
Unplanned Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"There's basically never been a gigantic social, political or economic paradigm shift that was perfectly planned out prior to its implementation."
"Greg had no plan. Greg, I know you're watching, bro."
"Romance is not something that is planned; it just happens."
"I never once did I ever think, 'Oh I'm gonna get to this point, this point, have this goal to this.' It never worked that way."
"You didn't have much of a plan when you came here, and look where you are now: alive and with someone on your side."
"Love wasn't part of the plan, but things unfolded naturally."
"I never planned to write any of these books. I never planned to do anything like this."
"This is dope. It's dope. It's surprisingly dope. It's not something that I actually had in my five-year plan."
"I've been working on it for probably around six years or so. It wasn't ever planned, it just kind of happened."
"Weird how that just tied itself in all organically like this was not planned."
"It was so spontaneous, so unplanned. I wasn't actually planning to do anything on the actual day on my birthday."
"It wasn't by design, I didn't plan for this to happen."
"It all just happened spontaneously, and there was no plan."
"Oh my God I rhymed that was perfect and unplanned."
"Sometimes, the best memories come from the unplanned moments."
"That was not planned at all, oh no it doesn't look, does it look good?"
"I mean, I mean it wasn't planned, you know, a second sir, it wasn't planned with her."
"When we bump into someone, it means we meet them accidentally, not something planned."
"An impromptu stop is an unplanned stop."
"Nothing about this connection is actually planned or conventional; it's God's plan."
"It's not planned. It is all spontaneous."
"We didn't have anything planned. Truly. True. I mean, the word iconic is thrown around willy-nilly these days, that was actually iconic. It really was."
"Vito's slap to Johnny Fontaine was not planned."
"Sometimes the best stuff is not planned out."
"These are the best meals, the ones you don't plan for."
"You know when you just get this idea and it's not really on your path of planned out things, but you just feel like you need to do it."
"That was amazingly good fun, considering we had none of this planned just a day and a bit ago."
"Surprisingly, some of these unintended moments become iconic, overshadowing planned cinematic brilliance."
"I reckon the reason we've survived so long is because we never had a master plan."
"Some of the most important conversations I've had have been those I didn't plan, that happened by course of Providence and circumstance."
"No real plans tonight, just bimble around, maybe get some snacks and then take it from there."
"This was an unplanned event, and sometimes you have to be spontaneous."
"We do not plan any of that out... it just is kind of how our personalities are."
"Sometimes it's the unplanned moments that create the most wonderful memories."
"I won. It felt like a fluke; there had been no careful planning, no strategy."
"It's very nice, and I never could have planned it, and that's sometimes how the best things in anybody's life is, how that is when you can't plan it and it happens."
"I have no plan. I'm just gonna go with it."
"I didn't plan to have you in the first place, but once you were born, I was thrilled."
"Isn't it funny how things that you don't plan sometimes turn out to be the best?"
"The best moments are things that just were not planned."
"That's the magic, the magic is the you almost don't plan for."
"This break was not planned, it just happened."
"I shouldn't have done it, but I didn't plan to fall in love with you."
"I take it that this wasn't in any way planned."
"I cannot stress enough how much I don't have plans."
"We have no plan and intend to stick to it."
"You can never plan this; it is just a gift every time."
"I'm not saying that was my plan; I had no plan."
"I didn't really plan it out, I just kind of went for it."
"People don't plan to have children; they have no idea."
"So yeah, I hope you enjoyed it. This was not planned, but I really wanted to show you how I managed to do this effect."
"This weekend is going to be really lit like I didn't plan on it to be lit but it's gonna be lit starting today."
"It was not planned or expected; it was a surprise."
"I'm really excited because today is the first haul of 2019, and it was actually totally unplanned."
"It wasn't a thing where we plan to do it, it was just natural."
"I was offered the opportunity to stay at St. John's and become assistant to the president of St. John's, which was one of those amazing opportunities that you never planned for."