
Go Language Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"No locks, no conditioned variables, no callbacks - it's really the syntax and the structure that Go gives you that makes this possible."
"Go was designed to be boring, minimal, repetitive, and consistent."
"One of the specific goals of Go was that if you took two PRs, one from a really senior Dev and one from a newer Dev, the code would look nearly identical."
"Use Go, try it out... I think you'll find that Go will make you productive in a way you didn't think was possible."
"The Go Gopher is one of the earliest factors in Go's success."
"Now that we got everything set up, let's go ahead and start learning some Go code."
"Now these are all the different things that we are going to be learning about to understand the fundamentals of Go."
"My goal here is actually to use as little Lua as possible and have the game driven entirely in Go. I think that's pretty exciting."
"Go is a really popular language at the moment and for good reason. It's a really great language to learn."
"So, the first thing I'm going to say about using Go is I would always use Go if I need a standalone backend."
"We actually want to make Go be the best language for App Engine, and part of that is making the tool for it be really awesome."
"I was recently looking at the numbers, and over the last year and a half the use of Go at Google has gone up by an order of magnitude."
"Far more people work on Go outside Google than at Google, by orders of magnitude."
"One of the things that attracted me the most to using Go or learning more about it was the fact that it was the first language I saw that explicitly acknowledged that the environment in which most modern software runs is changed considerably from traditional systems."
"The concurrency packages and structures, I think, are probably the thing that attracts the most attention."
"We're still discovering what you can do with Go."
"There's now one assembler entirely written in Go."
"Go's fuzzing engine is fast and effective at finding bugs."
"Portability is a key part of this, we want Go to be the most portable language out there."
"...something that normally works better and better for me in Go is that it produces code that is simple, it's readable, and it's maintainable."
"One of the most important things of Go is that we have very useful concurrency and it's very powerful."
"Go is a language that is popular for building many different types of software."
"Every Go program has a main function which acts as the main entry point to our code."
"Interfaces are a special type in Go that defines a set of method signatures."
"Go is a garbage-collected language, but you still can have memory leaks in it just as you can with Java or Ruby."
"The whole idea here is to make you a better Go developer."
"Hopefully, this was a good introduction to the Gin framework and creating a Go API."
"We're going to be using Gin, a high-performance, high-productivity web framework pretty popular in the Go community."
"Go's concurrency and features it provides as a language let us build highly performant, very scalable, very lightweight services."
"There's a niche, and Go is really about that niche."
"A lot of the people who've remarked on Go have thought that there's something really unusual and maybe even unique about the concurrency features inside Go."
"In 2012, I wrote my first line of Go and pretty much fell in love."
"Go code that is idiomatic adheres to the design principles of the Go language: orthogonality, simplicity, and readability."
"The Go standard library contains numerous thoughtful pieces; my favorite examples are the interfaces in the io package: io.Reader and io.Writer."
"Simplicity is often talked about as reduced complexity. Go does this by removing features found in other programming languages."
"Handle errors early and return often; keep the common or happy path indented and to the left."
"Return errors, don't panic. Only panic when an error can't be handled directly or the handling can't be delegated to the upstream caller."
"Idiomatic Go is made up of small pieces that do one thing well."
"This is going to create a go mod file which allows us to install external packages and kind of just manages our dependencies for us."
"Learn Go with pocket-size projects... starts with simple hello world but... it has you write tests."
"Mattermost is built in the Go programming language; it can ship as a single static binary with no external dependencies aside from the database."
"Hello, my name is Ashley McNamara, and today I'm going to teach you how to code like you belong on the Go team."
"There are two key areas of code organization in Go that will make a huge impact on your usability, the testability, and the functionality of your code: the package naming and package organization."
"Why use Go for a web API? It's extremely quick and you can get things built very rapidly."
"Once Go is a little bit more mature, we might see people who build Go distributions that have a whole bunch of other packages pulled in."
"An object in Go satisfies an interface just by implementing the methods that the interface defines."
"The emphasis in Go is on concurrent programming rather than parallel programming."
"Programming in Go is not primarily about the types and the type hierarchy."
"In Go, you can use as many wrappers as you like because the type can satisfy many interfaces."
"It's really powerful that we can make these changes after the fact and not have to plan ahead for them."
"Go is a strong and statically typed compiled language."
"That's all you need to do to be able to write a basic web server in Go."
"Go is the perfect language for this kind of work, and by that I mean these sort of business logic services."
"Go makes concurrency easier, a lot easier, it makes it way more accessible to a lot more developers, which is great, but it's still hard."
"It's to talk about things that you might not know about Go, depending on how experienced you are with the language."
"I'm having more fun writing Go programs than I have writing programs in any language in a long time."
"Go's approach to interfaces, support for reflection on types and values, and support for concurrency are essential to it being fast, fun, and productive."
"All Go programs start in the package named main, running the function named main."
"Go uses Unicode and UTF-8 throughout, and in particular, Go source text is defined to be UTF-8 encoded."
"Go is a concurrent, garbage-collected language."
"Package fmt defines an interface called Stringer."
"This is awesome as it allows us as Go developers to programmatically trigger anything we need off the back of a commit to our main branch."
"You've just successfully defined your first GitHub action within your Go project."
"Let's take it a step further and start defining some actions that will be genuinely useful to us as maintainers of Go projects."
"In this tutorial, we have successfully managed to create a number of very useful GitHub actions for our Go repositories."
"I believe Go is almost the perfect language for microservices."
"That's how I was able to eliminate the flakiness of my tests, and it's all just using the Go language itself to test the Go code, which I think is tremendously powerful."
"Once you start using Go, it is hard to use any other language for any other product."
"The static typing, the amazing concurrency, and at the end of the day, it is fun to program Go."
"If you want to contribute to the Go compiler, you can do so running Go."
"Instead of using an array, we can simply use a slice and under the hood, Go will manage the array for us."
"Go is an open-source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software."
"It launched in November 2009 and it had the goals of being fun to work in, efficient, scalable, and very, very productive."
"And as I said, we designed it for web servers, but it sort of works really well for just about anything."
"And so we now prefer to just call it a good, general purpose language."
"It's been a really big year for Go."
"We won a best of open source award from InfoWorld, which was really nice."
"The best plan would be to ship the backwards compatible parts of Go 2 incrementally, feature by feature, as part of the Go 1 release process."
"We're not abandoning Go 1, and in fact, we will bring Go 1 along to the greatest extent possible."
"The conversation for Go 2 starts today, and it's one that will happen in the open, in public forums."
"This video is going to show you how to build a chat application in Go using WebSockets."
"The thing that really attracted me to Go are the concurrency primitives."
"Go has an interesting way of providing methods and interfaces on types."
"Go compiles to native code. It runs really fast."
"It's a fantastic programming environment to work in."
"In Go, we can put methods on any user-declared type, not just a struct."
"The way Go does typing is structural in a lot of cases."
"Go supports first-class functions, sometimes called higher-order functions."
"Go is built with concurrency in mind, meaning it's very easy to write concurrent applications and utilize them to maximum when needed to run in parallel."
"The memory footprint of a Go application is very low compared to other languages."
"Go is a functional language, which means functions are first-class citizens."
"The best part of Go is probably goroutines."
"The best way to implement a thread-safe handling of data from different goroutines is with channels."
"This last example is really the most recommended way of handling data race conditions and thread safety problems in Go."
"Go routines and channels is where Go programming gets really interesting."