
Weather Appreciation Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"It was nice, good weather for that, it was beautiful yesterday."
"Last night was a great night, beautiful skies, beautiful weather."
"I hope you're having a good start to your week; it's been beautiful here."
"It's a beautiful rainy day, and I'm a pluviophile, which means someone who finds peace and happiness when it's raining. That is literally me."
"It's a beautiful Saturday morning out there right now."
"There's been a particularly nice warm part of it that's happening here in Florida."
"I don't mind rain like this, at least when the Sun is out."
"It's always a good day when it's sunny like this."
"When that humidity lifts and it just feels like you can breathe, it's just the best feeling."
"It's a beautiful day to be alive and that's why I came over cuz I heard the weather was really going to be nice."
"I mean, it's properly sunny, so welcome back."
"You'll have a pleasant Monsoon this year, with pakoras and chai."
"Guys, it's been perfect. The music, like OnPoint, the weather is actually pretty dang good."
"You actually could not ask for better weather, better operations." - Josh Byerly
"Even if it is raining, it's still beautiful."
"Once it's not raining in London, look at this beautiful summer's day."
"The day can be sunny, rainy, or windy, but I love it all the same."
"We thank God for every drop, every drop in Southern California of rain that we get is a blessing from oh my goodness."
"Nothing like waking up to the sound of rain."
"The weather is so nice, it's not hot, it's not too cold, it's like not super sunny. I don't even need my sunglasses."
"Isn't it nice that it's finally raining out."
"Good morning guys, it is a Thursday and it is a gorgeous sunny day."
"Isn't this weather divine? Clear skies like this make me feel like anything is possible."
"It's such a beautiful day out today. Perfect day to be here."
"Tonight 79 degrees outside nice little breeze blowing through."
"I find it a little humorous that I sometimes start out my videos with these little weather reports, but this is my favorite kind of day in Florida. The sky is crystal clear blue, it's warm, it feels so good, so you know, just gotta share it!"
"Coming from Seattle, it was glorious seeing this awesome weather."
"It's a nice day, we wanted to do some outdoor field trips before the weather turns on us."
"It's a beautiful day, a beautiful Canadian winter's day."
"This whole trip has been perfect weather nice mountain breeze coming through the house has just been amazing."
"Look at this weather, it's so beautiful."
"It's got a little bit of a wind but I'm just loving these blue skies."
"This weather is absolutely beautiful here in Alabama."
"I love the weather in New York, it's autumn. Can't beat it, 70 degrees outside and the sun is shining."
"I'm actually digging this weather today; it's really nice."
"Can't get over how nice an evening it is."
"That weather is feeling amazing, I am feeling great."
"It's beautiful out, the sun's out, I might get a nice tan here, it's currently 68 degrees, partially cloudy, beautiful."
"It's a beautiful day in Melbourne."
"It is a glorious day down here in Southern California."
"Have a great rest of your day; weather's beautiful, isn't it?"
"I'm just so happy that it cleared up like this for the video, so I could show this to you guys because I feel like this is going to be one of the highlights of the trip."
"I just love that it's nice out, makes it infinitely easier to live when it's sunny out."
"With great views like this and no rain, I don't mind."
"It's 5.30 am, I am leaving Tokyo in 1,5 hours. And, as bad luck would have it, the sun came up, the weather is wonderful and I thought I just couldn’t help but treat you with the view of stunning morning Tokyo."
"It feels so good out, dude, it feels perfect, the humidity's low, feels great."
"Beautiful night, temperature's 57, when it's cool, I needed a break."
"Wow, it's raining real good. Hooray for rain!"
"It's a beautiful day out today, it's not bad at all."
"It's the perfect October weather, the gloom of it all."
"I love the vibes, I love the people, I love the weather."
"How about this weather, absolutely beautiful."
"It's not your typical fall Saturday in September, but nonetheless a beautiful day in southeast Michigan."
"I enjoy the whole process of just being outside when it's nice weather... it's relaxing, it's nice being in the sun."
"What a day, look at that sunshine. So beautiful."
"I love this weather; I don't feel like I'm in the bowels of Hades."
"It's a beautiful day today, look at the sun."
"It is a beautiful day out today, the sun is shining and the wind is not blowing."
"The weather is too beautiful to not have the greatest day ever."
"It's nice out today, I love this October weather."
"It's nice weather for once, I like that."
"I absolutely love this weather. I live for this time of year when the change is happening."
"Wow, it is a beautiful almost spring day."
"What a spectacular SoCal day it is."
"It's a beautiful day, in fact, I love when the sky covers the clouds cover the Sun a little bit because it makes it a little cooler."
"It's the first nice day in a while."
"It's so pretty in L.A. finally, oh my gosh, it feels so much better when it's sunny here."
"It's a beautiful day, beautiful weather, 16 degrees Celsius, I love it."
"It's a beautiful sunshiny day and it has been for like the past few days."
"It's a beautiful day down in San Antonio."
"What a heavy rain! It gives me the right feeling."
"Wow, another good day, the weather is great here. Look at this, how it's setting up, it's great, it's like the reveal shot, boom, right there."
"This is almost the perfect weather; there's a lovely breeze, not a lot of sun."
"It's such glorious weather, and it just makes you glad to be alive like this, doesn't it?"
"Oh, I just cannot believe how beautiful the weather is. Gorgeous."
"I think the weather is just cool; it's more relaxed."
"The temperature is now absolutely perfect, there's just a cool breeze, no heat whatsoever, it just feels the perfect comfortable temperature."
"It's good really that it's raining because we're going somewhere warm."
"What a splendid day it's been, so wet for so long, and just so nice to have these blue skies."
"The weather is absolutely beautiful, you know where I'm like, I love the glorious sunshine that we have here at the Chateau."
"It's a thirsty day, beautiful weather, we could not have done better."
"It's so pretty out today, a little bit warmer than it has been the past few days too, which I will take."
"It's 30 degrees, but the weather is just stunning."
"Surent is a beautiful day," he said, and he was not exaggerating in the least.
"It is such a nice breezy day out today, perfect for a nice long walk."
"The rain is so peaceful... this is the type of weather that you want to snuggle up and read a book."
"Fall weather just makes me so happy."
"It rarely rains in LA, but today is one of those rare days that it does rain, and it actually feels nice."
"Look at this sunshine. What is happening? Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining."
"It's actually really beautiful out today, I think it's like more 70s today."
"I love how it's an outdoor mall, I still could enjoy the weather."
"I'm going to miss this weather, boy it has been spectacular."
"You never say no to rain ever, you never say no to it."
"It's been really lovely weather the past couple of days."
"I love days like this, beautiful weather, no rain, so nice out."
"It's such a beautiful sun shiny day but it's not too hot, and most importantly, it's not super humid either."
"It's a beautiful day today, it's crisp, it's sunny."
"It's beautiful weather right now, the leaves are turning, it's going to be a great day."
"What a beautiful stretch of weather we've had, absolutely gorgeous."
"It's a beautiful beautiful day and the evening is gonna be so nice."
"Enjoy this beautiful weather while it's here."
"What a wonderful morning it is, the temperatures are nice and cool."
"Such a beautiful day outside, hot as ever, but nonetheless beautiful skies clear, no rain on the forecast, prayerfully."
"It's actually turned into a glorious day."
"I like what's happening to the weather outside. I like four seasons."
"I just did prayers and it's beautiful outside; the sun is shining, crisp wind is blowing, and more rain is coming."
"I'm lost in the mountains, I don't care, it's amazing, I love this weather."
"It's a beautiful day today, supposed to get up into the mid-20s, which is a perfect temperature for ATVing."
"It's a really gorgeous, sunny, and super nice fresh day today."
"It's been beautiful; it doesn't usually get too nasty until the afternoon."
"It's so beautiful outside, I love when the weather starts to get gorgeous out, the birds start singing."
"It's honestly the most beautiful weather and for the whole of next week off work as well, which I'm just so excited about."
"Good morning, today is our last day in the city, it's Monday, nice out, yeah it's gorgeous out honestly."
"Absolutely beautiful for a September day."
"It's a beautiful day out there, it's Saturday afternoon and it's sunny."
"I'm really loving the weather, having it being colder now."
"It's cold but the sun's out, so yeah, it's going to be a lovely day."
"It's a beautiful day out here in Pennsylvania."
"It's a lovely day up there, it's looking lovely."
"It's so pretty out; it's so foggy and snowy."