
Heart-centered Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"It's gonna be very fulfilling. It's going to be very enriching. You're going to enrich each other's lives, but it's going to come from a very heart-centered space."
"Once we are in that heart area... we have to be able to see and love everyone unconditionally."
"Make choices from the heart for vibrant health."
"There are no mistakes when your heart's in the right place."
"If we can all just be more heart centered I feel that we just have a tremendous opportunity to unify."
"It's heart-centered and it's birthed from love."
"When we move from the heart... we're all winners."
"Manifest from your heart space to stop the pain."
"Manifest with your heart, not so much with your mind."
"Your path is more heart centered, heart oriented. This could be virtually anything, but what it is, is that you are trusting the path even though you don't know what the path leads you."
"Deep intuition is accessed when we communicate with our heart; it's a launch point for our deepest spiritual experiences."
"It's very much heart-centered, coming from the heart, and that could be anything from work to a new family responsibility."
"Focus on love, stay in your heart space, be the embodiment of love, and surrender and let go."
"Notice your breath flowing in and out through your heart."
"If you want to experience those things, you must literally move your consciousness from being centered on your mind all the time to being centered on your heart."
"You're in a really good position right now to create from a heart-centered space."
"Success is rooted in a heart-centered approach, not a success-centered approach."
"They have a wave of emotion I felt then was really strong and it came from the heart space."
"You're empowered in a really gentle heart-centered way..."
"If we're not habituated to kind of being heart-centered, it isn't until we have some kind of life altering problem or we suffer a loss or something happens to us that we're compelled out of pain... to indulge that aspect of who we are?"
"You live from the heart, you make heart-centered connections."
"I believe it comes from opening our hearts more and really feeling more into our hearts."
"Follow your longing to the source in the heart."
"Meet the challenges from a heart-centered place, from a solution-oriented mindset, with our spiritual foundation backing us up."
"The more you can stay in your heart and just let the energy flow and not pick it up, that's a real gift to them and a gift to your Union."
"The earth is attempting to give birth to a new consciousness and people all over the world are working for that."
"Put the mind in the heart; the chief thing is that the mind should be in the heart."
"Care is heart-centered... worry is psychological."
"If we all lived more like that and got out of our minds and into our hearts, life would be delivered to us more."
"My vision is basically to move more and more into my heart and be a force for love."
"Feel the body, feel the breath at the level of the heart, be heart-centered for a moment."
"The class is designed to help participants move into the heart and live more in the heart and awaken the heart."
"Making content from a heart-centered place... it's like a very fulfilling feeling."
"Compassion is coming from a heart center, it's feeling, it's being connected to your heart."
"You're coming into a place where you're living totally from the heart place of love."
"To come to the heart is to fall off the cliff into love."
"So that is why I am encouraging people to move to their hearts, to start making the choices in alignment with truth and love."
"This feminine awareness can be contacted by moving into our heart space and choosing to recognize that the solutions we are seeking and the deep wisdom and clarity we're looking for can be found in these soft whispers of truth."
"Open your heart now to your very own miracles."
"You can focus on your heart and just kind of broadcast that love energy out."
"You wake up to the fact that you are the vastness and majestic perfectionist what I call heart-centered consciousness."
"If you're somebody who's speaking from a heart-centered space, it can be absolutely disarming to somebody who is angry or upset."
"You start with the heart because love is the strongest vibration in the universe."
"Stay in your heart and aligned with your intentions."
"Unhook from the thinking mind and drop into the heart."
"Open heart, open heart centered Consciousness where you are leading from the heart."
"You're somebody that really lived from your heart chakra, you're somebody that's so caring, so giving, you just want to give to people and make people happy."
"There's a big return to wholeness, a very heart-centered wholeness here."
"Cultivate gratitude and just be service to others and come from your heart."
"We are in a heart-based time, so I always tell people to follow their heart."
"Think new and open your heart to new things; let go of the old and all your attachments."
"As long as you're living your life heart-based, then you're going to be very successful."
"Gratitude for what you already have helps you to be centered in your heart instead of fixated on worries in your mind."
"Benefit from the information that will come directly from your heart space."
"We're putting out only the highest frequencies of possibilities, dealing with things from a heart-centric approach."
"When you come from a heart space and you're asking for things from a heart space, you can achieve miracles."
"Focus on family, family-oriented, love-oriented, heart intelligence-oriented."
"Let go of the logic and flow into your heart and soul."