
Messianic Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"David is the primary image of that messianic figure."
"Messianic Judaism is a biblically based movement of people who, as committed Jews, believe in Yeshua (Jesus) as the Jewish Messiah of Israel, of whom the Jewish Law and Prophets spoke."
"The desire of all nations, of course, is Jesus Christ."
"This is not some minor discourse. The Savior of the world has come to teach."
"I greet you all in the precious, glorious name of our soon-coming King, Yeshua the Christ."
"They hail him as the new son of David, basically, the Messiah."
"If Mary is viewed as a new ark... Psalm 132 is already applied in a Messianic sense in the New Testament."
"There's going to be someone who is going to carry a cross and die on that cross and he'll be known as the son of David."
"Judah offers up his own life on behalf of a younger brother, anticipating a Messianic King."
"So He fits all those messianic expectations: chosen by God, granted divine authority, and given the Holy Spirit in full power."
"He brings the Messianic age through his sacrifice of himself."
"Moshiach does not have to perform miracles in order to be Moshiach."
"There are Messianic prophecies in the Tanakh."
"He's a Christ-like figure already which would signify the unification of the Christ working together with an Antichrist to change the world."
"In order for the Messiah to redeem the world from Evil, he's got to sink all the way down to the bottom himself."
"For even your savior, even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many."
"It's qualifying him then to be called the Christ or the Messiah by his lineage or his heritage."
"Yeshua, Messiah of Israel, the Savior of the world."
"The living God wills to rule his world through the Messiah and then through the Messiah's people."
"They all believed that the Messiah would come and establish a kingdom."
"The reason Jesus keeps the secret throughout Mark is that he's waiting for the correct time to be revealed as the Messiah."
"Jesus indeed was a prominent messianic leader also in his own time, just as the New Testament says, only in a slightly different era."
"These scrolls preserve the messianic prophecies to 150 to 200 years before Jesus is born in Bethlehem."
"The messianic idea... not yet the belief but actually the apprehension of reality."
"The messiah will come and usher redeem, and that will mean a range of things for the world, for the Jewish people, whatever, but it will be the new age."
"The kingdom of Messiah is illustrated to us here by a stone."
"The victory has already been won in the Lion of Judah, Jesus our Messiah."
"The Psalms are full of Christ, there is a more complete picture of him in Psalms than in the gospels."
"Psalm 72 is this amazing vision of the messianic task which is to look after the poor and needy and the widow and the orphan."
"The prophecies about him being born of a virgin, coming in 32 AD, dying for our sins, giving us a reconciliation between God and man."
"Millennialism often also associated with Christian belief as it relates to Judaism is referring to an age of peace and justice that is marked by the coming of a Messiah."
"We do not worship Jesus but we consider him to be one of the mightiest messengers of God and he is the Messiah."
"The Messiah is seen as the ultimate Redeemer who will bring about the ultimate Redemption of Israel and Humanity."
"The Messiah is believed to be a descendant of King David."
"The Messiah... will be the prince of peace."
"God's faithfulness to Israel is for a testimony that the nations who have come to faith in a new covenant, the covenant of Messiah Yeshua, that is Jesus Christ, those who have believed in Him have entered into this new covenant of eternal redemption."
"The Lord Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel."
"If the Messiah has arrived, anything is possible."
"This is the law and the prophets, for they truly testified of me from the start to finish."
"The Messiah is coming for His bride."
"He had to earn each step as it goes to the point of being basically a messiah."
"We welcome You, King of Zion, Jesus Christ."
"The Messiah will be a god-fearing person, somebody who follows the Torah."
"The Messiah will come to Jerusalem, and from Jerusalem, he will rule the world."
"The reconciliation of all things should actually be, Messiah should be a priest first before he should ever be a king."
"You are the Messiah, you are the one we've been waiting for."
"We are living in literally Messianic times."
"The preaching of John the Baptist in preparing the way for the Messiah, ushering in the coming of Christ, that was the present truth for the time."
"The Messiah is going to be a continuation of a promise, a Davidic promise, a covenant, an heir to the Davidic throne, a descendant of King Solomon."
"Messiah as a redeemer, one who deals with sin so that we might be set free."
"Matthew is presenting Jesus as the Messiah, the Mashiach Nageed."
"I tell you this beforehand so that when it happens you will believe that I am the Messiah."
"Every detail, every number, every material, everything here points to the Messiah."
"Jesus fulfilled the Messianic hope of Israel in his threefold office of priest, prophet, and king."
"The evidence is mounting that Simon is the Messiah memorialized on the stone."
"Accordingly, they believed that he was the Messiah, concerning whom the prophets have recounted wonders."
"The whole Old Testament is the woman prevailing in birth, waiting for the Messiah to come."
"The more you know prophecy, the more you'll understand who Messiah is."
"One like the Son of Man came with the clouds of heaven."
"The good news is about Messiah fully, him as Yahweh, him as Torah giver, him as the walking talking Torah."
"With the Messiah, you can walk on water."
"It proves beyond any competent rebuttal that Jesus Christ is the Mashiach, the Messiah, the King of Israel."
"Containing unmistakable Messianic prophecies and visions of end times."
"The Messiah made his triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem, and the people were crying out 'Hosanna in the highest, blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord'."
"David became the model of the ideal king, the ideal shepherd, and the prototype of the Messiah as the ultimate Shepherd King."
"To be the Messiah means you have to be a king from the line of David who's God in the flesh."
"This redeemer is going to be Jewish."
"Every year, it is a story that tells the plan of salvation and also anticipates the reign of the Messiah in the millennium."