
Trolls Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"You take those people who are the trolls and the people who think they know better, you put them on one of my juries, in the seven weeks, they'll be singing the same tune."
"Dear trolls, I just don't know if hating a stranger is the best use of your one short life."
"Trolls loved nothing more than to sing, dance, and hug."
"...ignoring trolls and refusing them the attention they crave is a key strategy."
"Don't feed the trolls, they'll stay."
"I've never seen so many trolls. I'm excited about it."
"How do you deal with internet trolls? We say I don't like that question and we move on."
"Honestly, I don't even care about the trolls. Let them troll in the comments."
"The amount of trolls that come out in full force with people who become moms is just unbelievable."
"If you eat all the trolls, you're never going to be happy again."
"Oh, I don't know what it is about the trolls universe but they just make everything seem so lovely."
"Life is too short. If this is making you happy, there's going to be trolls out there everywhere."
"Something I'm working really hard on in 2021 is being nicer to the trolls."
"True happiness is possible without eating trolls."
"Trolls or trolls have a sort of instinct for interestingness of their own."
"While on the surface he may just seem like another goofy king, there was a reason why Peppy was so respected by his fellow Trolls."
"Trolls in general are giant brutish humanoids."
"Just so you know, all you haters, yeah, I'm never feeding the haters. Don't feed the trolls. Often, I probably don't even see a bunch of them, but the ones I see, I block."
"Here they are all the seeds of Maine preserved by the trolls."
"The time has come, my trolls, to achieve my destiny."
"There's a genuine possibility they're also [ __ ] trolls like huge [ __ ] trolls."
"The one rule about the online community is that you never feed the trolls."
"Anybody with a Twitter account knows you can't kill trolls with reality."
"If you respond to a troll they love it it's like I got her yeah."
"As childlings trolls are children in name only they are little adults quickly embracing duty honor stoicism and simplicity."
"A troll is a troll, innit? You gotta take them out first."
"Not too many shows give a voice to the trolls."
"There are trolls that get in here and just live for any excuse to nitpick about anything."
"I was made fun of, I was mocked, a lot of trolls been coming out of the woodworks."
"Not everybody that knows you is rocking with you, oh yeah, that's them trolls for real."
"When it comes to trolls it don't rain forever."
"It's okay to be like the way that you are and look the way that you are. You should love yourself no matter what. People on social media, they don't mean anything. They're just random trolls that are in their mom's basement looking to get a rise out of someone."
"People online are like trolls, and they want to mess with you."
"Don't feed the troll. If you feed the troll, they love it."
"Nowadays, vomit for trolls is a 'you just gotta try it' kind of thing. But hey, sometimes you just gotta go for it."
"Strength skills for trolls? Armbar isn't ideal, but brawler, break tackle, and grab are all solid choices. Guard works on fouls too, which is a bonus."
"The images of giant trolls stomping through the forest and towering above our protagonists are so convincing it almost doesn't even look like CGI."
"It's like, trolls think that they're like guaranteed something."
"Always be open to criticism, stuff when it's just trolls trying to be well don't give in to it."
"All my haters, all my trolls, close your eyes and picture me rolling. It's your boy Floss, I'm out."
"I've found the most nasty, vicious, disgusting internet trolls on there, baby. Every element of what encapsulates Mistress Isabelle Brooks, you can find on Roblox."
"If trolls had the truth, they wouldn't be trolls."
"The only way to defeat trolls is to ignore them, but it's the hardest thing in the world to do."
"Don't engage with trolls. If you engage, they win."
"Yes, let me stop you there. Trolls. Not fairies. We're talking trolls."
"Don't feed the trolls because sometimes that piece of Humble Pie you thought was meant to own them, they just might use as the basis for a bakery that turns into a worldwide chain."
"Trolls possess an ability to regenerate damage almost instantaneously, allowing them to fearlessly explore the wilds."
"Trolls are pretty much the largest; they live in Scandinavia and can reach a whopping 50 feet tall."
"Spread the positivity and have fun making fun of the trolls."
"Ignore the troll, and they will move on to a different topic."
"Just because someone's a troll doesn't mean they never care."
"Did you ever see a troll digging a hole down by the bay?"
"Here's how you deal with trolls: you don't address them, you just don't."
"Ignore the trolls; they mean nothing."
"Never let trolls and comments dictate what kind of riding gear you wear."
"Trolls are one of, if not the most interesting concepts in Homestuck."
"What is always found under a bridge, guys? A Shrek, obviously."
"I love trolls, but they have to be funny."
"Trolls' comments are a zero calorie snack for me. I literally get up and eat them for breakfast."
"The trolls always win; the trolls are undefeated."