
Positive Speech Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Craft your words from love as a blessing you bestow into others and thus yourself."
"Bless everything we say we curse the works of darkness."
"I declare that I have great favor and blessings in my life. I speak favor and blessings into every area of my life."
"Use the power of your words to support yourself and your life."
"Every kind word you say has a huge effect on your life."
"Put your mouth in alignment with what God says and not the circumstances."
"Being mindful of our speech, choosing words that reflect positivity, encouragement, and love can transform our reality and the world around us."
"Gracious words are like honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."
"My dad would always build my mom up with his words."
"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."
"Replace 'I will' with 'I am'. Instead of saying 'I want to be rich', say 'I am rich'."
"Avoid foul and abusive language... Let everything that come out of our mouth be good and helpful and useful."
"I am called by name. I speak purpose, I speak value, I speak victory."
"If you want water to come out of the rock, stop fussing at it and stop striking it. Speak life to it."
"Be impeccable with your words, speak life into every situation."
"Speak life, speak blessing, speak my words, speak Triumph, speak victory, speak your enemies' defeat."
"My mouth speaks only what is good for the use of edifying those who hear me."
"Kind words can be a Beacon of Hope, light, and warmth."
"Force loving words have the power to change lives, including your own."
"Don’t talk poverty in any way; don’t refer to it as existing. TALK WEALTH."
"Your word is your bond. Speak well of yourself and speak your reality into existence by saying positive things for yourself."
"What you speak becomes true, the universe will have to create that happening because you said it was already happening."
"When we are impeccable with our word, everything is going to improve."
"The more you mention someone favorably, the more you develop love for them."
"Blessing is speaking out of your mouth the things that you desire to see come to pass over a person, place, or thing."
"Why can't we speak like, 'Give it heaven today'?"
"A kind word is always really nice."
"Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift."
"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones."
"Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love."
"You have to eat like you love yourself, you have to train like you love yourself, and most importantly, you have to speak like you love yourself."
"Every single word we speak should build up or help the person we're speaking to."
"May the words we speak be carried by the winds of God's divine purpose, settling upon the soil of our lives to yield a harvest of goodness, joy, and fulfillment."
"The words of the wise bring healing."
"Your words have power; speak kind things to yourself."
"Our words should always be words of peace, words of healing, words of edification."
"Bring your palms to your lips to remind yourself to speak kindly to yourself."
"Tonight as you go forward, have peace in your thoughts, peace in your words, and peace in your heart."
"By good words, expressed by a good mind, you will store good results to be reaped by your soul."
"Speak beautiful things and live every day with intention."
"That's right speech, because that creates a beautiful world."
"Say only what is helpful for building others up."
"Spread positivity, don't speak badly of people because ultimately that's gonna come back to you."
"You can change things with the fruit of your lips, you can change circumstances and situations, but more than that you can change the lives of people."
"If you want to change what you see, change how you speak."
"I want to use it to speak blessing and to Speak Life over my family and my husband."
"Say only good words, for the angels will be there ready to say 'Ameen' for whatever you say."
"Whoever avoids criticism of another's speech, a house is built for him in the outskirts of paradise."
"Your tongue is powerful, speak life."
"Begin to frame your life with words, speak the things that God says about your life."
"Speak kindly to others but especially speak kindly to yourself."
"Have the Buddhist mind and say something nice to each other."
"Words of affirmation are using words to build up the other person."
"Speak the word of faith and feed your nervous system the vocabulary of constructive, progressive, productive, and victorious words."
"I always talked well of the kids and spoke well of them."
"We need to train ourselves to speak life-giving words."