
Paternal Influence Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"There's bad habits you have to unlearn that just happens in sports."
"Your dad's still with you... hopefully that gives you something, man."
"Sons end up paying for the sins of the father."
"I want her to date someone like you, like her dad."
"95% of this job has to be done through demonstration not lecturing and as a boy grows older he might forget almost everything his dad ever told him but he won't forget the example that was set for better or worse."
"The involvement of father, especially the biological father's involvement, actually makes a significant difference."
"His message resonates a hell of a lot more when he's lot more fatherly."
"If you knew the dad I knew, you'd know he raised me well."
"Generations would view Funk as a father figure."
"Present fathers are extremely important in a child's life."
"It's crucial for especially a man to have a relationship with his father, no matter how muddy the situation is."
"The thing that I love and appreciate the most about my dad is how he communicated the gospel to me."
"Fatherhood is the greatest gift a child could ask for."
"Men who grow up without fathers end up with an elevated sense of risk and danger."
"Practically every intimate relationship women develop in life is either an attempt to distance herself from a negative father or to perpetuate the security of a good father."
"I feel like my dad sets an example that it is possible to change."
"Every man needs to have a father figure, to be told they need to be strong, grow, or they'll just grow up feeling worthless."
"Experiences of the father affect the DNA of the child."
"Do fathers still have influence in the home? Absolutely. It's just we've been systematically set up to not be influential."
"He was like a father figure to him, he was his substitute father."
"Dad is destiny. So go the men, so go the nation."
"My father's presence meant more than anything; he taught me to work my way out of any situation."
"Drop your statements and facts in conversations and quickly follow up with 'my dad taught me that.'"
"My father always said I'd do something big one day."
"Very rarely do you see a strong, committed father raise a stripper or raise a gangbanger."
"Knowing that my dad's watching over me and he's still protecting me I can be a little bit more open to meeting someone."
"If a father is pushing you to be a better you, you will be snatched up in this world and be a wife to someone great."
"He was like a father figure and did a lot of fatherly things for me."
"He really showed me what it meant to have hospitality towards other people. He really showed me the human dimension of Christ in, you know, in my own father."
"Everything that your father, your uncle didn't teach you, this book will."
"The most interesting thing about whatever resentment you have against your father is when you get together with your father you're like, 'Oh my God, I do that. Oh my God, that's where I got that.'"
"A lot of us wouldn't be who we are today without a black dad."
"If man had a real male figure in their lives and actually tapped in with their Dads, they would have known how to control themselves a little bit more."
"The only thing I really got from what my father has done is never give up."
"Almost everything I know today, I learned from my dad."
"Children get their self-image from what they believe the dad thinks about them."
"He was more of a father to David than David's father was."
"A father's influence, in particular, goes to the fourth generation after him."
"I'm very grateful for having him in my life."
"The father is the one who helps to take you farther by giving you the wisdom that you need."
"A father is the most important gift a good man can give to a child."
"A father's influence is crucial to a child's happiness and development."
"I'll remember my father for a number of different ways, both in what he's done in his public life for all the organizations that he's supported and influenced."
"I idolize my father. He has worked so hard in his life."
"Your dad lived his life by a moral code."
"I've got a lot to thank my father for because he's instilled a lot of good things into me."
"I learned a really strong work ethic from my dad."
"Tell us about your dad, the influence he's had in your life."
"What you learn from your father is that you're successful when you define the expectations for yourself."