
Data Transfer Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"Reading data from a record set into cells on an Excel worksheet is actually really straightforward."
"You could download an entire movie in three seconds. That's gonna be fast."
"We have better wireless transfer functions, whether you're doing it through FTP, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi. We can now do bulk transfers of photos and videos much easier."
"Starlink will be one of the fastest options available to transfer data around the world."
"Historically it's been hard to switch from one OS to another so we built a new tool to let you quickly and easily transfer contacts, photos, videos, music, texts, calendar appointments, and your iMessages."
"At this speed, it would take less than an hour to download the data that made up the world's first image of a black hole."
"PCIe 6.0 will double the bandwidth of previous versions."
"Here it is reading a standard format three and a half inch disk and more importantly it's reading it really fast."
"Education is basically downloading data and algorithms into your brain."
"Bandwidth is roughly how much water can flow through the pipe at in a particular unit of time."
"The Starlink satellites move incredibly fast, around 27,000 kilometers per hour, and data is being sent back and forth between them at hundreds of megabits per second."
"Now, look at that, different pod, 1060 megabytes per second, and 950 megabytes per second read and write speeds."
"These IronWolf Pros at 12 terabytes or above run at 250 megabytes per second..."
"You can transfer with a cable or you can transfer wirelessly."
"Iota makes it practical to send data without any monetary component. 100 percent free data transfer anywhere on the planet."
"Even faster USB ports to the point where whatever you're transferring from will be the limiting factor."
"A theoretical 32 giga transfers per second of bandwidth is possible."
"Just like this, you can transfer any kind of vector data into Google Earth."
"By exporting the user's certificate, you are also exporting the private key necessary for decrypting the files, ensuring successful data transfer with EFS enabled."
"Windows Easy Transfer: the utility for migrating files and settings from an old Windows computer to a new one."
"Now it's back up and running and transferring that data back over."
"As developers, we have to think hard about how we move data between points of compute. That's always going to be a limitation, there are no workarounds largely for the laws of physics."
"Data box heavy is the most suitable choice for effectively transferring hundreds of terabytes of media files from your organization's online library to Azure."
"DTOs: the silent heroes of data transfer, simplifying communication between different parts of your application."
"BigQuery Data Transfer Service supports data sources such as Cloud Storage, YouTube Channel, S3, and Redshift."
"Networking is not magic. Whenever we need to transfer data from one machine to another, the data doesn't just magically appear."
"Instead of redownloading all of your games from scratch from the PlayStation server... you can just use data transfer from PS4 to PS5 and also PS+ Cloud saves."
"With Thunderbolt 3 or USB4, you're looking at transfer speeds of 40 gigabits per second, so it's incredibly fast."
"We have one of three ways to be able to get that data to the aircraft the first one is What's called the drtk2 base station it's a base station made by DJI and it's something that we set up on site at our flying location."
"With each action we take here with the program, we send data to the Arduino board through the serial port."
"I'm about to transfer some federal files into Metal Sonic's brain."
"Insecure communication has to do with how data is transferred and the..."
"They still transfer large amounts of data at over 900 megabits per second and are extremely reliable."
"All this information has flown in from my Excel file directly into my SharePoint list."
"So with the help of the service class you can transfer the data from one component to the another component which are not in any relationship right so these are the ways by which you can transfer the data in angular right so yeah."
"The migration assistant... will as seamlessly as possible migrate all of your applications and data and settings."
"There are multiple options for transferring data to Google Cloud Platform, including transfer services to GCP."
"ZFS send/receive: Instead of walking the filesystem to figure out what it needs, it just goes here's my list of blocks, send those."
"Rsync does have the option to compress data while transferring."
"Five gig Wi-Fi is a good one because it does show you the difference in the data being transferred compared to where it isn't."
"The GEM is kind of an old boat anchor and one of the problems with it is that it's no longer possible to download data from it because it uses an infrared link that went to an old Hewlett-Packard handheld computer that is no longer even available."
"And so if you're writing that very specific four terabyte section, in this case, you will actually get about 200 megabytes per second reading right from it."
"Bandwidth just means how much data can you upload or download in a given time frame."
"The hardware was essentially that bridge to get the data into the cloud."
"...you need to have 8 megabits per second bandwidth to download that file in one second."
"Handles which stream gets transfer data."
"This means that this dma can do memory to memory."
"Large bandwidth means more data flow."
"There's 10 terabytes per second so that these two sides of the Blackwell chip have no clue which side they're on."
"USB 2.0 data transfer isn't the only thing that improved; now we have Quick Charge 3.0."
"An oracle is a software that acts as an intermediary, helping to do a two-way data transfer between smart contracts and the real world."
"We've gone from chip capacity of say 100 gigabit to 10 terabits per second and that will continue expanding."
"Digitalocean has very convenient data transfer pricing."
"DigitalOcean space is pretty cheap, costs $5 a month for 250 GB storage and one terabyte of data transfer."
"You need to allocate your memory spaces on the GPU, transfer data from the host to the GPU, and finally get the results back."
"If you've ever wondered how it's possible to programmatically get this table and transfer it into an Excel sheet, then you are at the right place."
"We're approaching 100 gigabytes per second."
"For transferring large data blocks like frameworks, you can use the SDOs for peer-to-peer reliable communication."
"A JSON Web Token is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties."
"It's sending over the network is a lot less, so that's something to keep in mind."
"By speed I mean how fast your photos are going to travel from your camera to your computer."
"In today's video, I'm going to show you how to export photos and videos from your iPhone or iPad to an external device."
"We do this thing, the return of evidence type exercise, where we just like zip up all this data in a big zip file and then just give it to the customer."
"Throughput is the measure of transfer of bits across the media over a given period of time."
"Modern RAM is so quick that every second it can send the equivalent of 10,000 typewritten pages of information to the CPU."
"Whenever a new lead or purchase happens inside of ActiveCampaign, it's going to get pushed across to Facebook via the Conversions API."
"We've actually got a reliable data transfer protocol that will work over a channel that can lose and corrupt messages, and it's almost even workable in practice."
"A duplex stream can receive data from our restream and send that data to our right stream."
"The USB 3.1 specification details how the base transfer rate of USB is growing from gigabits per second to 10 gigabits per second and beyond."
"Our data can meet at a high speed, ultra fast scan speed."
"Rsync is a fantastic tool that you could use to copy data from point A to point B."
"NVMe over fabrics is really natively connected to RDMA and Ethernet."
"Beats are lightweight agents that send logs and other signals and information to the elastic stack."
"It's pasted it in as text which is not what you want."
"This runs on a POE - power over ethernet connection - that means that all you have to do is plug in just that ethernet wire and that will power up the device and provide the data transfer."
"For moving a chunk of data in or out, table partitioning is excellent and can vastly improve the user experience."
"You benefit from reduced data transfer rates."
"Data flowing into an AWS region is always free, which is a major advantage to using the AWS backbone."
"Using rsync is very efficient when recursively copying one directory tree to another because only the differences are transmitted over the network."
"The fact that it's got a front-mounted USB port and button there, I like that this device specifically has a one-touch copy button."
"Smart Switch first thing, and for you start doing that, and you can transfer your content."
"MPI is the message passing interface and this is a standard way of sending blocks of data from one node in a supercomputer cluster to another."
"Link layer protocols determine how the data is physically sent over the network."
"Within 3 minutes, this entire project that is about 60 gigs is going to be available for my editor and my colorist to work on right away."
"Exporting a table directly to Excel... it can be a great way to actually just bring tables straight across from PDF."
"What did the user just want to happen? Let me create a really tiny simple data transfer object that represents that."
"DTOs provide a wrapper between the entity or the database model and what is being exposed from the API."
"This is the promise of decentralized identity, that we now have some new standards for expressing, representing, and transferring data between different domains."
"Thunderbolt 5 offers 240 W charging, 120 Gbit per second data transfer."
"Communication involves sending and receiving the data packets between source and destination."
"Full duplex data transfer can be established in both the directions simultaneously."
"It's able to move four terabytes of data an hour."
"You'll thank yourself later with class 10 when it's time to transfer that file to your computer."
"Peripherals are electrical circuits designed to do a specific task, which is mostly about sending or receiving some form of data."
"CSV file is one of the most common ways to transport data between different systems."
"The DMA is really a hardware solution to transferring data from one place to another, and it is the most efficient way of doing so."
"You're going to copy a table out of Excel, and you can go into pandas and choose like, you know, the DataFrame from clipboard, it'll pull that in."
"The touted speed is 7,800 megabits a second."
"When we're passing data to the graphics card, generally you want to use an array buffer."
"Bandwidth of a computer network is the maximum amount of data that can be sent in a given amount of time."
"Clone process has finished 2.18 gigabytes transferred. As you can see, clone is really fast."
"We can run the bus at 16 megahertz, so for short data transfers between sensors and so on, that isn't actually a problem at all."
"The first offered by TCP provides for reliable, congestion-controlled, flow-controlled, and byte-stream-oriented data transfer from one process to another."
"Multi-streaming is required when the client's data transfer rate is faster than the transfer speed of a single tape drive."
"SAN is a high-speed network whose main function is to allow data transfer between the computer systems and the storage devices, and also among the storage."
"Fibre Channel provides high speed data transfer rates, with common speeds of 2, 4, 8, and 16 gigabits per second."
"DMS can move your data from pretty much any source to any target."
"The wider the bus, the larger the word length, in other words, the more data it can carry."
"This is why you can also pass data from your server load functions to your universal load functions."
"Integrity means protecting the data from point A to point B."
"Copying data between workbooks is actually very simple and only requires one line of code."
"Life is not so bad... there's two notions of speed... latency and bandwidth."
"We're going to send an XHR, it's going to pull down a zip file, all on the client."
"The query string is the part of the URL that follows the question mark and is used to pass data from the client to the server."
"So guys, this is how we use the query parameter to pass data between components."
"TCP is a connection based protocol that essentially guarantees that our packets are going to be delivered."
"Your FIFO helps in transferring data from one module to another module seamlessly."
"Hermes allows you to transfer data fast and in a scalable way."
"It basically carries SCSI commands over a TCP/IP network, allowing us to map to the block storage."
"Kinesis streams as a service for real-time data transfer, it scales easily and can have multiple producers and consumers."
"Gyro settings transfer is if say you have two XL Power helicopters; they're set up identical... you just want to dump all those settings into this new one so that you're good to go."
"For senders to be able to communicate with receivers, we need some kind of agreed-upon time when receivers sample the signal coming in and decide whether it's a '1' or a '0'."
"You can take data from a SQL database and dump it directly into a data frame."
"Attribute renaming is how the properties are brought from one application into USD and vice versa."
"A data transfer object... is an object that carries data between processes."
"But don't worry, we will be looking at the best way to transfer the data from these devices across the network."
"So now's the time we need to be thinking about the easiest, quickest, and the best ways to transfer data."
"Overall it reduces the total cost of data transfer."
"Scoop is used to transfer data between Hadoop and external data stores."
"It's sending uncompressed frames, which is pretty impressive."
"I managed to copy across a four gig file in around 50 seconds."
"You're also going to need to know how to use append queries; that's taking data from one table and moving it into another one."
"Direct Memory Access... is going to be able to function essentially as a stand-in for your CPU while the device is doing I/O."
"You can transfer your data over to Google Fit."
"You could literally take your external hard drive, hook it up to a brand new Mac, and transfer all your information, and everything's going to be just as it was on your old Mac."