
Filtering Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"You can also filter tables as well, for instance, to see only the Oscar-winning films."
"It's the smoothness that makes a break. You can have the most filtered piece ever, and like, try to get the smoothness, but at the end of the day, you gotta get smooth weed."
"90% of all the BS projects out there can be weeded out with this."
"Screen out the wrong ones and let the right ones in."
"Now that we know how to get some basic data back using queries, how can you filter the data?"
"That just creates that space for the right man to step up and all the wrong men will fade away."
"It just kind of allows you to filter what you're trying to work on."
"Power BI offers several ways to filter and highlight reports, knowing how to filter data is the key to finding the right information."
"...kind of is the auto part of the filter."
"Now that you see how that works, now that I've showed you how to filter out certain items from your database and eliminate things that you don't want to see and just isolate it down to the things that you do want to see."
"It's literally adding noise that's filtered around Whatever frequency you set."
"And since this entire gallery is connected directly to our data source, we can also add filters to our gallery."
"I've had Coco since I was 18 like she's literally been there through my entire like adult life."
"The FILTER function is my favorite. It allows you to filter data based on criteria you specify."
"Be yourself, but filter it a little bit."
"A firewall is responsible for allowing or disallowing a certain amount of traffic to or from your computer."
"Not all filters are great filters; some like a planet being in the Goldilocks zone are decently likely."
"Now let's add a new navigation item so we can filter out all the originals."
"How do you filter them? Do you even try to filter them out or are you the weirdo?"
"Discernment, what comes in and what goes out."
"This is basically what people do in Haskell: they generate infinite data structures and filter them."
"Now we have our pin filter. So it sounds like this... this is below us... that's above us."
"Standards are a filtration system. If you don't have a filtration system, everything is going to fall in."
"Attention is the coin of the realm... you need some filters to decide what to pay attention to."
"This is called multi-level filtering and allows you to find specific values even when there's 94 records. Pretty cool."
"Alright, welcome back. Now let's filter by two things at once. So among these things that have their standard costs between ten and twenty dollars, I only want to see those that are, how about beverages or sauces?"
"Fi is very much a self-filter. It filters all the indiscriminate information coming in so you can know where your stance is on it."
"Filtering allows us to filter out records that we're not particularly interested in and only view the information of most importance."
"The most important filter I always think that's one of the first things to do."
"Filter out at least 80% of the information you're consuming."
"Pick up what resonates and drop the rest."
"Kids growing up with that... learn to filter out the noise much more effectively."
"Almost always that it's got pretty great ingredients because paleo is naturally filtering out a ton of the garbage that we often throw in this stuff."
"What indicator is trying to do is to build autonomous systems for filtering through large amounts of information and to try and turn that information into something meaningful that a human can read that is summarized evidence-based and actionable."
"Filtering here pretty much means that do we need to look at like the text and like censor words?"
"The filter sound really good. You can go from clean enhancement of a master buss to just complete sonic mangling like what you've heard and sort of everywhere in between."
"Choice filters allow us to change the available options for a multiple choice question based on the response to a previous question."
"Having discernment is like having a filter, deciding what we allow in and what we don't, not just in what we say, but in what we allow to sink in."
"It allows you to name your data set, it allows you to filter your data set."
"You see what maybe five, six accounts out of the 500 people you follow."
"Pivot tables provide buttons that you can click to filter tables or pivot tables."
"Delegateable functions ensure accurate filtering."
"If your inbox was completely empty, you would be far more open to speaking to someone that you may not think is on your level. However, when you've got hundreds, if not thousands of messages, well, now you have to prioritize only the top-tier guys."
"Being able to add parameters at the top to filter for only the things you're looking for makes it very handy."
"The best thing to do is find the music you like and filter out the stuff you don't."
"Are you worrying about what people will say, or are you actually figuring out who to go to to filter what people say?"
"...I didn't really realize that till later on but that's how I filtered every... when I would go to different churches..."
"The other one has more, I think it has more that are not relevant that we wouldn't include."
"The reason they have this is so that they can identify and filter out researcher traffic compared to any other logical traffic."
"I can also apply filters to focus on logs that meet certain conditions."
"...enable these operators so we can go ahead and take the out off right there basically what we want to do is root operator one two and three into filter one..."
"Narrow down your search by filtering images by color, category, and using the keyword search option."
"You don't need to be following everyone. Be intentional about what you're letting into your mind."
"Like everything that i have there's to remind me of basically i have filtered everything out to a cone to the most important and that's it everything else i don't i don't need to remember there we go."
"It's a feature rather than a problem when it comes to filtering."
"But we can either use a local, a linear regulator of some sort, or filter with the ferrite. And that's where the ferrite solution comes in."
"That's the filter I put on all those adjectives."
"So this is basically how we would filter an array in JavaScript."
"This game gives you the ability to look for levels that have the tag or tags you desire and not only does this heavily rely on the level creators being accurate in how they tag their levels but the game does not give you the ability to exclude tags from your search."
"Filter array action allows us to filter the results based on specific criteria."
"Where statement becomes critical because it allows us to specify what rows we want to specifically affect from our queries."
"If someone filters you out because you don't have an iPhone, good, you probably don't want to be with them, they sound dumb."
"Remember, when it comes to filtering, the options are limitless. Get creative with your criteria to extract exactly what you need from your data."
"So these last three 255s which are 24 contiguous bits would say we don't care about matching on this one or this one or this one just like that."
"...when programs send out open house invites, does that mean they have done the initial filtering, or is it just a general message? They may have, but definitely plan to attend."
"Sorting and filtering in tables: organizing and focusing on relevant data."
"Filtering on it is like stuffing a knife into a piece of butter repeatedly with a sick grin on your face."
"Dream catchers are supposed to catch all those dreams, good and bad, and basically act as a sort of filter."
"Your brain will just filter things out if you're not paying attention."
"Our circles are going to get smaller they're going to get smaller in the sense that we're not going to be open to hearing from every single person in the world whatever crosses their mind."
"ALL DAX functions are used to remove filters from a table or column, allowing for calculations based on the entire data."
"In Project, you have two different types of filters that you can apply to your plan. I call the first one a column filter, which is specific to a particular column, and then you have more of a global filter."
"...if you're talking to 10 guys online, remember most of them are going to weed themselves out."
"If you don't like something, block it."
"The brain is more like a filter, a filtering function that consciousness."
"You can use it to search for text inside of a file, inside of a directory, or to filter commands."
"Anytime you think about noise, what's the next thing that comes into your head? It's probably filtering of some type."
"This combined thing... it's a fake, it's not a pure derivative. It's a derivative followed by a low-pass filter."
"This pseudo-derivative... does have this low pass filtering built in."
"Harness the good, block out the bad."
"We're bombarded with so much information... the brain has a natural filtering mechanism."
"We've done the dirty work for you and sifted through all the cringe so you don't have to."
"The good stuff stays in, and the bad stuff stays out."
"Filtering is a way of at time T, I take all the data from zero up to time T including time T and I use that to make an estimate of what is the true value right now."
"You can do message filtering... it will just filter that message and then send out only what it needs to the cloud."
"Using a statistical signal processing technique called cross-correlation, you can basically filter that out."
"The final thing that this power board does is it filters out any DC content within the AC mains power."
"The extended Kalman filter did the job quite nicely."
"The uncentered Kalman filter is a better improvement."
"One of the answers is to use a combination of content-based filtering and collaborative filtering."
"It's not information overload; it's filter failure."
"Collaborative filtering can also solve the problem of only safe recommendations."
"Change streams utilize the aggregation framework so you can choose to filter for specific change events or transform the change event documents."
"A notch filter will filter out what you don't want and allow everything else to pass."
"We have the top end acting as a filter and that's also using it based on our sort by that we had chosen earlier."
"The filter command is a common one you're going to use in Power Apps to apply a filter to any gallery."
"In a world of abundance, the value lies in the filter."
"Every platform that comes up today really creates value in the filter that it builds to make sense of the abundance."
"That's where you pick an option in combo box one, and based on that box, it filters the list in combo box two."
"Let's implement filtering so for example the minute we click on Asian or American or any of these different amazing cuisines."
"We define patterns and we do so programmatically and we use those patterns to filter or match against information that we're most interested in."
"When considering whether to filter or not, I always use the risk versus reward balance."
"When filtering, do not cause oncoming vehicles to take avoiding action."
"Be aware of junctions, driveways, and entrances and exits to premises when filtering."
"Reduce your speed to almost a walking pace and be prepared to stop."
"The more filtering you do, the less backtracking you're going to do."
"It's name based and you can actually filter stuff using types; it's very powerful."
"You can sort or basically filter your data."
"Filtering comes up all over the place and it's one of the most important applications of Fourier techniques generally."
"Filtering is a very important application of Fourier transforms; we can take an arbitrary signal and often get a lot of insight into what we would like to preserve and remove."
"A filter action allows us to narrow down or limit the data that we are showing on our views or our dashboards."
"This allows you to take all of the jibber-jabber and just filter it out."
"The reticular activating system... it is a very sophisticated filter that works with your belief system to filter out information."
"The convolution property is the basis for filtering."
"As you start typing in the text, the options are narrowed down, creating a filtered autocomplete experience."
"It allows you to filter on more fields, giving us a lot of flexibility to filter information."
"You can use Django filter very easily to allow users to filter data in a very versatile manner."
"We've learned how to use Django filter in order to filter down query sets based on complicated GET parameters from a form."
"We now get back a filtered table containing only that book."
"And now, if I click on the widget category, as you can see, everything updates and you can see that my filter was updated with the widget, which is pretty cool."
"We can now filter collections natively in Shopify via availability, price, product type, vendor, variant options, and meta fields."
"We're also going to be able to filter out all these items based on price, so we can go from the least expensive to the most expensive."
"You have to know how to filter out the stuff that's just purely illogically negative."
"We can use a display filter here and say just show me the HTTP packets."
"Our filtering is basically going to allow us to remove noise from our image and our edge detection is actually going to be able to detect edges within our image."
"You can actually filter all of these to, for example, only the right references."
"We can use the filter method to filter rows based on a particular condition."
"Block the amateur signal with a filter at the antenna input of the affected receiver."
"So here you can see, in the customer resource, we have the filter option over here."
"The reticular activating system acts like the gatekeeper."
"You can filter by each one of those dimensions and then come up with subsets that recompute very quickly on the browser."
"The whole idea of cross filter is that you can filter through one or more dimensions."
"Filtering is really good if you wanted to filter it by certain criteria."
"With filtering, what you do is you define a kernel."
"The median filter has the property of preserving your edges."
"Now if we click on the filter button for web, it's only going to show you the cards which are associated with this web filter."
"Let's remove the non-Oscar winners by applying a where clause to the query."
"Where is effectively a tool for filtering table rows."
"Filtering lets us search through the rows of the data we've entered and selectively display or hide rows based on criteria that we specify."
"If you're familiar with writing queries to a database, you do some of that filtering via a where clause. Well, LINQ is the same way."
"Low-pass RC circuit can act as a low-pass filter with an upper cutoff frequency."
"You start with video input, you capture the frames, then you do image filtering."