
Follow-through Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"Short answer: follow through on the things that you know that you want to do or that you've promised that you're gonna do even if that's like a public promise."
"Shout out to Stevo one of the only people I have ever met in my life besides Marty to say they're going to do something and then start doing it right then and there."
"There's a big difference between staking a position and following up that position with action."
"Commitment is staying true to what you said you were going to do long after the mood that you have set in."
"Make the decision, stay constructive, finish what you started."
"You're somebody who follows through. If you say you're gonna do something, you go and do it."
"Believe in your dreams and passions, it is calling you to follow them."
"I really felt like it wasn't just hype there was some follow through on a lot of this stuff."
"Follow through and great things will happen."
"I do appreciate recommendations and when I can I do follow up on them."
"So if you aren't someone who follows at least to some degree on what I'm going to show you today and implements it straight away bookmark the video come back in 2 years and I want you to tell me if I was right or wrong."
"I intend to close Guantanamo, and I will follow through on that."
"I think he's very passionate about his causes, you know, and then he follows them up."
"Don't be that person who starts something but doesn't want to finish."
"Words are words, so especially when you're in a relationship, it's not just words, it's also how you're following up with action."
"It's really something incredible for them I think to follow through with that."
"People don't lack knowledge; they lack the ability to follow through."
"We made a commitment, and we need to see it through."
"Some of the reasons for this poor follow-through have to do with the nature of ADHD itself."
"I say things and then I go out and do them."
"Get somebody's program, follow it, commit to the process."
"You're going to have a brilliant idea come to you but it's just a potential right now so you need to really follow through with this inspiration."
"Character is the ability to follow through on a resolution after the enthusiasm with which the resolution was made has passed."
"It's the perfect time for follow-through with people, projects, promises, and ideas."
"If you trust yourself in your forehand, give yourself one thing to think about: following through is a great one."
"You've got to follow through if you're going to say something."
"Make sure that you follow through... try to see things to completion."
"Follow through is actually a reaction, not an action."
"So follow through because that's the hardest part. It does start to drag on."
"Follow-through is a big thing whether you're a shotgunner, pistol shooter, or rifleman."
"Never make threats or challenges you aren't willing to follow through on."
"Say what you're gonna do, and go and do it."
"They're full of ideas, full of desires, full of just doing things, and then not really going through with them."
"If you commit to doing something, be sure to follow through."
"Be curious about lack of follow-through."
"Doctor Who has a habit, especially the newer Who stuff, seems to just come up with these concepts and ideas and never follows through on them."
"Honestly, for me, following through is probably the most important thing ever."
"Follow through is a reaction, not a forced action."
"If you're talking to someone and there's interest and there's flirting, but they don't show up or they don't come to see you or they don't call when they say they're gonna call, that's not who this is. This is someone who follows through."
"You're nasty. You said you were gonna do it, you did it."
"You don't introduce something like that and then not follow through with it. If you're gonna introduce a black hat in your movie, you gotta follow through."
"That's what we're going to try to follow through with on this."
"Once you made a certain decision, follow through, follow through, but of course you must make decisions based on the facts prevailing at that point in time."
"...as long as you're hitting this area really well with the big hip turn and getting the disc into the power pocket properly then the follow-through is just allowing the shot to continue and really driving through the shot."
"...the things that you're most excited about seeing me actually follow through with so that you can see how to do it too."
"It was such a cutthroat badass move. I just wish he followed through on it."
"I just told you it was Tuesday and I said, hey, I'll bring all my stuff after 15 years. I said I'll bring all my stuff in Thursday."
"Less is more. Let the stock work. Ideally, the next day and even the days after that, we see more and more additional follow-through."
"Follow through with something because at this point this hamster wheel of broken promises."
"That was an understatement. I felt worse than that. But I had to follow through."
"Follow-through like you're throwing a rock or a ball or something."
"Clever words aren't enough; you need to follow through."
"He just followed through with his words."
"Mental clarity is number one. If the mind is clear, everything else will follow."
"This is the one where we actually kind of followed through."
"It's easy to say you're going to commit to something but then when you actually do it"
"I'm as good as my word. I'm going to eat the banana."
"Commitment is a pledge. I give up the ability to do what I want until I have followed through with what I commit to."
"Never be too cool to follow your shot, man."
"I did what you said left them a note"
"When you really start digging into... the history of Tesla and Elon, it is a long history of sky-high promises and very, very, very, very, very little follow-through."
"Your follow-through, your commitment, and your consistency will always prevail."
"Make sure you think about the preventative actions. Don't forego it. Put those into JIRA, link them up in Ops Trini, and then follow them through to make sure they get into production."
"It's your job to follow through on the commitment and the request and the feedback that they've given you for the next quarter."
"Just breathe, and everything else will follow, won't it?"
"Success is following through on that choice."
"I want us to free our minds and so our asses will follow."
"I have already put my heart up there; the rest of the body will follow."
"We have absolute commitment to carry it through."
"You got to do everything you can and follow up as much as possible."
"She followed through, I was impressed."
"Leadership is often as much about following through; it's not just making the decision, it is being prepared to reinforce to defend that decision."
"As that release fires, I want you to focus on following through with your release hand and trying to bring your release hand over the top of the back shoulder."
"I think one thing I admire about myself is my consistency and how I follow up on things."
"Boom, everything rotates through together to the finish."
"Free of mind, the rest will follow."
"If you know what you're going for, every other thing can follow."
"Good morning everybody, we are doing exactly what we said we would do."
"Where the mind goes, the body will follow ultimately."
"A good lead run has a nice amazing chase after it."
"When you invest in something, you're more likely to follow through on it."
"They kind of purposely set themselves a challenge and then they just follow through."
"You get your mental right, and everything else will follow."
"Once you change your mind about how you feel and how you want to feel, then the rest is going to freaking follow."
"Once I load up, I also have to finish my swing, really come on through to a good full finish."
"Not everybody who sets out to do something actually follows through."
"I'm very big on follow-through, making sure your cue goes through a little bit extra."
"You extend the follow through, you get that natural feel of extending and feeling great."
"Call people back. Grown-ups tie up loose ends; we don't leave people hanging out there."
"Be consistent and follow through."
"It's kind of like free your mind and the rest will follow."
"Once I say I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it."
"I wrote it down and I followed through."
"Don't force the follow-through, let that follow-through happen naturally."
"Still the mind, and the body will follow."
"Just start in on what you know you should be doing and then just follow through."
"When you do a golf swing, you follow through."
"We never put it off; we just did it."
"It's nice when people really follow through with these things."
"It's a turn on the backswing, and a shift and a turn in the follow-through."
"Commit to plans... put it on your calendar, show up for it, make the time, and just follow through with the commitment."
"He understood what he was getting into and he followed through with it."
"If you've committed to something, see it through."
"I'll make a contract from me to you that I will follow through with this."
"If you make a commitment, you need to see it through."
"It's even better if you say, 'I'm going to do this,' and you actually do it."
"Be the type of person who sees it all the way through."
"We're going to talk about the animation principle of Follow Through."
"The direction of our shot is kind of determined by our follow-through."
"The follow through on the serve... let the movement be a byproduct of what you bring to and through the ball."
"We're not seeing follow-through, which to me is the biggest warning sign here."
"One of the most important things is follow-up and execution."
"When your heart is happy, everything else will follow."
"When you manifest from your heart, everything else follows."
"Follow through with your dreams, with your ideas, with your commitments."