
Living Expenses Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"68% of Americans are worried about covering living expenses."
"Paying too much rent is one of the biggest mistakes people make."
"With Patreon, I pay my entire month's rent. I don't really have to worry about financially being able to pull off that huge part of my monthly bill because Patreon right now covers that."
"People just don't have the money to pay for gas and electric."
"Gas was $4.69 a gallon when I lived in Seattle."
"Ten thousand is like it's more than a year that I would like it gives me more than a year runway of living here more than a year way more my expenses are only a couple hundred a month like if even that."
"$1,000 a month is even enough money for most people to pay for their rent."
"My advice for saving is the thing is we've been renting and rent is expensive especially in the south thank you very much Brighton we love you."
"Four hundred dollars a month just for water."
"When you make energy more expensive you make everything more expensive."
"Free VA Aid in attendance or housebound program... to help cover the cost of daily living expenses."
"If you make 2,000 bucks a month and your rent's $1,000, you're probably not going to be living too great."
"Renting isn't throwing your money away, you literally need a place to live."
"Try living on $600 a month from SSI"
"This video is not about how much it costs on average to live in London, we want to tell you what's the absolute minimum."
"But if you're living in America, let's say LA, you have student debt, you have housing crisis, you have to make $2,000, $3,000 every month. This is really difficult for you."
"70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck."
"San Antonio really is the kind of place where you can afford to raise a family the way that you want to."
"You really can live on a thousand dollars a month or less, it's totally doable."
"Living on your own single is usually more expensive, whereas living together with someone else or as a couple is usually cheaper because you get to share a lot of the expenses."
"Almost two-thirds of U.S consumers are living paycheck to paycheck."
"It's certainly very underrated to live but typically Taiwan is not considered a cheap country nonetheless with its median cost of living of $1,600."
"Georgia has long been one of the most underrated countries to live in on a budget however in recent years it's received a lot of prominence."
"Living with your parents wipes out most of these expenses."
"Mine is more intended for a long-term situation. I feel like this is a reasonable amount of money that you could live on week after week."
"There is a societal cost to this, people stop behaving in a civilized manner when they are incentivized to because they are being nickel and dimed out of existence with an increasing cost of living."
"So, I'm a crypto artist and I've been on a site called Super Rare for like a year, and basically it's been paying all of my living expenses. Like, this is the only thing I do."
"Every paycheck that I had was going towards eating out and paying that rent and I was like, that was it."
"How do I start? I want to come to Poland to do my master's. How do I start? What is the cost of living like? How much did you spend for your entire program? And how much does it cost? Are there jobs in Poland? Can I work as a student?"
"If you're not spending a lot, you can easily live under one thousand dollars per month, it's possible."
"Just for the food, I guess around two thousand lei a month."
"Typical expats' living cost in Malaysia ranges from about $1,500 to $4,000 per month."
"Living in high cost of living areas like New York, San Francisco, LA, every time you run the numbers the vast majority of the time you find that it's actually cheaper to rent than to own."
"Retirement or financial independence simply means that you have your living expenses covered by non-work income."
"Can you afford to live now that you've got that education? Can you afford rent where you live, are you saving up to buy a house, or is that complete out of reach?"
"You should spend no more than 30 percent of your monthly take-home pay on rent and utilities."
"Utilities are very important to factor into the cost of your rent because just like your rent, you have to pay these every single month."
"The biggest cost in America you are going to have is where you are going to live."
"New Yorkers also spend most of their money on rent; the average American spends 30% on shelter, whereas New Yorkers spend 65%."
"If you can control your household income, keep your living expenses low and your transportation expenses low, then you're winning."
"I was living in Manhattan at the time, so I actually wasn't able to decrease my spending much because the largest expense was Manhattan rent."
"Paris, like Dublin, is prohibitively expensive and I would say it is unjustifiably expensive."
"The cost of living in Japan isn't as steep as you might think."
"I'm going to give you $1,000, okay? We're going to pay for your entire year of living."
"We don't want to tell you guys like specific and stuff, let's just say that we paid six months' rent, and it's the same amount as our one month mortgage in the US."
"I make sure to pay my fair share of the rent and living expenses every month."
"It's very hard to support somebody fully on $730 a month."
"Who's going to pay the bills? You've got to have a living."
"49% of Americans actually depend on credit cards now to cover essential living expenses."
"We know the cost of living in New York City has skyrocketed."
"Electricity has been maybe a third of what we're paying at a two-bedroom apartment."
"We became financially independent because the passive income from our dividend stocks was about forty-three hundred dollars a month, which more than covered all our living expenses."
"I would rather you start to have at least one month's worth of living expenses in a high yield savings account before even starting to throw too much money into investing."
"Japan is one of the most expensive Asian countries, but just as it has very high prices, the quality of its services is also high."
"If you stay around the Eiffel and your apartment faces where you can see the Eiffel, you pay more in rent."
"My fourteen thousand dollar annual salary didn't leave me with much money for rent in Atlanta."
"If you are not in charge, you don't know that rice, oil and salt are expensive."
"26k on the student loan but I'm still paying that rent."