
Flair Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"It's cool to make something fast... but also with a little bit of flair."
"Astaire starts the routine by looking cool as a cucumber as he masterfully taps around the stage with a cigarette in his mouth. Suddenly, he takes things up a notch by throwing a firecracker to the ground in time with the music."
"He adds a little something, a little sauce on the dances. Hey, it's showtime!"
"Adore Delano, giving you smell my ******* poetic justice realness."
"Nice, over the top! Can I do a springboard something? No, but I can get back in with style."
"Everybody's rolling our eyes at both of them. All of a sudden they're giving us pretty close to like what it is with just a little bit of flair."
"I thought it was great, it had a lot of flair to it."
"It's all about movement, freedom, and that vavavoom effect."
"Coast to coast, I've got the moves, great weapons, and that Lady Gaga goo goo!"
"Calm only knows how to win these games one way, and that's in style."
"It's a gorgeous little speed master with a bit of extra flair."
"Grab your precision scissors, barber combs, and swivel twist razors—let's cut a bob with a little bit of flavor."
"I like a little spice, I like a little razzle dazzle."
"It's perfect for days where you want to add a little sparkle, a little sass to your outfit."
"The trio's irresistible flair added an unpredictability factor to the team."
"...if I couldn't have the Harley, I'd take the Gucci just for some of that Italian flair."
"Gotta give her some style points for those flips."
"It brings a little pizzazz into the dish."
"He's got a bit of flair about him, he might try and turn a man nut Mega Man."
"You guys have a natural style flair."
"We're gonna take this thing in style."
"And just this dramatic flair that I never get tired of watching."
"The Magic was in his unmatched flair, the palpable joy with which he played, and in his undeniable stardom."
"Whatever ploy they come up with to trip Panty in Stocking the hellish siblings always bring it with style and swag."
"Crime is an ox. It shouldn't be old drudgery. It demands flair."
"A walk is just, he's got a certain flash, a certain style."
"Flair on top, and Flair wins. This was awesome."
"I cannot resist the touch of the dramatic."
"He's old school to be sure and but that old-school flair works for him powerfully."
"Deco's touch and dribbling flare was truly captivating."
"So we decided to give it a little bit of a pizzazz."
"When you sit in my chair, I'm gonna produce sauce, flavor, and flair."
"If you're going to catch a target, catch one in style."
"Now towards the end of the video I'm going to show you guys how to add some cool flair to your channels."
"I do think the women's costumes have a bit more zhoosh. You know, just like a bit more ooh!"
"He's funky out there on the mound."
"Tony's teams play with a bit of style and a bit of flare."
"So here's his speech: I woke up this morning some crazy news, I'm the [ __ ] Ric Flair of this [ __ ]. You know, peace to all the fans."
"Junior did a lot to this car specifically to try and kind of bring up the flavor, to add a little sauce, if you will."
"You could be boring, just open it up, choose what card you want, right? You can't do that right? Or hit me up, or you could have swag."
"CD Lamb high-stepping across midfield."
"This buckle is a little extra and I'm a little extra."
"Kevin Peterson's away and in dramatic style."
"He's a god, he's a god, he's been blessed by the gods, hair flip."
"Ladybugs and gentlemen, here I am!"
"Lots of flair. Yup, got to do it with style."
"Do not be afraid to just give it some pizzazz."
"I have tremendous drip and pizzazz."
"Just add a little fancy, and voilà, life's fantastique."
"It's giving cowboy in the best way possible."
"Who wants to be basic when you can be extra?"
"Blending established Volkswagen Group engineering with a performance emphasis and a bit of extra Spanish flair."
"It's creamy, it's shiny, and it has just a little bit of razzle dazzle."
"Queen B8 is a devilish move. It's a move that has a little bit more pizzazz."
"It just gives the whole outfit a little more razzle dazzle."
"Showmanship. You've gotta make it look cool, hot, weird, wacky, kablam!"
"It's giving body, it's giving everything."
"We need something with a little more pizazz."
"I always like to add a sparkle color in my design; just gives it that bit of extra."
"Gives it a little bit more pizzazz, right?"
"Just add a little extra touch of fabulousness into our day."
"A nice simple cable that adds a little bit of flare to the cowl."
"This is another prime example of how you do it with style."
"Absolutely fabulous from Fletcher, stand and deliver and just show us the pose for the photographers."
"Time for some stylin' and profilin'."
"I'm on a cloud 'cause my style so heavenly."
"You need to have a bit of pizzazz, man."
"I'm the accessorizing Queen, best believe it, we are about to accessorize this hairstyle, period."
"It's a quick, fun, easy way to add a little bit of flair to whatever project you're doing."
"It's all part of a sensible, practical remit that this Peugeot tries to deliver with a little more flair than its rivals."
"Turns have a really nice kind of flashy sound to them."
"They have cool moves and slick styling."
"You have a lot of pizzazz, a lot of personality."
"Let's finish it off the way we started, that is with style."
"You can get quite snazzy with this stuff."
"Oh it's marvelous darling, marvelous~!"
"And this flamboyant player is showing just how much courage and strength he has both on and off the table."
"It just adds a little bit more pizzazz."
"You have to make a big entrance, something with a little panache."
"If you're gonna do it, do it in style."
"Chef PS is cooking, that is for sure."
"You could even do the wave with another card... and this does have a really cool appearance."
"With great hair comes great inspiration."
"That's how you do it, you do it in style."
"I think it really does just add such pizzazz."
"A card is not done unless we've got bling, right?"
"It just brings a little bit of flavor to any outfit."
"We are off and running with just the most sensational sort of panache."
"I got that sauce many other people don't have."
"The Flair master is in you, can you feel it?"
"I absolutely love this top, love the flare and flirtiness of it."
"Once Sid realizes his student isn't taking to the lesson, he wraps things up in suitably flashy fashion."
"It's given us class, sass, and all that brass."
"It's a huge hammer, that would be a very stylish way to finish."
"Flair bartending is about bartending with originality and style."
"Give them the old razzle and the dazzle."
"It's giving Miss Main, yes it's giving!"
"Nothing wrong with a little pizzazz, a little inspiration, a little launching pad."
"You gotta find a little razzle-dazzle."
"Proud, outrageous, talented, unexpected, stylish."
"A sublime idea executed just as usual with ridiculous panache."
"I love the little pizzazz it gives."
"I love the chain detail on Maddie, it's so perfect for a little bit of bling, a little bit of that amazing baller energy."
"We're gonna have to hit him with some style."
"It's all style, baby, it's all style."
"Just add that extra little pizzazz."
"A bit of dramatic flair, razzle dazzle, and zest for life never hurt anybody, am I right?"
"I'm in the kitchen, I'm whipping and flipping, I go to the sauce but you know that I'm dripping."
"It adds some extra pizzazz to the show."
"The second turn, the exclamation mark, icing on the cake."
"Link even spins the sword around like a badass."
"I love simplistic outfits jazzed up with some fun accessories or jewelry."
"That's the little pizzazz, just a little sprinkle of seasoning, you feel me?"
"Every time he did it, had a certain level of swagger that was like performance quality."
"Puff puff pass, this look is smoking hot."
"Just drippin' in finesse. That's what I call this."
"That was Showmanship at its finest."
"Magical finishing from Hollywood."
"A little showmanship, folks, why not?"
"They bring a little bit of panache to your styling."
"I'm ready to bring out the old razzle dazzle."
"He's finishing it with a flourish."
"I love that pause, oh and his hand coming up like this, that's like artistic flair."
"It's a different level of showmanship."
"If you're gonna do it, do it with flair."
"A little bit of sparkle goes a long way."
"You leap up into the air and do a double somersault backwards onto the deck and turn with panache."
"Charismatic is someone who treats you with respect but they throw in a little razzle dazzle."
"It gives this particular square a bit more pizazz."
"What maneuver could possibly be smoother?"
"When in doubt, add lace or bling. That is my motto."
"I think it just adds a little more pizzazz."
"It's just something a little bit different, it has a style, you know, it has a unique flair."
"He's a bad boy baller bro and he's a number 10 brother."
"Puffer jackets are great for giving your outfit some flair."
"Hold him up, wait a minute, let me put some pimp in it."
"Let me just add a little Razzle Dazzle to it real quick."
"Let's make it a little more showbiz."
"This has been shaken, not stirred."
"See how it just gave it that extra little Razzle Dazzle?"
"I love that it's very street style, super casual, and it just goes well together and adds a little bit of flair."
"This is just giving me rich auntie vibes, okay?"
"It's like taking that really beautiful everyday friendly palette style and adding a little bit of a twist, like adding some spice if you will."
"It's definitely a closet staple but it does have some fun little accents to it to give it a little more flair."
"If you want to amp it up a little bit, go with a little bit of a graphic."
"I have wrapped it in a bow made of glitter magic; it's super fab and super gorge."
"We just add a little flare to everything, just by nature."