
Morbidity Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"It's interesting, it's morbid, but it's fascinating."
"Immunity is the best thing for you, especially if it's a dead person involved."
"There's a dead body you can grab your foot if you want to."
"Why won't someone just die already? Watching people live and die is really the best entertainment."
"I think there's a sick part of all of us that narcissistically likes to attend our own funeral."
"Look, don't be too upset. Considering the time you live in, she was probably gonna die of some disease before she turned 30 anyway."
"Anti-vaxxers are great for my business. Hi, I'm Death. The less you vaccinate, the more I taxinate. I pay taxes on every soul I reap."
"I think that's the starving to death would be awful in a wrap, that's true, that's a pretty bad one."
"Some killers choose to lay their victims to rest unceremoniously."
"Death is great for business at the Heart Attack Grill."
"We won't be writing about anything you do unless you die."
"Nothing says buzzkill like being surrounded by dead people."
"Homicide made easy with us. It's the corpse that counts."
"Film Theory: where we still think you're beautiful no matter how long your mangled corpse has been stuffed inside a robotic suit."
"If I was a serial killer living back in the day, I would just become a doctor."
"...inspired by the story, John experimented with mice and found that it took about 30 minutes for the small animal to dissolve entirely."
"Those are some satisfying deaths we want to see."
"In a morbid testament to the Predator's psyche."
"It's nice, it's cemeteries, caskets, all that stuff has always really inspired me and has always really grabbed a hold of me like at a young age."
"What would be the craziest way for a professional wrestler to die? Leaving behind their first and only spouse."
"Once the heart has ceased to beat, man's blood runs down into his extremities where it thickens and congeals."
"Object shows: they often kill their characters, like a Happy Tree Friends or South Park Kenny kind of thing."
"I guarantee you by the end of this show she's gonna wish that she had died just gonna say it."
"Guess how you're going to die and he won't stop telling you about it."
"It wants to get a front row view of his death when it happens."
"It's morbidly beautiful. It really is."
"Somebody's going to die tomorrow, promise you."
"I want everybody to view my autopsy."
"People like to see the pretty girl get maimed."
"What horrified me was a pile of animal skeletons and bones lying in the water."
"There is something terribly morbid in the modern sympathy with pain."
"Dying is not good content, so let's not do that."
"The school children stand in a circle, looking down at the dead bird with a morbid fascination."
"They found that Carl had been grave robbing Elena's tomb, mummifying her and keeping her in his house for seven years."
"He solidified himself as the man who married a corpse, a corpse bride, if you will."
"Wow, look at these tombstones. See a hat like this? When was the last time you saw someone wear a hat like that? When they died."
"He wanted to be inside of her while she died [ __ ] that is extra dark."
"This is the House Tour of death in house Tour of destruction children's movies."
"Patrick only thinks it's funny when people die. There's a morbid sense of humor here, he likes Gallows humor."
"Each year we see 9 million new cases and roughly 1.5 million people die."
"A powerful combination of our curiosity about the morbid and our inherent need for finding answers."
"Controlling and managing this is very, very important when it comes to blindness and other morbidities."
"Of course it would give them a thrill to go back to the gravesites and or attend the memorials."
"The ability to invade and metastasize is a major cause of cancer-related morbidity and mortality."
"Advanced age is a consistent risk factor for morbidity and mortality associated with anesthesia."
"You guys want to see a dead body?"
"Centenarians live 20 to 30 years healthier than a control group, but the most incredible thing is they have a contraction of morbidity."
"How can a single moment mirror another in such a morbid way?"
"It's a morbid element of curiosity in people that we all have."
"It's a type of morbid curiosity that a lot of us share in learning about."
"1920s cartoons were always a bit morbid, which was kind of why it's so fascinating."