
Territory Quotes

There are 238 quotes

"Real empathy says, 'Hey, I see you. I feel you. I hear you. I understand you. I may not be you, but I love you.'"
"The US wants to win this territory it's their interests."
"Greece was now coming out on top... Italy occupied lands being ceded to their growing Empire."
"We're not going to seed this region, we're not going to seed an inch of ground."
"We're Commander players. Commander players do not like people touching their lands."
"Use a tool cupboard to claim your base area."
"Most of the fighting...is happening in Russian territory."
"It's all territory when you start when you got the throne."
"All I can say is that we'll fight to the end. This is our holy land."
"We've expanded our territory quite considerably."
"House only does what is necessary other than the ending I referred to earlier. He does not go into areas beyond his jurisdiction looking to wipe people out or steal their land from them."
"Bonaza vowed not to let humans step further into demon territory."
"After three years of living here, Max won't venture into the densely wooded area of the forest."
"We have more land, we have doubled the mainland we had in California."
"He laughed nervously at first but then revealed that he was incredibly happy because at last he would have his own territory."
"Anytime he fights, he's popular territory."
"This is where I rule and I reign."
"This is still, The Big Dog's yard."
"I got them Golan Heights, which they were supposed to return to Syria, but I guess we're just stealing land now."
"Brody wrestled worldwide not staying in any particular territory for too long."
"Don't mess with a farmer on his home turf."
"God's heart is not just about gathering people but about men and women taking territories for God."
"Respect you, it's your territory, you own this, you run this, I respect that beloved."
"Concepion had it in plus territory near the 25 of Carolina."
"that's just another way of saying we don't like strangers coming here and messing around in our affair."
"Perhaps we were in its territory so it felt the need to make its presence known, but we no longer felt threatened."
"The English only controlled Aquitaine, Gascony, and then Calais."
"St. Pierre and Miquelon, these two tiny islands off the coast of Newfoundland, still legally French territory."
"If a church is going to gain Supremacy in a territory, the people of God, they have to take charge of the Airways."
"This school is my domain and the Franklin is my domain."
"England is a contested territory."
"No enemy plane is gonna fly over right territory."
"The Craze controlled a large area of the East End, where every business, be it legitimate or illegal, paid its dues to the twins."
"It's going to be difficult with you and I because this is like my territory."
"At its peak, Khan commanded territory from Korea on the outskirts of Eastern Asia to present-day Hungary about 11 to 12 million contiguous square miles."
"I started back in the territory days and made that transfer from where the big companies gobbled up pretty much all the top guys and little territories all started dying off."
"The king of the Memphis territory, the man owned the town."
"Loss of territory? The British Empire disintegrated under the rule of Elizabeth II and many people loved her."
"I let you retire. I am, but it's still my street. Not anymore, Gus. Not anymore."
"Han told him that the thugs hadn't stopped on their own but because they had reached his territory."
"In neocolonialism, there is no annexation of territory to the colonizers. The people who inhabit these lands keep their lands."
"We had a small tucked away corner of the cafeteria basically staked out as our territory."
"Welcome to the territory of the Wendigo tribe."
"Athel Loren shall not suffer the presence of Men, nor Orcs, nor Dwarfs, nor Beastmen. If a foe takes a single step upon such sacred soil, they shall not take another."
"This is kind of the high-water mark of the Third Reich. Right? I mean, this is the extent to which they're gonna have their most territory before they make the fateful decision to invade Russia."
"I know every square inch I mow now."
"Every single home in Gaza has maps of the entire state of Israel. It's not a West Bank, it's not a Judea and Samaria, it's about the heart of the biblical Heartland."
"he goes yeah especially here in this territory I said yeah especially this territory."
"We found ourselves a little zone."
"You cannot be a king without territory. You cannot rule nothing."
"I guess this comes with the territory of not really being more saltwater oriented recently."
"This is their domain. This is their area."
"This is my territory. Venture no further."
"None would dare tread unbidden on their domains again."
"Birds sing to let others know that where they are is their space."
"Allow us to take the whole jungle and everything belongs to us."
"the artist and the territory: The Act of Creation is by definition territorial."
"Everything else out there has the advantage over me. I'm in their territory, their atmosphere, they know the area like no, no, no."
"This is the territory that we're in."
"It was luffy and beije who dealt the first major blow to big mons territory in years."
"This is all Cherokee Nation territory over here where we're at, and at one time this was actually allotted Indian land."
"All animals fight each other for territory, all animals establish dominance hierarchies."
"There is a commissioning in this congregation for us to go into particular territory and take it."
"I think of the territory that they can cover if a bear can cover a territory of 100 miles well if you're talking about something that's bigger than a bear it can probably have an even bigger territory."
"The territory from the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river the river Euphrates."
"...there's only so many mature bucks around and when they kick one out of there he's gonna be real lery about ever coming back to that area."
"As colonialism develops over time it becomes about much more, it becomes about land."
"In 1806, with this gentleman's agreement, no man's land was born."
"Anywhere your footstep upon is yours."
"...making Jacksonville their own personal playground."
"I think that the most important point to stress when we speak about the first 50 years, about the beginning, of the Northern Kingdom, is the territorial aspect."
"I'm conquering my space, it's actual space."
"It's primarily a war for people rather than territory."
"Whoever owns praise, whoever owns Judah, whoever owns this central territory in the land, is going to control the whole land."
"So the kingdom of God supposed to be in your house, when people walk on your porch, it's supposed to be a different territory."
"Even though there are considerable factions that control areas of the West and the East, much of the old United States is still left unclaimed."
"The maze was their home, their territory, and they would protect it from all intruders with their lives."
"Male bearded dragons will sit on top of things like fence posts to watch their territory and to watch over their females."
"The original Idaho Territory was not only Idaho but Wyoming and Montana."
"The territory no longer precedes the map, nor does it survive it."
"The Whisperfall Pass: a hotly contested territory between orc tribes."
"The Blood Plains: a region of near constant conflict among orc tribes."
"Blisterwell, a battleground between the Haskadar and One Eye tribes."
"Puerto Rico is the United States Territory whose inhabitants are U.S. citizens."
"A nation will not exist without the language and without a land."
"Most of the times they only will attack if you are in their space and they feel threatened."
"Welcome to Gibraltar, and can't you tell that it is a British territory because we've got the British sky."
"Puerto Rico actually became a U.S. territory in 1898."
"Defending a territory ensures access to food and mates, the driving forces of survival in the wild."
"Mashantucket is not a town or a city or state; it is the territory of a nation."
"Mojo's doing his thing; he's eaten his food, he's gonna go mark his territory."
"This France accounts for almost 20% of all of France's land and a whopping 97% of its ocean territory."
"The swan defended its territory with some fearless aggression."
"Puerto Rico is an American territory... I'm a US citizen since 1917 because Puerto Rico was invaded by the US in 1898."
"They sleep with the sheep, they live with the sheep, and that area, they own it."
"After centuries without a homeland, the Tauren finally had a territory to call their own."
"Wolves roam vast areas of territory."
"Edward now controlled all the territory beneath the Humber."
"You do not just have a job, you have territory."
"God has placed you where he has placed you not just to clock in, not just to get a paycheck, God has placed you there to take territory."
"Almond furiously clenches his fist, understanding that someone is messing with his territory."
"We just literally want to fight off our territory and protect our people."
"That's what I get for bringing my camera in your territory, huh?"
"It's a game of literally picking your battles, making sure you fight for territory you want, but not so much that it leaves you screwed for the next two, three, even four battles."
"It really becomes territorial here, doesn't it?"
"Massive territory... means that they play a huge role in maintaining order throughout the Imperium of Man."
"The idea of personal space is linked to that of territory."
"The people of Wano were strong to the point where the Navy dare not breach into their territory."
"To understand their origin, we must go back to an era where the Thracian territory extended east to modern-day Germany and south to the Caspian Sea."
"The declaration by the Yemen Arab Republic cannot in any way affect Ethiopia’s sovereignty over all the islands in the Red Sea forming part of its national territory."
"Despite their friendly nature, Leanes can be very territorial once a home is marked."
"Get you boy, better go home now, boy. What you doing in my swamp?"
"Remember, we're in their home. Everyone should call weapons down."
"The status of U.S. overseas territory should be determined not by Congress but by the people who live in them."
"Ukraine seized the initiative in its war against Russia, claiming to have recaptured more than 1,000 square miles."
"Can gods on earth build and destroy? Don't will us our turf, so don't get merged."
"What if you had to fight them on their own territory?"
"It is illegal under international law to acquire land by force." - UN Charter
"We're very excited to explore this territory."
"Don't fight on their territory, fight on your territory; use your skills against them."
"You're out of your territory," Johnny warned in a low voice. "You better watch it."
"When God gives you territory, he wants you to build on it."
"This is my manor, blood. You don't mess around here because this is an area of outstanding natural beauty."
"Go: Claim territory by blocking off sections of the board and surrounding each other's stones."
"Breeding pairs hold a foraging territory, and the mating call, rarely heard, is a loud roar."
"In the wild, Taiga and Tundra would roam a territory 18 times the size of Manhattan."
"Putin may be thinking of this as a new 'Crimea is ours' moment."
"Lions act like they own the place, but jaguars, they do own the place."
"Defending territory is a place-making force, and it's a way we show we're attached to a specific location and have created a place we feel we belong."
"The vast amount of land they claimed they sold to us in the Louisiana Purchase, creating what is now the United States."
"The territory of the Joseon dynasty is roughly that of all of Korea today, North and South Korea combined."
"Perfect example of territorial defense."
"On your own territory, you've always got a fighting chance."
"The illegality of the acquisition of territory by force is a corollary of the prohibition of use of force."
"Human beings need clearly defined areas of territory; these are necessary to create self-awareness and essential for the promotion of self-esteem, psychological balance, and well-being."
"Union forces maintain a firm hold on the heart of the territory - the Valley of the Rio Grande."
"The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of 1848 transferred control of more than 500,000 square miles of territory from Mexico to the United States."
"It's all about territory in the natural kingdom."
"The main point is that you need to keep in mind the general principle of neutralizing opponents' forces that affect your territory."
"For a battle to be a strategic victory, it typically would involve the seizure of an important piece of territory at the bare minimum."
"The whole area is neutral, right?"
"From Dan to Beersheba encompassed all of Israel."
"Central to the Royal Proclamation was the separation of lands from those forming French and British parts of North America as an Indian reserve."
"Wars have caused the area to change hands between Germany and France four times in the past 123 years."
"Rubbing is generally a sign of affection but it is also marking their territory, which is you."
"Ferruginus hawks are the reigning eagle of the area if there are no golden eagles."
"Letting go of this formation will cause Tianjin Immortal continent to lose one third of its territory."
"This cat is not giving up its territory to anyone."
"The battle for territory was vicious."
"It's kind of nice knowing there's part of that territory that's yours."
"It's their territory, not ours, and we do best to remember that."
"A lion's role in raising youngsters is to make sure that his territory is not invaded by marauding males unrelated to his offspring."
"Countries are made up. They are just pieces of land with imaginary freaking lines drawn, that people have decided to die for."
"I love this whole area, like this is my zone."
"You're stepping into my territory now, Arm Wars is my ground."
"BrightStar leads his Patrol into sharp Clan territory."
"If we are going to coexist in this land, in this territory, in this place, then we now have to talk about our terms of coexistence."
"Some may view it as a strategic victory for Thailand because it was able to push Lao soldiers out of Ban Rom Klao and the territory that Thailand claims."
"They own the Atlantic, they own the Sargasso Sea."
"It is an area which we call the Predator Zone."
"The land of the promised land belongs to Israel."
"I was a stranger here, unwelcome; this was its domain."
"On February 1st, 2024, an island controlled by France was handed over to Spain without a single shot being fired."
"The evil dragon claimed the mainland as its territory."
"He tells me it's extremely dangerous to go out where I did, and that I was in that thing's territory."
"You should have killed me when you had the chance, now I will walk into your territory and I'm bringing back the championship."
"He finds territory and brings me to eat fresh grass."
"Russian units have lost now an area of land larger than Denmark since Moscow's deepest advance into Ukraine."
"I realized I liked that palette; that was my territory."
"It allows them to dominate bigger tracts of land, find more food, more water, and more females."
"Leopards can be very territorial, so we are hoping he's still going to be in his area."
"He's surveying his potential new kingdom."
"Italy's primary territorial ambitions were things held by Austria."
"You see what happens when lions come into other territories, they get on board or they die."
"We are ready for getting back all our territories, including Crimea."
"You're stepping into your power here, knowing that you're in the right territory."
"The aging Duke of Juma continues to patrol his territory, alert and aware."
"Seen him spraying twice now, of course, scent playing a big role in the definitions of territory here."
"She's just scent-marked, which is wonderful to see that she is laying claim to this little section of Juma."
"That's how they mark their territory."
"Territorial boundaries re-born, very interesting behavior indeed."
"The big bull really strutting his stuff, marking his territory."
"Even so, in the future, I will not show mercy to those who violate my own territory, or I'll let them taste fear thoroughly."
"What distinguishes a nation from an ethnic group or any other collectivity has to be the nation's self-drive desire to achieve political sovereignty within a recognized territory."
"I'm just delighted to be back in my home territory."
"The importance of the calling is to advertise I'm still alive, don't you dare come in here and take my territory."
"We are in the territory of the Sausage Tree pride."
"Birds call to proclaim their territories, to establish bonds between male and female, just for normal communication, for alerting for danger."
"How the lions choose their territory depends on the density of lions."
"If an animal does not keep up its territory, it runs the risk of losing it."
"A male leopard's territory is big, around here is between five to six thousand hectares."
"Most animals are designed to avoid conflict; that's why they mark territories."
"All you see from where you stand belongs to me, it is my land."
"Elephants are not really territorial; however, each family or clan has a specific home range."
"We don't just clap a collar on anybody that just walks into our territory."
"For a male leopard to have held territory in an area for nine years like he has is a testament to just how special he is as an individual."
"Now that he's done with all of that, maybe that's why he's starting to push back to the east."
"The current Changchun Palace is no longer your territory. I urge you to not behave atrociously here."
"She's putting her scent on all the vegetation so that everyone knows that she is the queen around here."
"If you throw this in the general area, a lot of those fish do get more aggressive in defense of the territory."