 30 minutes consistently; it'll be too late if you wait until you need it."
"When I look at UTMB... maybe I'm not cut out for this event... but you look at a guy like Tim Tollefsen and here's a guy that's around the same age as myself, he's actually... he's an inspiration to me."
"What an unbelievable race. Don't you just love endurance racing?"
"You too can use endurance sports to change your life and accomplish your fitness goals."
"Endurance sports has given me the greatest gifts in my life... it's helped me carve out a world in which I don't have to answer to anyone else."
"The longer the race the more exotically I'll eat I love trying all kinds of different stuff."
"Yes, these are fun, entertaining, and a cool experience, but at the end of the day, you're still running 26.2, 13.1, whatever race you're doing."
"If you want to know how we fuel our races and marathons with gut friendly high energy super tasty gels, watch on in this video to find out."
"It's discipline, pace, and strategy, stay on top of nutrition and hydration."
"If you're looking to do an ultra, I think a backyard Ultra is a great place to start."
"The more I dropped my heels, the more I was able to really pick up speed in some of those flatter sections."
"Strength training is very, very critical to performing well in endurance sports."
"It was the moment that I crossed the finish line at Ironman, Wisconsin in 2014 when I truly experienced how vital nutrition can play into your endurance performance."
"Triathlon is the epitome of redefining what's possible."
"It's not just a race but also a lifestyle that keeps people wanting more."
"It's a gateway drug to doing Cocodona."
"Look at the growth of ultra running the past few years; in fact, now they have 200 mile races, 240 mile races, 250 mile races, they're growing exponentially."
"If you are looking for a deeply cushioned trail shoe that's going to soak up all those training and racing miles, I would definitely recommend checking out the new updated Speedgoat Five."
"Now at 52, I did a quadruple Ironman distance triathlon."
"The bigger the base of aerobic training, the higher the pyramid can be on race day."
"Success in endurance performance is related to consistency of training and for a long period of time."
"Endurance sports was the muse that allowed me to eventually end up losing a total of 65 pounds and it ended up being the starting point for me living a better life."
"You are an Ironman. Congratulations on completing your Ironman."
"The Ironman means different things to different people, but it cannot mean more to anyone than to this father and his son."
"This is essentially a selection of really incredible tried and tested Ultra runs that I think definitely could earn a space on your bucket list."
"Fuel-wise is a nutrition reminder for long activities like ultramarathons or Ironmans."
"I see the fact that Apple has made it a priority to be serious in the endurance world and making it rugged."
"Why nutrition is so important during these long distance source of events."
"I honestly have a whole new level of respect for enduro races because this is ridiculous."
"Getting the intake right has shown, it's demonstrated across the board the athletes, especially endurance athletes, just perform better."
"The why of strength training for endurance athletes is that low force or really endurance contractions are pretty ineffective in this neuromuscular realm."
"I strongly believe that being an Ironman is something that goes further than only one-day races; it's a way of life."
"Swim, bike, run, that's triathlon, but what if it was more than that? What if it was faster, more tactical, more variable, more painful?"
"I've actually always wanted to do an Ironman."
"Having a young family is really challenging, and Iron Man is also really challenging."
"Going to an aid station in the later part of an ultra renews your faith in the human spirit."
"Nutrition can make or break your triathlon race, and the longer it gets, the truer this gets."
"Within every Ironman athlete, there's a desire to reach the summit, to climb higher than they ever thought possible."
"It's really not about speed anymore, it's about toughness, durability, attitude, and appetite."
"Endurance athletes who avoid strength training are definitely leaving big, big gains on the table."
"Anything you can do in the weight room, in the gym, on the track when you're running any kind of endurance sport, this is a stress and your body will attempt to adapt to this stress."
"The race went really well, I really enjoyed the experience, and I loved crossing that incredible finish line in Chamonix."
"Using a power meter to pace yourself is an absolute game-changer, especially in individual events or really long ultra endurance events."
"I run Western States 100 mile twice and Run Rabbit 100 twice in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, up at altitude."
"I run Ultra marathons that can last up to 24 hours in duration."