
New Relationship Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"New love is entering your life and of course you've got the somebody else in love with you who's not gonna let go."
"I just feel lovely when I'm with Paul. Oh god, this guy is really nice. Very nice."
"Chemistry between you and new love will be off the charts."
"You're getting over the heartbreak, you also have a new lover coming in, it's going to really make you happy."
"A new beginning, emotional and passionate, is on the horizon."
"It's a new relationship things are highly arousing."
"He's cute. That's my brand new XL bully, Quinn. We've gotten along just dandy over the past couple of weeks."
"High priestess could be a water sign coming in for you."
"I have a date lol it's pretty scary how quickly things happened."
"New love is on the horizon, thanks to your powerful energy flow."
"Don't limit yourself just to an old connection, please let me put this out here for you. It's a newer lover coming in, a newer connection coming in."
"New passion coming on in, and this is actually quite a passionate relationship."
"It's a surprise love that comes your way, surprise new love."
"The new person is coming on in, they're willing to do the work, they're willing to do the excavation. They want to see your heart in this presentation."
"Definitely new love coming in for you and I feel like it's a soulmate."
"You have a new love interest around you already, Pisces."
"There's love, this is a new beginning in love."
"Love is coming towards you, a new relationship."
"You feel like a warm home to me, and here is forgive me, I've never felt this way before, I do not know how to act."
"A new relationship blossoms. Seek a union of mind and spirit."
"I would rather when I start my life with my new significant other is a it's a flow it's not a debt trying to pull me down because life after is what's more important"
"This is definitely a new love coming in."
"You're about to find that with this new person. Their heart will become yours, and vice versa, quite quickly."
"It's a new soulmate for many of you, this is your new emperor, this is a new divine masculine here."
"You're going to have to let your guard down and kind of allow this person into your heart space."
"Surprisingly, about a week ago I met someone new and we've been spending a lot of time together."
"I met someone that it does feel right with and that does make me really happy and who I've got a lot in common with, so why shouldn't I move on?"
"A new romance with a spiritual basis is here for you now."
"I met someone and I'm really liking him a lot."
"I had never felt so many butterflies before you."
"Ever since she had started going out with David Graham, it was like Diane's carefully ordered world had suddenly been knocked into a new orbit."
"You may find out that you have a secret admirer, or you may be beginning a relationship this month behind the scenes."
"If you're beginning a relationship this month, it may be a past life one."
"I pledge to release any negative feelings I have towards past love and embrace this new relationship with an open heart."
"I have a new boyfriend, and I can laugh all I want thinking about this time in my life."
"We talked for a long time and a lot of excitement, electricity. Didn't know each other that well, but yet still, you know, felt something really strong."
"It's the start of a perfect love story."
"Nothing like new love in the summer, right?"
"I can't stop smiling. I know I barely know him, but I can't help but be happy."
"Entering a new relationship can be an exciting time, feeling those butterflies when you see that person."
"Beautiful, exciting new development relationship-wise, this could be you meeting someone if you are single."
"She lights your fire, she makes you feel young, you're excited, it's all fresh, you're getting to know each other, and you are in love with her."
"I've only known you for 2 days but in those two days you've made me the happiest man alive."
"He's very different from my ex, more reserved and quiet but sweet."
"After spending just a few nights together, they were already talking about their future."
"You might be dealing with a brand new person who could be a soulmate."
"Have the courage to dive right on into this new relationship, know your worth."
"You're getting somebody new, a real sweetheart."
"This is a new love, a new love story in this life."
"This new person is like a breath of fresh air."
"You're headed towards love, commitment, and stability with someone new."
"This new person is going to make you very happy."
"You're going to be very attracted to this new person; they're a soulmate."
"There's someone new that's coming into your life with whom you're gonna be having a beautiful connection."
"Your reward will be everything back that you lost and a new love."
"You're about to start a new connection with someone."
"You're going to be getting a new relationship because you've done the work as far as healing."
"You have a new love coming into your life, Pisces."
"You have a new love coming in; you are ending a cycle."
"This new person is not going to do that; they're going to make you so happy."
"This new person is going to make you very happy, like with the 10 of Cups, that's like emotional fulfillment."
"You're changing your story and this year 2024 is a big year for you to meet soulmate and it starts with a spark of passion and chemistry between someone new here."
"This person wants to give you their everything when you get the ace of cups, it is a new offer of love."
"There's some sort of past life connection between you and this new person that's coming on in."
"Love is in the air, we love this concern, new lover, and look at that, amazing."
"This new love is definitely going to be healing for you, they're going to be patient with you."
"You have a new love that is very understanding, very emotional."
"There is new love on the table that's bringing you a lot of happiness."
"Love is definitely coming your way, and it's a deep love, a romantic love, and it's a fun, friendly love."
"This feels like this is someone new you're headed towards, or a new person is headed towards you."