
Market Fit Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"An astonishing level of engineering has gone into this... but it's just not the right product."
"I want to get off Jive because I don't think that my sales are matching my popularity."
"If your competitor is playing a level one strategy, that is just simply customer product market fit, but you figured out a Nespresso strategy."
"You need to be solving a burning problem... willing to pay money... so many businesses fail because they don't do this."
"Once NFTs show that there's product market fit and there's real revenues to be made, I think it was pretty obvious for everyone in gaming, in entertainment, and like content creation that that's a place to build your next business."
"You know, just because you have a fish that you think will sell well or that you like doesn't mean it's the right one for you to be doing."
"The United States is the greatest country on earth."
"Product market fit is when you've made something that people want."
"Cost of acquisition is going to be lower when you have a addressable audience and an incredible product market fit."
"The Atlas Cross Sport definitely has a place in this segment, offering a sleek design and plenty of cargo space."
"What Amazon has done elegantly is they've built a product that has such fantastic product market fit."
"Later is never going to get stale. It's not, not if you've got product market fit which we do."
"It's hitting all those key specifications that gamers love to see, really nailing that sweet spot."
"Final thoughts on the new Accord, as the title suggests, it's the right car at the wrong time."
"With the Wii, they hit it right place, right time, right system, right software."
"The greatest lesson I had... was founder market fit."
"At the end of the day, it's happening. Tesla has reached that product market fit."
"With Ethereum, anyone can participate or create a financial market in just a few clicks."
"It's now in the era of Ethereum actually being very useful and having found product-market fit."
"Some companies were being valued as series B companies at 100 million dollars before they had product Market fit."
"You still have to have that product-market fit. It's recognizable by people that are your potential target audience."
"I really feel like this is a concept that is going to work so well in this country."
"If a product can't fulfill the needs of the early majority of users, it will likely fail."
"Founder-market fit is important for moving fast in the product development cycle."
"The vast majority of startups die before they ever build something that anyone really wants."
"I feel like we have a sliver of product market fit where some people are extremely happy with our product."
"Most startups still don't ever build a product that people want."
"Bitcoin seems to really already have one [product Market fit]."
"Customers will guide you if you do this well. If you listen to them and your designs are high enough fidelity and interactivity, they will pull you in the right direction towards higher product-market fit."
"If you're in doubt if you have a product market fit, you probably don't have it."
"There are these undiscovered islands of product Market fit that are sort of just beyond the horizon line."
"So if you can take a deep understanding of what customers need and make sure it really is the right product, that's how you can build a product that customers really want."
"You don't want to be a starving artist, so you have to figure out the way. That we figure out, 'Hey, what Niche are we going to be in?' is total add addressable market and profitability sits on the side of Market fit, okay?"
"Getting on that list is hard but the good news is for marketplaces when you do get that product market fit, when you do get that flywheel going, staying power is great and the potential of what you can expand into is massive."
"Toyota has to make this thing somewhat fit the North American market where people are looking for luxury features which you get some of that in here but it's not over complicated and overdone to make it obsolete in the future."
"You want to make sure you're building a great product for that core Market."
"I think the major underlying thesis is DeFi is the biggest product-market fit for permissionless blockchain and crypto."
"Product market fit is the point where startups product or service satisfies the needs of the market."
"If you make the product good enough, the spreadsheet will work."
"Ultimately, successful SaaS products solve an urgent and important problem for a very specific market, for a very specific domain."
"Find something people are excited to pay you for, and then make it."
"Eventually MLB needs to accept that the Rays just aren't meant to be in Tampa long term."
"If you can find a product that ticks all of those boxes, you are literally on the road to success."
"You just have to find product market fit and leverage your built-in trust."
"What are some great ideas in this space? And how do you actually accelerate that path to product market fit?"
"Product market fit is very simple: Are people grabbing the product out of your hands?"
"Stable coins are maybe the clearest product market fit in all of crypto."
"These companies are more mature, they actually have the initial product market fit."
"Hitting 10K a month is achieving product-market fit."
"The entire focus is market fit: you want to consistently sell something that people actually want to buy."
"He obsessed over the product quality, obsessed over the market fit of his product, and that's what shone through."
"If you build a piece of engineering that you really like... if it happens later on to find a great use case and a great market for this, it's hard for someone to stop you."
"I went from thinking this machine is absolutely brilliant to totally hating it, and then finally figuring out where the market has a place for this kind of embroidery machine."
"You have to validate to make sure that you're marketing and selling a product that people actually want and actually want to use."
"You build an app that people want."
"Nothing really matters if you don't actually have product market fit."
"When you get to seed, it's more around actually proving and finding that product market fit."
"It doesn't matter how good your code is if people are willing to pay for your product."
"You want a product that sells itself."
"The bottom line is, if you think you're at product market fit, it's probably because you're up at night thinking, 'I know my market, I know my customers, I just don't know how to get more of them.'"
"The ability to acquire users at less than the amount of money you make from that curve represents true market product market fit."
"Can you make something people want?"
"The purpose of growth is to scale users of a product which has product-market fit."
"We know exactly how to validate a winning product."