
Personal Skill Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"You'll never get me, I'm too good at red light green light."
"I was hide-and-seek Champion 1992 so I should be pretty good at this."
"All things, a tool is only as good as the one who wields it."
"I will say some of the controls in this game aren't the most intuitive, and combine that with me just being a terrible gamer in general."
"I'm like a really good I didn't want to like be boastful but like I can cook."
"It plays really well, I would consider myself a decent Defender fan."
"Remember: It's you, not the gear, that makes a great photo!"
"That was intense, Darren has some good timing with gravity."
"Life is so easy when you run a deck that you're good with."
"Discernment is a very important thing to have in this day and age."
"When I freestyle it's only me and a ball so no matter what boot I'm in, I can go out and freestyle. It was an outlet for me."
"I've always been better at expressing myself, writing it down."
"Draco's really good at painting, like really good at painting."
"You know, you can become really good at your own video game and then nobody else can play it because you've practiced in practice in practice for months."
"Analyzing information is something that I strive to do."
"This is stuff that I'm not even kidding you is the reason you're gonna win fights."
"Every weapon is only as good as the person using it."
"Cruz flew the helicopter himself around New Zealand's real mountains."
"Playing what you're strong at is really important."
"People that are great gift givers are either extremely thoughtful and creative or they put a lot of time and thought into things, and I have neither of those capabilities."
"I'd much rather do them myself with regular polish for me, and nail art has become a form of self-care and a little bit of time out."
"The gear isn't as important as the man or woman behind it."
"It comes down to that mindset to be able to turn it off and turn it on."
"It's kind of embarrassing for me actually because usually I'm alright at tower defense games."
"I was flexing a little bit you know I was showing off the beat saber skills."
"Essentially, it's in your hands as that player to win or lose the matchup."
"You have a talent that will always procure success for you."
"You guys are really, really good at manifesting."
"Let's go eat the game, I'm gonna be kind of rusty, I'm not gonna lie."
"It's often about the player and not the deck."
"Mid-range shots to me are much more easier when you have momentum with the basketball."
"This is the best Call of Duty that I'm really good at."
"That's my skills talking, that's my skills talking."
"I think the biggest draw to my channel and my videos as a whole is my writing."
"When I take damage, it's our fault. When I do something good, it's my own skill."
"I was very confident about my skills to win this fight."
"You have talent for this stuff, Haruhiro. Really."
"I love arm wrestling; most people can't handle me."
"MT4 is just a tool, it's the trader that matters."
"Modi is a stage artist, he knows how to maximize every movement."
"Lying is a sin I knew that from a little boy, but I had an affinity and I was kind of good, kind of an expert, kind of a savant at lying."
"returnal is the best game that i am absolutely awful at."
"He is so confident in himself, like he's not here to ride her coattails, no. Because he can't do the thing she does, like he's just here to do the thing that he does, yeah."
"Marvin, I don't know how you do what you do, but you sure are good at it."
"I think the threshold for enjoying playing an instrument or singing, you don't really have to be good, and you still get enjoyment."
"My math nerdiness is finally useful for something."
"It's not about the gear, it's really about the person behind the camera."
"Wow, I can whistle better than ever, this is awesome!"
"Fly fishing is my bread and butter."
"Happiness, the greatest skill that I possess."
"The swimmer is the individual whose own internal skills are greater than circumstance."
"So much of guitar sound is in your fingers."
"I make plays too. I'm good as hell too."