
Lesson Learned Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Matt Fraser surely learned his lesson last year he didn't take any water out of the field with him."
"It's a failure of communication... but at least we got a good story out of it."
"Finally, I have learned my lesson to just send the miners in don't try and worry about holding on to set troops and spells preserve the hero's health."
"I would never let the boys choose their partner ever again because that was a disaster."
"I sure learned a valuable lesson today; I should never ever lie to Mommy and should have told her the truth."
"Lesson learned: don't mess with America's boats."
"I learned a lesson now, it made me better because next up I know to make sure my fence is straight."
"It cured me of ever again trying Rouge et Noir as an amusement—the sight of a bed canopy descending to suffocate me in the silence and darkness of the night."
"It was a good lesson in terms of sticking to my guns."
"The biggest lesson I have learned of all, every story, every day, every year that I do this... Is that it is a privilege to be a reporter."
"Lesson learned, never choose the shortest route on the Gumball Rally ever again."
"This is a lesson learned, I hope so."
"That is the last time I'll ever try to pick someone up at a bar."
"The incident with Karen taught us a valuable lesson about the importance of standing up for ourselves and others."
"My biggest mistake...I removed the cap from the sewer drain and quickly learned that I had forgotten to close the black tank valve after flushing from our previous camping trip."
"Lesson learned: the UV rays in Australia do not around. There's no O's St layer here."
"...in most American monster movies the scientists would have learned their lesson to be satisfied."
"Red Skull learned this lesson the hard way when he set out to summon what he called Hydra's champion in order to fulfill his ultimate plan for world domination."
"I've used that as a lesson a power of prayer and what what can happen."
"This was an expensive lesson. These are some of the miner D3s, they were great for about six months and now they're spare parts."
"A lesson I've learned to remember for the rest of my life."
"I guess the main takeaway is just actually trying."
"Do you know what this is a good lesson for you? First time I smoked a joint I didn't realize you have to have it in moderation. So my parents were out and I got someone to roll me a joint and I paid them a tenner. I've got one joint, by the way, that was a rip-off."
"That cured me of that right then."
"I let my guard down and I knew better, won't make that mistake again, lesson learned."
"To those girls who excluded me, I hope you learned your lesson not to underestimate the quiet kid."
"A major lesson I took from this is to always trust my instincts. Always, and of course, never leave my man alone with my friend. Ever!"
"I'm not wiggling my way out of these straps, Eron learned his lesson."
"The biggest lesson I've taken away from this video is to just have fun and celebrate yourself."
"Moral of the story, learn how to change a tire."
"Apologized for not listening to their advice, the hardship she had experienced had taught her a harsh lesson."
"Definitely 2020 taught I think a lot of us that having food on hand is not a bad idea."
"Messing with time travel was not a good idea. They learned their lesson."
"Daycare worker noticed her juice kept disappearing, so she filled her bottle with coffee. Her co-worker drank it and complained, but the worker taught her a lesson."
"Lesson learned in 2023: Embrace change because change can be uncomfortable, but if you're open-minded, it can also be really fun and exciting."
"Lesson learned in 2023: If you don't get the results that you want, just work harder, wait longer, then give up."
"So our biggest lesson learned I'd say here is that we shouldn't be using params as our check to make sure it can border."
"One of the most brutal lessons I learned: please take care of your walls."
"Trust me, I've learned my lesson. It's important to always be truthful and honest."
"Mom, I learned my lesson already. I learned not to lie or cheat."
"That's what we get for trying to do something touristy."
"I'm so glad I didn't do it, definitely something I will not be rushing to do again."
"Expensive mistake, but again, small victory."
"Lasagna, we have learned from this experience, is not finger food."
"I learned to never do something like that again because it's like it's sellout behavior, you know what I mean?"
"It taught me a very important lesson: not getting fixated on the concept of just winning a queen but understanding that this needs to be put into its proper context."
"And now I will never ever go to a lecture or library session without turning the volume of my laptop off first."
"The biggest lesson that I learned that time was rather than seeing how big you can take your entire operation, it was rather how big can you take a specific aspect of your garden."