
Churchill Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Churchill called it the front line of freedom."
"In the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."
"Chartwell was home to a man who was indisputably one of the greatest Britons of the 20th century: Winston Churchill."
"To understand something so profound, we must start before the beginning with what Winston Churchill called the Gathering Storm."
"Churchill's views on the creation of Israel were not always consistent."
"Churchill issued a note to Stalin expressing genuine admiration for the tenacity of the Soviet Union."
"The two treaties protected the rights of refugees and that was Winston Churchill."
"Churchill had just visited London streets bombed to ruins by Nazi raiders when the Duke of Hamilton told him who had dropped out of the sky."
"Never of course a common endeavor has so much been over it by so many to so few." - Churchill
"Parity in rescue: Churchill's bold decision."
"Churchill got things wrong, but compared to the survival of freedom, I don't think any of them matter."
"The fact that Churchill had these men that he created and went out and turned the war in Britain's favor is just unbelievable."
"Churchill now faces this situation where if you look at this cooly and rationally, you have to think there's no path to Victory here. The only sensible thing to do is to make some kind of Peace arrangement with the Germans."
"Churchill later referred to this day as one of the heaviest blows I can recall during the war."
"He was bold like Churchill was bold. Took bold steps."
"Churchill knew that the Great American Ally had very different views from his own."
"It's going to be a long War," Churchill had a tough job.
"Churchill's believed Singapore made an excellent potential fortress- to hold out against Japanese attack until help could arrive."
"Churchill mattered a huge amount... the savior of his nation."
"It was so significant that Churchill called it the end of the beginning of the Second World War."
"Churchill must get rid of the Windsors, and fast."
"If you want to study success, you should study Churchill."
Keep going. Winston Churchill said, "If You're Going Through Hell, keep going."
"Winston Churchill is determined not to yield an inch against a Nazi Menace."
"I'm sure you won't mind if I paraphrase Winston Churchill, who himself fought against those who thought that might could triumph over right."
"Churchill mobilized the English language and sent it into war."
"Churchill's Tory democracy was almost analogous to the New Deal politics of FDR."
"We now have two reasons to be grateful to Mr. Roberts. The first is that his is arguably the best single biography of Winston Churchill. The second is that, as a result, no reasonable person will write a Churchill biography for years to come."
"The book is a brilliant feat of storytelling, monumental in scope, yet put together with tenderness for a man who always believed that he would be Britain's Savior."
"Throughout the '30s, men like Churchill had warned the public of the danger of Germany."
"By what extraordinary conceit and in front or high frontier I was persuaded to accept an invitation to add my pebble to the mountain of Churchillian scholarship."
"Her intelligence went to Churchill himself."
"As Winston Churchill once said, 'The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man.'"
"Never never never never never give up - Winston Churchill."
"Churchill was standing by the door his eyes fixed on me like a search light."
"We shape our buildings, and afterwards, our buildings shape us." - Winston Churchill
"I would identify with Winston Churchill when he says we shape our buildings and they shape us."
"This is how the most famous portrait of Churchill came to life, which is called 'The roaring lion'."
"He was far from always being like this. Churchill actually lived a great life. In fact, he has lived several lives."
"Prime Minister Churchill announced the invasion in the House of Commons six hours after the first Seaborn troops had landed."
"Churchill gives his famous Iron Curtain speech."
"Churchill... reversed British strategy there and made Malta more important."
"She was actually used for Churchill's funeral, she pulled the famous funeral train."
"What Churchill envisioned might have seemed very science fiction back then, but now it's pretty much science fact."
"Churchill led his nation to victory; it's amazing."