
Ongoing Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"We leave you with a mystery that began 30 years ago but is still ongoing today."
"This is far from over; the story is just beginning."
"More and more and more and more of this stuff drip drip drip drip drip like a gift that keeps on giving."
"It's moving forward, continually going on, and part of the message here."
"The Red Bull-Mercedes battle is very much still on."
"Evolution is guilty of having happened, and it's still happening today."
"Kenya has been getting a divorce since the day she got married so she's been going through this from day one so just stop." - Miss Jennifer
"With significant progress made in this crucial area of conflict, the Israel Defense Forces battle against Hamas is still ongoing today."
"Liverpool season is not over. We have still got work to do."
"This isn't over with. There's still activity taking place."
"It means it's continuing now; it's still continuing."
"There's been an ongoing investigation into the phenomenon."
"It's kind of crazy that there's so much new Tolkien material still coming out."
"It's okay to not know everything; learn as you go."
"The healing journey never stops, whether it's moving on or making things work."
"Games are all over the place, still playing Monster Stories 2 as well."
"They just feel this ongoing loving beautiful connection with you."
"It's a neat series, it is definitely and it's still going."
"The changes are already happening; you're already in the midst of change."
"I witness that the restoration is ongoing."
"So, people, this is really not a talk. It's actually a continuation of a number of different conversations that have already been ongoing here."
"The story is still very much alive."
"Optimization is not something we do once. It's an ongoing effort."
"This has been such a transformation. Like yeah, we're not even done."
"Is the project ever done? Absolutely not."
"So that's the lowdown on all the drama surrounding Rymir, Jay-Z, and Beyonce. It's a wild ride with twists and turns at every corner, but hey, this story is far from over."
"This is you living your best life, and it's an ongoing thing."
"A garden is never finished and it's never done."
"This is only part one, it's not over."
"The reality is life is never finished and it's all about the journey."
"The situation is not over, even if it appears to be. Pieces of the story will remain unfinished."
"As a journalist, I've always thought the questioning what happens is not something that ends, it's something that we continue to do."
"Solving healthcare is an ongoing process."
"The ongoing mystery is just kind of a nice bonus on top."
"It's just kind of an ongoing project PC."
"He's nowhere near played out yet."
"Stay tuned you know this the story and the saga continues."
"Complex trauma is ongoing danger, leading to maladaptive coping mechanisms."
"This journey's been amazing for me and I'm not even done yet."
"Every project car is a work in progress, it's a project that never ends."
"Journey. Just write the word journey because it's not done yet."
"A source of ongoing fascination and wonder."
"We don't often think of this and anyway this kind of thing is continually ongoing."
"This whole plan is still in motion."
"The task of exegesis... is ongoing."
"Scripture is a living ongoing experience with God's spirit."
"It's not over yet, history continues to be made at the Apex."
"History is still being written today."
"I just want to keep... I don't think I'm ever going to be at that point where you go, 'Oh yeah, that's all over, I did that, now I'm fixed.'"
"Revolution becomes no longer this apocalyptic thing but this constant ongoing process."
"You're not an old day every day. You're ongoing with me now. We don't even live together. I can't wait to get out of here."
"But above all else, there's one thing that all those who deal in the science of electricity know: its story is not over yet."
"He not only died but he also lives, and he is still working and acting in the world today."
"The trip that just keeps on giving."
"The battle is like never over these things."
"Just remember, you know, when we talk about the war in heaven, we generally think about it in the past tense, but it's still happening. We're still doing it. It's still underway, just a different theater battle. That's what we're in right now, yep."
"...the story of narrow-gauge preservation isn't finished."
"I love that kind of introduction because it is such a question that is ongoing. We are, it seems, we are constantly asking."
"This Super League saga will not end for quite some time."
"Once again, it's all just a work in progress."
"The drama is still going on till this day."
"It's an ongoing process, a healthy one."
"As great as 1776 is, it really did start 227 years ago this week... but it didn't end then, it's still ongoing."
"This is the game that keeps on giving."
"Best continuing anime series: One Piece."
"The conversation does not end here."
"I'm still emotional about it, obviously. This has been a really fun journey and I know it's not over yet."
"I don't think I'll ever be completely done making content."
"This is my story, and it's not over yet."
"But alas, no matter what opinion one may have of the war between West and East, Christianity and Islam, capitalism and communism, it appears to still be raging."
"So it's a work in progress, it's not done."
"We still got stuff to work on with that but we are working on it."
"This battle's won, but the campaigns continue."
"The story's not over so you're still adding chapters."
"Brexit is over but Brexit hasn't quite finished with us yet."
"Poor Charlie's Almanac... It's the gift that keeps on giving."
"God is still working in my life and in your life."
"great story bro right no it's still going that's what makes it so great."
"The war of the Ring has not yet ended, and for some, it is now only truly beginning."
"It's a journey and it's not finished yet."
"How can you write a book, how can you write and end a story when the story's still going? You know, is there a story within the story maybe?"
"So much life is still happening, the story is still going, you know? So there's just even with our documentary, I think that's going to be incredible when it's done."
"...it was mythologizing the old west while it was still kind of ongoing."
"Spawn still come out on a regular basis, yes."
"No winning is permanent. The void doesn't say good job, I'll leave your world alone now. No, winning is an ongoing process."
"He's still not done playing with them."
"And I don't know where this ends I don't even think it really ends I think we keep talking about it and it's going to be this ongoing thing."
"Miracles are not just something that you did, they are something that you are still doing today."
"I think it's one that is ongoing every day."
"Seeking after God is an ongoing process, not just an event."
"What an amazing experience so far and it's not even over."
"Colonialism is an ongoing process and it is important to keep that in mind."
"The story of The Shield is one that continues to be written."
"This hearing is the gift that keeps giving."
"The creative process really begins... it's an ongoing thing, like a river."
"We're still fighting the coronavirus."
"It's not done yet, there's still so much to be done."
"We're in the middle of doing that."
"It's not ending, there's still projects that are just beginning."
"The struggle for civil rights was unending."
"Surrender is ongoing, never stopping. Surrender who you are for what you could become, always."
"This has been going on for over a year now."
"The Watergate scandal is a story for which the last chapters are still being written."
"I will die, it's an ongoing argument."
"Areas are things with ongoing responsibilities."
"This has been a fun ride and I I don't think it's done yet."
"Very strong tornado ongoing at this point."
"For now, the arrest warrants for the three fugitives remain active, and the search for the answers goes on."
"The archaeological project responsible for this discovery has been ongoing since 2019 and isn't scheduled to end yet."
"The story is still being written, it will always be written until it's not."
"The problem hasn't been completely resolved yet."
"The Meta conversation is not over; it's just beginning."
"This has been quite a strange journey, and it's not over yet."
"Work on the Burgess Shale is ongoing."
"Some people say he's still falling."
"It was quite the journey and it's not over yet."
"Decluttering is a lifelong activity; we're never done."
"There is no such thing as being done with decluttering; you will always be decluttering."
"It's been the journey of a lifetime, and it's not over yet."
"It's been a really great season and it's still going."
"Not only has there been a federal investigation of this case, but it is ongoing."
"We have to be clear-eyed about the fact that this war is not over."
"This is an open and ongoing situation."
"As long as you're breathing, your story's still going."
"I'm still working on music with people."
"The story is a long way from being over, on many different levels."
"This season is still delivering and we're still liking what we're getting here."
"Our lives don't have a beginning, middle, and end if we're still alive and writing them."
"It's been an adventure and it still is an adventure."
"One Punch Man is one of the best ongoing series right now."
"This tornado continues, the tornado in progress... around Lacy along I65 in Murray County."
"It's hardly over, and we're discovering new information."
"The revolution is not over; in some ways, it's just begun."
"The big bang has never stopped; it is ongoing and has been ongoing since the beginning."
"I'm not finished falling in love with you yet."
"The story is still being written, of course."
"We have unfinished business, yes."
"My plan is to make this an ongoing series because this is a really good way for me to answer questions that I'm asked all the time."