
Gaming Feature Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Gifting system was just added to Fortnite Battle Royale!"
"Cross save is coming to all platforms all of them PlayStation Xbox PC and Stadia."
"Rejoice, Bungie has finally added an in-game LFG system to help players find fire teams for any activity."
"The split screen obviously that's a great feature right you can play co-op and split screen death deathmatch."
"Hooray! The game does come with a hard-boiled mode, which the first game also received in the New Ports so now every game has one."
"The best feature of this game is that you can save anywhere you want."
"Dead Eye does return and is mostly similar to Red Dead Redemption."
"One of the coolest things that I've seen in games like Assassin's Creed lately is instead of just throwing a marker down the game will give you clues."
"The time travel mechanic adds a lot of atmosphere to the game and expands the story."
"The fishing minigame stands in contrast to these others because there's no limit on how long you can play or how many fish you can catch."
"The game is designed to be replayed several times over, new game+ is totally a thing."
"Quick resume on Series X feels like a game changer."
"Loadouts would be amazing, save multiple builds at once, it's something a lot of people want."
"Quick resume is the thing where you can jump back into a game almost instantly."
"The proximity chat was amazing I will say that that was the best thing about this stream."
"Nintendo's backward compatibility goes a long way with making the fans happy."
"We also added an augment reroller. So, once per game, you have this little button and you can refresh your augment shot. So, those three options go away forever and you get three new options within the same tier."
"The season 22 theme grants everyone a fourth cube slot...huge win for necros."
"Time before revive completion is now going to be visible for downed players while you're being revived."
"Poke Pelago is a huge side mode designed to give the player a means to casually and passively acquire certain benefits that one would otherwise be grinding for."
"You can spot a shiny Pokémon in the overworld, it's hard to miss."
"Finally, we have fast travel! I have been waiting for this for so long."
"Electrical Surge now shows for him if he's tagged the champion. I think it's a really cool change, really, really nice stuff here."
"Proximity chat in those games is just absolutely, it's truly truly perfect."
"I love this little mechanic where the Fox appears and drops stuff, that's really cool."
"Any other ideas or things you would love to see in career mode for FIFA 910?"
"The near perfect hipfire accuracy is truly a game changer for the Tommy's Matchbook."
"There's gonna be cutscenes which is awesome."
"Demon negotiation has always been such a great part of the franchise... it's just good, trust me."
"I think it's not a surprise that Create-A-Sim is by far one of the best features about The Sims 4."
"This multi-siege feature is my favorite in the entire DLC!"
"The multiplayer was a killer feature, making it plug-and-play on the N64."
"Being able to customize like that is a huge deal."
"Backpack will take your inventory system and expand it from five slots to ten slots."
"StreetPass is probably my favorite thing to ever come out of the 3DS."
"I love the feature that allows you to just go back and forth between the new style graphics and the old ones."
"I love it, you just get six weapons and he literally just holds them around him like he just gets more hands."
"At level 10, there's an elixir of fertility which increases the chance of twins and triplets."
"In the game, you take pictures with Prompto's camera, you'll be able to upload the pictures to social media. Final Fantasy to Graham anyone."
"We added a new update where you get special features while wearing the belt."
"Best contrail! Best contrail of the season, best contrail! Like, out of everything on the Battle Pass, best contrail by far! Looks so cool!"
"Best rap of the season! So cool! Okay, we get a ground pound, this is the best rap of the season!"
"Implementing a battle recorder in BF4 would be a great thing for all parties involved."
"I love playing a game where you can go prone."
"Glass cleaning takeover... not only tells you exactly where the rebound is going but allows you to throw your opponent out of the way before you decide to go pursue the basketball."
"I love that it's cool that it fills in your exact shape too."
"You can literally hit a button to switch between the two."
"The most fantastic part of this game is the swap between characters."
"Remember, this is a feature of the PS5's UI for PS Plus members where when you're playing a game, you can suspend it."
"Multiplayer actually saves progress, which is a relief."
"The divine prayer restoration relic, by the way, every 15 seconds I get a prayer point."
"The fov slider on console that is a god sent to me."
"Here's what I want from the community side: a tournament mode."
"As you go around you're gonna be able to interact with stuff."
"It'd be nice if like, say every 10 or 20 minutes, you could have an option turned on that the loot would just refresh."
"Adding co-op to pretty much any single-player game is, for the most part, a good idea."
"This is incredibly important, there is an offline mode that you can do solo."
"Imagine having a side mode where we could go back and fight every single boss we've ever fought within Splatoon."
"Your car will literally transform into various different vehicles."
"Finally, add a skip button to weekly vault, that's really good."
"I think there's a good chance that will become available and that to me is the most exciting part of the new cod game."
"The gun bench and customizing your weapon is flippin awesome like it's really cool."
"Widow-maker's infra site now reveals health bars of enemy players."
"I love that feature, I think that is a great innovative expansion on the system they had in the original game."
"Quick resume lets you jump from game to game without load times."