
Border Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Sometimes when I'm writing I'll have this emotional feeling come over me it's just like I can tell what I'm writing is like powerful."
"We're in Przemyśl, just a few miles from the border. We've been given special permission by the Polish army to see the latest train that's coming from Kyiv."
"Chad Wolf, former acting secretary of DHS, is calling what's happening at the border an unprecedented crisis."
"The tensions at the southwest border reached a 20-year high."
"It is possible to secure our Southern border, and we have to do it."
"The crisis on the border is actually getting much, much worse."
"The humanitarian crisis at the border is showing no signs of slowing."
"Maine's the only state in the nation with just one border."
"When did you first start to see the flood of children and families crossing the border here into McAllen Texas?"
"With the advent of the Mig 25, the attempts by the American aerial reconnaissance aircraft to cross the border ended."
"Shapo crossed from Canada into the United States at 11:45 a.m."
"The immigration system is not just broken but potentially catastrophic with an open border."
"Arriving at the Canadian border after over 1300 miles of dirt roads was exhilarating."
"I went down to the border... I talk to the ranchers, the citizens, and they tell me every single day that we are overwhelmed."
"I'm gonna try to hit you on the border side to send you back this way."
"The border is more open today than I've ever seen it in my entire life during my career."
"The Mexican border area is a really interesting part of the country and it's in the news often but many people haven't really been down there to explore it."
"I was surprised to see just how close the train gets to the border with Mexico."
"...and after a series of negotiations the border reopened and despite the continuing dispute over the status of Gibraltar there would be no further changes in its status."
"That's the border with Mexico directly ahead of me."
"Chattanooga, Tennessee, is on the Georgia-Tennessee border."
"To people on both sides of the border -- their passions, struggle, achievements, their food, their art, their songs -- they're all living this closer together than many places without a wall."
"He has never started any wars, he doesn't like people coming in that are illegal over the Border."
"The line of control - ground zero for the Indo-Pak tension."
"We don't need a wall, we need solar energy and transmission grids."
"We get to the border and they're like, 'Nice car. Turn around.'"
"The Korean Demilitarized Zone stands as a significant border barrier."
"The border wall along the southern border is something that I know a lot about because in my law enforcement career I worked along that border."
"We're right on the Utah Arizona border."
"Someone installed seesaws at the US-Mexico border so kids can play together."
"He was going to build a wall across the entire U.S Mexico border which Mexico is going to pay for."
"We don't like going across the border, you see. Money needs to stay in the north."
"There is not a physical border with armed guards."
"The 2,000 mile expanse of the Mexican-U.S border has been attracting smugglers since before prohibition."
"I'm very focused on that line because that's the line where they want to put up the wall that will separate the 2 nations."
"On day one of my new Administration, I will seal the border and I will shut down the invasion coming into our country, and that's what it is, just like a military invasion."
"The present-day Canada USA border is partly an outcome of the War of 1812."
"A common story along a border that separates Haiti the poorest country in the Americas and the Dominican Republic the most booming economy in the same region."
"I know some of you are going to ask about a border. I would suggest just a very simple granny style border."
"Border security is National Security. It's not a political talking point, it's a fact."
"The Tatras are a stunning mountain range that straddles the Polish and Slovakian border."
"Kars is a city located in the very eastern part of Turkey, close to the Armenian border."
"The border is not a barrier, it is a threshold."
"Offa's Dyke is a spectacular ancient earthwork that splits the nations of England and Wales."
"The McMahon Line, the de facto north-eastern border between China and India, would go on to cause its fair share of trouble."
"We're right on the border of Sweden."
"Most of the refugees used to live close to the border."
"I'm absolutely fascinated by the existence of this border."
"I decided to do the Border in a satin Stitch, and I think that came out really well."
"This right here is the Rio Grande, and then way up there is Mexico."
"We get puppies at the border crossing, that little one there just watching John."
"Single crochet is really underrated as a border, I think, especially if you're wanting to highlight the beauty of a stitch in the main body of the work."
"Niagara Falls is in between Canada and the states, and it's famous for a really big waterfall."
"By far the highlight of the first full day is when the train passes within quite literally a stone's throw of the U.S.-Mexico border."
"Border bottom to be three pixel solid."
"Partition cuts very deep, and it is about more than that physical border that was put in place."
"We're going to work a little scalloped border around the rest of our triangle."
"The border is secure and the border is not open."
"I love that border, it is magnificent."
"The DMZ, the most fortified border in the world."
"By making addressing this issue in a comprehensive way, we have to look Beyond just the lens of what is happening exactly at the border."
"We're doing a little hike... we are on the border of Mexico, like we can see Mexico out in the distance there."
"A border experiencing the largest humanitarian crisis of our lifetimes."
"It's a crisis of cruelty and incompetence that has created a humanitarian disaster on our southern border. It is a stain on the United States of America."