
Crowd Reaction Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The crowd is standing up for their coat. It is electric."
"It's just a beautiful sight and the crowd just erupts."
"His incredible performance earns him the admiration of the crowd."
"The best part of the whole thing was the entire arena going crazy."
"Mash creates a full tornado with how cool his moves were and the crowd can't believe what they are witnessing."
"Samoa Joe debuting last night, the crowd went nuts."
"Fantastic to see her back on the pitch... the silence that fell upon the crowd was really something." - Overcoming challenges and resilience.
"He homers again, the SkyDome falls absolutely silent."
"A lot of smiling faces and a lot of cheering."
"You can just tell within the first couple minutes of everybody said that the crowd was with it."
"This is from Madison Square Garden and on this night, the New York crowd has decided that this is the most important thing they've ever seen in their damn lives."
"The crowd reaction toward both wrestlers added in with the return of Sammy's old theme music made this an epic moment"
"Holy hell that crowd was absolutely electric after that haluva kick"
"But just go and listen to the reaction as soon as edge hits the spear and undertaker reverses it into the submission move and edge taps out everybody flipping adores it and when you've got the crowd you did the right thing."
"Some of my best matches I got beat up 90% of the time and people screamed for 90% of the match."
"Stone Cold Steve Austin's entrance was as straightforward as his ass-kicking style, but what made it epic were the crowd reactions."
"I feel like if Joe would have won, the arena would have went crazy."
"Roman pinned clean in the middle of the Ring... crowd went ballistic."
"Crowd pleaser. Crowd Goes Wild afterwards."
"As soon as that joint come on, the crowd go crazy."
"Malachi Black spits the mist into Cody's face and small packages him for the three count to a huge pop, huge babyface pop."
"This is crazy like we've never heard a crowd this loud like they without ever having heard it before they just like like they just oh wow that's powerful."
"I remember kicking the ball out my hands and it went towards the Trent and the crowd went 'Wow!'"
"Even watching this back now, you can't say that the road warriors didn't get a huge pop when they walked to the ring. The crowd went absolutely nuts."
"Rock pretty much destroyed every town e-pass root like well hurricane Rock was as good at working a crowd as ever but instead of drawing huge pops he drew heat the likes of which you so rarely see today."
"This was what I remembered, they're out here in the main event and the place is going crazy for them."
"He mixes up his game beautifully, the crowd love it in here tonight."
"Everyone brawls, the crowd goes mad."
"The crowd absolutely loving Montana Robbins."
"That whole stadium was just gone, absolutely ballistic."
"I don't think anything can beat that. That was the ultimate. I mean, they broke the decibel record. The roof flew off the place. It was amazing. Totally amazing."
"The crowd went nuts, people screamed and a few girls even stood on their chairs and cupped their hands around their mouths to yell louder."
"The crowd is going quackers. Going quackers!"
"Goldberg Spears crowd's losing it."
"They bought something so badly here where they just stopped and stared at each other they ran into each other and then time Stood Still as they both sat and looked at each other trying to figure out what they're going to do next and everyone just started booing."
"...as over as this finisher is, the diamond cutter, and you can tell because when he hits it the crowd goes bananas because they've been conditioned."
"That's something that can only happen in wrestling crowd reaction is everything."
"The crowd loved it, like AJ and Omos are definitely the heels here, but Omos finally gets that tag after minutes of being taunted by The New Day."
"The crowd really enjoy no call for Seasons yeting crowd was sure inter chanting Yeet."
"The voice of the voiceless would make his triumphant return to wrestling to a pop so loud that it would have made Steve Austin blush."
"Mankind winning the WWE Championship to one of the loudest crowd reactions in WWE history."
"The San Diego crowd loved the red and black attack they had fun laughing at Alex and disco."
"It's probably still one of the loudest pops and ovations in wrestling history when Stone Cold came out there to help out and the crowd lost their mind."
"The boo, when a crowd catches a good boo, there's nothing like it when a maybe an ump makes a mistake or uh, you know a ref [ __ ] something up or just something bad happens and then the whole crowd gets a real deep guttural boo, it's a very great experience."
"What a sensational try, the crowd on the far side of the field are going absolutely berserk."
"That is one of the all-time reactions to watching a crowd."
"The crowd reaction was huge positive for you guys when you first started."
"The crowd goes nuts, that guy wheelied the first 300 ft!"
"You booed me and I had 40, you booed me I had 50, you still boo me after a 50 point game."
"Getting a knockout and hearing the reaction from the crowd, it's an addiction."
"That's what motivated Michael the most, to see the reaction of the crowd."
"The crowd is going mental at this point."
"The World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry, gets a huge reaction from the crowd."