
Spiritual Obedience Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Your obedience to prophetic insight is God's way of making provision for you."
"There comes a point where you're just going to have to obey God rather than man."
"Remember true freedom comes from using your agency to choose obedience."
"Let the Holy Spirit speak to you and obey Him. Don't ignore the Holy Spirit, obey Him."
"You're not a Christian unless you obey God, Christian means to be Christ-like."
"He would never require of you something He would not enable you to do."
"There's no such thing as a believer who cannot do what God calls them to do if they're willing to be obedient to Him."
"Your obedience impacts lives, even when you don't realize it."
"From that day moving forward, I just wanted to be obedient to what I felt God had called me to do with my life."
"Surrender... it's choosing... obedience to the one who loves you more than you can imagine."
"God never asked us to improve, all He asked us is to follow."
"When we get the relationship right and understand God's grace, obedience happens."
"Peace comes after obedience. The Dove didn't come down until Jesus was already wet."
"The more that you find yourself, the more that you operate in emotional integrity."
"Here is an island of fearlessness because we know you and your faithfulness."
"The secret is reckless obedience, that's how this is here."
"Obedience should bring glory rather than correction."
"May we be able to say as we leave this place tonight, 'I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.'"
"Every single thing that he tells me to let go of, it goes."
"Loving Him was part of it, obedience and worshipping Him the way He's asked to."
"Pleading the blood of Jesus isn't sufficient, you need to follow the rules of God."
"Jesus says that we're to be united. So to not be united is actually to disobey."
"Baptism is a commandment, to be baptized in the name of the Lord."
"I quit my job because God told me to - that's the level of radical obedience He demands."
"When I started to feel good right here and right here is when I started to be obedient."
"You're wasting time trying to pursue your own ambitions while ignoring the clear instruction of God's vision for your life."
"Trust God, do what He says, even if you don't understand."
"I was obedient to that nudge of the Holy Spirit."
"God is truth, His word is truth, so I want to obey that and follow it. I love that."
"Baptism in the Lord's Supper are ordinances, things that we do to obey God, their memorials or symbols."
"It is better to obey the spirit and the body and emotion will obey hundred percent to the obedience to the spirit."
"Stay with the last thing God told you and obey the last thing He told you."
"As you obey last instructions, you receive next instructions."
"Obey Jesus, experientially know how to obey and follow him."
"There's another door and this door is called obedience."
"God does speak through me sometimes but he doesn't explain what he's speaking. I'm only going to obey Him, I'm gonna put the message out and then I'll try to make sense of it just like everyone else."
"To identify the obstacles to execution cannot obey God until you identify your obstacles to obedience you hear what I just said."
"Do not quench the spirit; promptings require obedience."
"Just obey. If you would just tell the Lord yes, you would see a level of open doors and righteousness like you've never seen in your life."
"When we obey God, we will experience Victory and see His glory Among Us."
"Obedience doesn't mean we avoid adversity. Obedience to God means God will take responsibility for our welfare in the midst of adversity we encounter because we obeyed him."
"Those that love me will keep my commandments."
"Jesus still does that today. He still asks people to do things."
"A disciple hears and heeds the Holy Spirit, obeying His promptings."
"Listen for and obey the voice of God in a fully surrendered life."
"You've got God with you. If you disobey the Holy Ghost, you ain't no baby."
"When you begin to hear God and obey God, everything begins to change."
"Don't ever be impressed by somebody who knows the word; be impressed rather by someone who obeys the word."
"If you obey God, he will provide everything you need to fulfill his calling and his direction on your life."
"Shall I not drink the chalice which the Father has given me?"
"If you can see as God sees, then you will do as God says."
"Obedience is better than a sacrifice."
"When you move in obedience to the Holy Ghost, you can change times and seasons."
"If you want to be a real Christian, if you want to have a revival, then start being one who says, 'Lord, speak; your servant listens. I'm going to do what I know you want me to do.'"
"Listen, if you listen to the Holy Spirit and you obey Him, you always have what you need when you need it."
"Our eyes and our ears are open to Your will; we all love You, we want to know Your will so we could carry it out and destroy the works of the devil in the name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Amen."