
Mismatch Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"An astonishing level of engineering has gone into this... but it's just not the right product."
"It just didn't match up, I know it's weird isn't it."
"I took two painkillers and three shots of Patron and that's why my socks don't match."
"Our spirituality does not match our technological skills."
"The only physical evidence... didn't seem to fit."
"A flawed film for sure but handled by a great director who may have been the wrong choice at the time to handle this property."
"It's like 10,000 spoons, when all you need is a knife."
"What about her says velvet and honey? When I look at her, neither of those words are things I would associate with her."
"The right ingredient on the wrong patty can make all the difference in the sandwiches."
"When your custom character doesn't match the default costume."
"Hollywood is not suited for me and I am not suited for it."
"You know how he's wearing a baseball jersey? You're asking him to play basketball. Yeah, wrong sport definitely."
"The horror and romance never really meshed."
"She's not built for this world. She's not meant to hang with him."
"Mixing Nike and Adidas is like mixing ice cream and soy sauce."
"He's like, 'Here,' I'm like, 'No, Ranger, we don't fit.'"
"Damn, 2.2 million to 250k, they didn't stand a chance."
"It feels like you didn't match the energy."
"It's like bringing a sport to a gunfight."
"Trying to fit the square jigsaw into the spiral hole would just about as well as sticking an iPad in a meth bucket."
"We're kind of like the wrong animal in the wrong environment."
"His snarky quips are made funnier by how poorly suited they are for a courtroom setting."
"It seems like they dropped the wrong superhero movie into a pit."
"When it's your guy's first date and she came dressed up as the Big Show."
"I caught a lot of [ __ ] from wrestling fans that were like you're disrespectful [ __ ] like all this [ __ ] because it was just totally mismatched with where it just was out of place."
"Teapots don't have to match your dinner service."
"Making balloon animals? That's a bad job for a guy with a stinger."
"You can't give a Martin Luther King when they want the Snowman, you know what I'm saying?"
"Being baked in public is like trying to run track with clown shoes on."
"It's like bringing a sword to a gunfight."
"This is everything I don't think this suits, yeah you know it isn't really but business bottom yum."
"I guess never bring a piece of timber to a gunfight."
"It's looking like you brought a fist to a sword fight."
"A romantic at heart, Rodney was yet another camper who was just too innocent for the harsh nature of Total Drama Island."
"He's wearing a lovely pink dress, except it's not meant to be."
"Right then and there I get a chill because up until that point it seems like I'm putting together a puzzle but none of the pieces are matching."
"It's like this guy who doesn't really have a good body wearing a stripper outfit."
"What I literally didn't even get the shade match."
"I've been [__] ho and popping bottles, man I feel just like a rockstar."
"You're the. You meant well but your gift was not what he needed."
"...coming to Nashville to eat ramen is like going to Italy for cornbread."
"You're bringing Kool-Aid to a gin party."
"When their physical body doesn't match their voice."
"You, my friend, just brought a knife to a gunfight."
"There's a complete mismatch between human mainstream perceptions of reality and the nature of the reality in which we find ourselves embedded."
"Now if she looks like she sounds on my..."
"Oh, he's a tight end but he runs routes like a receiver when you get him matched up on linebackers and safeties it's a mismatch."
"RuPaul, I don't know if somebody told you, but it doesn't match."
"It's like you could be playing chess with someone who's using the rules of rugby and it's just it's not going to work."
"Wearing ties and pocket squares of the same fabric don't create a good look."
"Faye Dunaway's radiant beauty doesn't fit into her environment, and in this way, she is the perfect match for Warren Beatty's Clyde."
"Humans evolve more slowly than their cultures and therefore we are mismatched to modern life."
"You just buy what you love, and then if it doesn't match, it doesn't really matter."
"Thus we are asking the fish how to climb a tree."
"It's like Dan Aykroyd in 'We Are the World', unnatural."
"The major mechanism is V/Q mismatch because oxygen actually decreases hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction."
"I feel like I am so much more calm, peaceful, and decluttered in my mind, and my bedroom just does not match that."
"It's beautiful, it's warm, and it's probably not the best for today's weather because it's actually like 20 degrees outside, but in autumn winter, this is gonna get absolutely rinsed, I can already feel it."