
Non-commercial Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"This is about healing the nation. It's not about business. This is what we do. It's about love."
"I'm not trying to sell my book... I'm doing it to convey a message."
"There's something so inherently beautiful about people expressing themselves in a way they can never profit from."
"Dr. Greger is behind the website NutritionFacts.org, which is a non-commercial science-based public service."
"This video had nothing to do with making a profit. This was all about making memories."
"Keep it easy breezy and beautiful hashtag not sponsored."
"You don't want to make radio songs just for the sake of it. Bobby Shmurda's hit wasn't made for radio; it was just rapping."
"Creative people should engage in non-monetized hobbies."
"It's like okay well if you're online it's like I'll just have them deliver yeah it was pretty cool it's great um this is not a sponsored by the way so well not sponsored at all."
"New York is so wonderful because nothing about it is commercial."
"People will come over here and I won't even realize that I didn't play them anything that's commercialized."
"It's a really special thing because it's totally non-commercial."
"It's nice that it works in that way because it was very evolved. The relationship evolved. It wasn't commercial in that sense. We were just helping and happy to help."
"It's the kind of thing that you would never get from a commercial product but here it is, here we are playing it."
"Newton's aim was not clearly commercial; he never showed any eagerness for material gains."
"Not every action needs to be monetized."
"This island isn't overly commercialized; a beach vacation here is a good chance to leave summer crowds and enjoy a more natural environment."
"Zines still focus on being a form of expression rather than making a bunch of money."
"You're going to learn the most about a category of art, antiques, and collectibles in places where you're not tempted to buy, like museums."
"I've always played music, I just have never pursued the music business."
"I'm not gonna tell you why I love moss. Moss is mine to power. I am not monetizing this."
"I promise this channel will never be a commercial entity."
"I'm not really much of a salesman; I don't know how to do sales pitches, and that's not what it's about."
"It's all family-run stuff, what I like is, it's not transactional."
"I've never taken a dollar from fans; I don't sell anything."
"I'm not sponsored and I don't monetize my videos; I put these together for you guys."
"Linux doesn't have a corporate agenda with shareholders expecting value extraction; it's a democratic open community."
"If you're looking for a new rig to animate with, to put on your demo reel, to try doing some game animation for example, something non-commercial, this rig may be a great contender."
"It's good to have hobbies, not everything has to be monetizable."
"It's not commercialized, it's real, it's organic."
"We started it from nothing, and we own it, and I want people to trust it. It's not for sale."
"We don't seek to monetize it... we love people who subscribe because then they can follow us, but that's not our motivation."
"A non-monetized hobby... doing something for the pure joy of it and not because you're going to monetize it."
"They focus on art instead of money."
"If you want to integrate art on a substantial level in the city, you have to give the artist space what is not necessarily commercially used."
"All I do is send helpful stuff, I never send 'click here and buy this thing'."
"This is a labor of love; it's not a business model for me at all."
"Timeshifting for private home use must be characterized as a noncommercial, nonprofit activity."
"Your hobbies don't have to be a business."
"We're not gonna try to sell you anything; we're just going to show you how to use the product."
"It's the perfect fight that wouldn't necessarily sell a lot of pay-per-views but is so amazing."
"I'm not here to promote or push merchandise, I'm here to say thank you to a good friend."
"I finally have a hobby that is mine and I've not monetized it."